艾滋病疫情严峻 广西大力推进防艾攻坚工程

艾滋病疫情严峻 广西大力推进防艾攻坚工程


艾滋病疫情严峻 广西大力推进防艾攻坚工程
    来源:人民网 2010年07月30日05:28
  人民网南宁7月29日电 (见习记者张红璐)记者今日从广西深化医药卫生体制改革工作推进会上了解到,今年广西艾滋病疫情面临严峻形势,自治区党委、政府全面启动防治攻坚工程,目前防艾工作已经取得初步成效。



  在经费投入上,从今年起,自治区本级财政预算每年安排5000万元的防治艾滋病专项经费,达到全区人均1元的标准。在立法方面,自治区防艾办会同自治区法制办联合下文,开展《广西艾滋病防治办法》-《广西壮族自治区艾滋病防治办法》 立法后的评估工作。在防治措施方面,广西建立以14个市为中心的艾滋病监测和实验室服务网络,加强疫情监测,掌握艾滋病的流行趋势,指导制定防治对策,有效管理传染源,降低艾滋病的二代传播。此外,广西各级各部门还加大宣传力度,开展了一系列防艾政策的宣讲活动。

  在多项政策措施的推动下,广西的防艾工作取得了初步成效。目前,广西67个美沙酮社区维持治疗门诊累计为21395人提供服务,每日在治8200人;123个针具交换点开展清洁针具交换工作,每月平均干预吸毒人员9178人;全区已有9个市开展男男性行为人权干预工作,1至6月广西月均有3313人接受健康教育。此外,广西还为33万多名孕产妇提供HIV抗体检测,为艾滋病病毒感染孕产妇及所生婴儿提供了预防母婴传播的干预措施,免费抗病毒药物服用率为78%。广西共有43家医疗机构开展免费抗病毒治疗,累计治疗艾滋病病毒感染者和病人14765万人,在为降低艾滋病病人死亡率及控制艾滋病在广西的传播起到重要作用。 (来源:人民网-广西频道)

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  • AIDS epidemic severe poverty projects in Guangxi and vigorously promote AIDS prevention
    Source: People's Network at 05:28 on the July 30, 2010
    People's Network in Nanning on July 29 (Xinhua trainee reporter Zhang Honglu) at the press today from the Guangxi deepen the medical and health system work to promote the meeting that this year, the grim situation facing the AIDS epidemic in Guangxi, the regional party committee, the Government launched a comprehensive combat poverty projects, the current AIDS prevention work has achieved initial results.

    As of June 30, the cumulative reported HIV infection in Guangxi and a total of 57,356 cases of patients, of which 40,066 cases of HIV infection, AIDS patients, 17,290 cases, 10,858 cases of death. According to statistics, from January to June this year, Guangxi reports of patients with HIV and a total of 6668 cases. Among them, 3822 cases of HIV infection than the same period in 2009 (3,667 cases) increased 4.2%; 2846 cases of AIDS patients, compared with the same period in 2009 (1,844 cases) increased 54.3%. In the report, HIV and AIDS patients through sexual transmission accounted for 76%. Currently, Guangxi cumulative number of reported HIV infection among the top five of the city of Liuzhou, Nanning, Qinzhou, Hezhou and Guigang, the AIDS epidemic is facing a serious situation.

    The momentum to curb the AIDS epidemic, the regional party committee, the government decided this year launched a five-year AIDS prevention and poverty projects, and the inclusion of AIDS prevention in medical and health system, and comprehensively promote AIDS prevention and control system, the basic capacity building. To strengthen leadership, autonomous regional party committee set up by the Standing Committee, Vice Chairman Li Jinzao of poverty projects for the head of the leading group, and the annual AIDS task as municipal departments evaluate an important part of the annual job performance.

    Invested in the funds, from this year, the autonomous region level budgetary arrangements for 50 million yuan each year special funds to combat AIDS, up 1 per capita standards of the region. In terms of legislation, autonomous regions and AIDS prevention in conjunction with regional Office of Legislative Affairs Office of the joint below, to carry out "means Guangxi AIDS" - "Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region AIDS Prevention and Control Measures" after the evaluation of legislation. The prevention and treatment measures, to 14 cities in Guangxi to establish the center of AIDS surveillance and laboratory services network, strengthen surveillance, control the AIDS epidemic trends, guide the development of countermeasures, the effective management of the source of infection, reduce transmission of AIDS II. In addition, departments at all levels in Guangxi also step up publicity, a series of AIDS prevention policy, propaganda activities.

    In a number of policy measures under the impetus of the AIDS prevention in Guangxi achieved initial success. Currently, Guangxi, 67 outpatient methadone maintenance treatment accumulatively 21,395 community to provide services to 8,200 people daily in the treatment; 123 needle exchange points for needle exchange work, a monthly average of 9178 people interfere with drug users; the region has 9 City to carry out human rights intervention MSM, from January to June 3313 in Guangxi are accepted by health education. In addition, Guangxi has more than 330,000 pregnant women to provide HIV antibody testing for HIV infected pregnant women and infants born to provide PMTCT interventions, free anti-retroviral take rate of 78%. Guangxi total of 43 medical institutions in providing free antiretroviral treatment, total treatment of patients with HIV infection and 14,765 people, in order to reduce AIDS mortality and control the spread of AIDS in the Guangxi play an important role. (Source: PRC - Guangxi Channel)


[ 作者:佚名    转贴自:本站原创    点击数:196    更新时间:2010-7-30    文章录入:nnb ]