http://www.ahradio.com.cn 2010-07-16 20:20
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Hainan: present along the travel route of HIV transmission diffusion situation
http://www.ahradio.com.cn 2010-07-16 20:20
Xinhua Haikou July 16 (Xinhua Xia Guan M) reporter learned from the Hainan Provincial Office of AIDS prevention, as of June 30, 2010, Hainan Province had reported 845 cases of HIV antibody positive and have spread along the trend of tourist routes.
15, 2010 held in Hainan Province, the General Assembly on AIDS policy propaganda, at present, Hainan is still a low HIV prevalence areas, the epidemic covering 18 cities and counties across the province, the number of reported outbreaks ranks 25th, with a total population prevalence ranked 16. However, in Hainan province, HIV in different regions showing a different communication situation.
Hainan Province, said health department director Bai Zhiqin, the spread of AIDS in Hainan Province channels from 5 years ago, injecting drug use spread mainly into the main sexually transmitted. The eastern province, northeast of transmission of AIDS by sexual contact, there spread along the trend of tourist routes. Some tourist hot spots along the route as the main areas the spread of AIDS, and sustainable growth. Among them 845 cases of HIV positive persons, to 170 cases in Sanya, Wanning and Lingshui were 25 cases and 19 cases, these areas are in the tourist hot spots.
In other areas, west, southwest, south to shared drug syringes spread mainly distributed along the fishing market towns, slowing the momentum of rapid growth; imported cases in the central mountains to the main trend was spreading. In addition, the infection rate of male behavior was faster growth.
China's deputy director of CDC, said Wang Ning, Hainan Province, the spread of HIV, though still in a low-fat state, but considering the increase in international tourism island-building strategy for the country, tourism will continue to heat up, Hainan Province, an influx of foreign tourists The mobile population is also more difficult to bring AIDS prevention and control.
Baizhi Qin said the next step in AIDS prevention work will focus on strong public education, particularly to implement AIDS prevention health education in middle and primary students, while strengthening the floating population in rural areas and AIDS.