


    2010-06-25 18:29:25      来源:中国日报网









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  • United Nations Development Programme and the Law Commission set up the Global AIDS
    2010-06-25 18:29:25 From: China Daily
    United Nations Development Programme on June 24, today set up a global AIDS and Legal Committee. The activities of the UNAIDS Secretariat. The committee set up to promote better understanding of the legal environment for AIDS prevention and control of the country. The Committee will focus on how laws and law enforcement support, not impede effective AIDS.

    Global AIDS and the Law Committee brings together a number of world-renowned public leaders. Law, public health, human rights and AIDS experts will support the work of the Commission. Members will collect and share legal and law enforcement on the AIDS virus, HIV and AIDS affect the level of evidence of vulnerable populations. How to make the law more they will promote HIV prevention and support services universal access proposals. Regional hearings as an important innovation, the law will impact directly affected by AIDS-related people and policy makers to provide a space for dialogue. This direct interaction is vital. It has long been recognized that all AIDS prevention and control laws are an important part of the work, either written law or traditional law enforcement or judicial involvement. All of these can help determine the HIV infected people and people affected by HIV can access services, to protect themselves and live with dignity.

    However, nearly 30 years since the AIDS epidemic in many countries the legal environment of weakened negative AIDS prevention, rather than support and protect those in need. On HIV transmission or exposure to inappropriate increases crime law would prevent people from testing for HIV or HIV status publicly. On the MSM and degeneration groups, drug users and sex workers, the criminalization of the law would increase the susceptibility groups to provide necessary services such as prevention or treatment more difficult. In some countries, legal and law enforcement can not be marital and extra-marital rape in the protection of women, increasing women's vulnerability to HIV.

    At the same time, many law infected with HIV and vulnerable populations have a positive impact example. These laws protect the rights of those infected get treatment, work, school and military environment of non-discrimination and protection of prisoners have AIDS prevention-related services. That ensure women's equal inheritance and property laws effectively reduce AIDS on women, children, families and communities.

    There are currently more than 400 million infected people and patients are receiving life-saving treatment, new HIV infections in 2008 than in 2001, down 17%, which indicate that there is hope to enter a turning point in the AIDS epidemic. In order to achieve comprehensive development in all countries can and objectives and the Millennium Development Goals, punitive laws and human rights violations and other long-standing obstacles need to be overcome.

    Helen Clark said UNDP Administrator, the next stage of AIDS must focus on improving the legal, regulatory and social environment, to promote human rights and gender equality. "Now there are 106 countries reported the existence of a serious impediment to effective laws and policies on AIDS prevention. We need a can to protect and promote HIV-susceptible populations, populations affected by AIDS and HIV rights environment." Clark said.

    Michel Sidibe, UNAIDS Executive Director, as the elimination of punitive laws UNAIDS priority areas. "Now is the focus to AIDS prevention for people who do not have the opportunity to speak the time," he said, "we must be living with HIV and AIDS virus susceptible to work together. By changing the unfavorable legal environment, we can help build a future without AIDS, the leaders of the era. "

    Global AIDS and the Law Committee widely from partners and stakeholders to support, including the Ford Foundation, the Australian Agency for International Development, including donors. Australia's AIDS Ambassador Procter, expressed strong support for the Commission and the Commission's work. "We commend the United Nations Development Programme and UNAIDS to promote the work bravely, and we welcome the opportunity to help and support."

    The work of the Commission for 18 months, focusing on how to make legal services in an effective AIDS response, to a worldwide social mobilization and the promotion of open dialogue. The Commission's findings and recommendations will be published in December 2011. (Source: United Nations Development Programme)


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