来源:北国网-时代商报 2010年06月20日01:30
南非不安全,这是人们对于南非社会治安的解读。南非还有比治安更可怕的地方,那就是高得离谱的艾滋病患者和病毒携带者的人数。 根据联合国卫生组织统计,在南非,感染人数高达570万,这个数字意味着每十个人中就有一个是艾滋病毒携带者。这是一个什么概念呢?在世界杯的开幕式现场,大约到场8万名南非球迷,这里面就有8000个艾滋病毒携带者或者是艾滋病患者。如果这是在国内,我想没有谁愿意去球场看球了,因为恐惧。
特约记者 金鑫当地时间6月18日23点电自南非约翰内斯堡
- 艾滋病早期治疗是康复与延长30~60年生命的保
- 艾滋病免疫重建的重要意义是挽救生命的根本
- 从食品植物研究开发的治疗艾滋病新药三合皂甙
- 康生丹颗粒免疫实验提示符合艾滋病、肿瘤等应
- 鸡尾酒疗法并非万能,抗药性与毒副作用导致联合疗法与中药疗法应用的迫切性
- 公布几例康生丹治疗艾滋病的检测报告照片
- 康生丹配合西药治疗AIDS总结
- 三合皂甙,康生丹片
- 中药康生丹治愈艾滋病中医论析
Business Times: AIDS! Fright? Is a problem
Source: Bei Guo Net - Business Times at half past one on June 20, 2010
Because the concept of cultural tradition, Chinese people for HIV has innate prejudices and fears. While national leaders have on many occasions to the hospital to comfort AIDS patients, and even shook hands cordially with them, not enough to dispel the fear that once it was infected with HIV, not only to bear the pain of torture, but also to put social pressure, many chose the limelight.
South Africa's insecurity, which is one interpretation for the South African social order. There are more terrible than the law and order in South Africa where it is abnormally high in patients with AIDS and the number of people living with HIV. According to the World Health Organization statistics, in South Africa, infected up 5.7 million, this figure means that one in every ten people are living with HIV. What is this idea? In the World Cup opening ceremony, around 80 000 South African fans to the scene, there is there are 8,000 people living with HIV or AIDS. If this is in the country, I do not think who would be willing to pitch ballpark, because of fear.
Came to South Africa two weeks, and the beginning of every day suspense issue of security, the fear of being robbed, he ran the local people, always felt strange eyes of others, afraid of people looting, and now gradually adapted. You will find that people are friendly greetings to you and not malicious, is the fear for their own wear colored glasses. Gradually, he could face up to their open, friendly, playing the greeting, get them a friendly smile.
When I started to look at this rationally, when the community has found some problems much more serious than imagined. Several times to the supermarket to buy daily necessities, I often will find the crowd in the queue before and after total body very thin, even very hard for people to walk, the landlord told me that these are the onset of AIDS patients have their life time has not much. Because of their education and cultural background, I naturally fear. Although from a medical point of view, no body fluids and blood contact, HIV is not spread and can be living in such an environment, able to stride takes enough courage. And when you know that might seem very normal cashier may also be living with HIV, how to maintain emotional stability? So, we live in the same apartment reporters into the room the first thing to wash hands with soap is the most consumed every day household items.
Local students told us that they first college class, that is, universal access to AIDS knowledge for everyone, in the classroom atmosphere without serious guard, but relaxed, they are not from the moral point of view was much more From a medical point of view attempts.
Living in South Africa, I often found in the toilet there for all to use free condoms. In the supermarket, the largest area in addition to the famous local red wine, that is, the counter sale of various brands of condoms. This also illustrates the South African government has been hard. But unfortunately, all this still did not reduce the proportion of HIV infections, where AIDS, HIV infection, first in the world.
World Cup has arrived, along with the World Cup, the arrival of prostitutes from around the world, according to statistics, there are as many as 50,000, the World Cup is the pot of gold, no one wanted to miss in the opening day, I was in the stadium out to see some women wearing unusual, but also to see the fans who came to strike up. I worry for them, a moment of happiness, brought to life in the fall of the possible.
Before the World Cup, the South African local government is under great efforts to rectify, and even the local beauty posing as police stations street wearing women exposed to combat prostitution. Only regret is that in the United States and Slovenia game, on goal in the second half after Slovenia stands, I noticed a detail, the fans will be blowing into a condom balloon pass each other. Stands between fans and friendly delivery in just two minutes after stadium staff to maintain order away. Do not know that this scene, the South African government and UNAIDS are happy or worry?
Correspondent Jinxin local at 23 o'clock on the June 18 call from Johannesburg, South Africa