我国新发艾滋病近8成为性传播 同性恋感染率高
2010年06月16日 13:32:31 来源: 东方今报 编辑: 张朝华 【字号 大小】【留言】【打印】【关闭】 |
2010年06月16日13:32:31 來源: 東方今報編輯: 張朝華
“近年海洛因流入我國明顯減少,但是一些大中城市娛樂場所吸食、販售新型毒品的情況日益突出。”培訓會上,國家禁毒委辦公室副主任、公安部禁毒局副局長陳緒富通報了我國禁毒取得的成果。 “艾滋病防治依然任重道遠。”國務院防治艾滋病工作委員會辦公室主任助理、中國疾病預防控制中心性病艾滋病預防控制中心書記韓孟杰介紹,截至2009年年底,我國存活的艾滋病感染者和病人達74萬人。
目前,中國超過百分之九十九的臨床用血都來自無償獻血,但血站普遍使用的檢測艾滋病抗體的方法尚無法測出“窗口期”的病毒。 “有個別人為了檢查自己是不是得了艾滋病,就不停地去獻血點獻血。”陳清峰表示,即使使用最先進的檢測手段,也不排除漏掉個別在“窗口期”的艾滋病病毒感染者。
有人擔心蚊子嘴上的殘留血液可能帶有艾滋病病毒,會傳染給他人。但一些研究發現,蚊子嘴上的殘血量僅有0.00004毫升,病毒含量當然更不夠。而且,當帶有艾滋病病毒的血被蚊子吸入後,艾滋病病毒在2~3天內即被蚊子消化、破壞而完全消失。 “也就是說,200多只蚊子同時叮咬一個艾滋病人,同時再叮咬另一個人,這個人才有可能感染上艾滋病病毒。”這種可能性,自然是微乎其微。
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艾滋病成为第一大死因病种[刘君]的对策与思考My almost 8 as new HIV infection rate of sexually transmitted gay
June 16, 2010 13:32:31 Source: Eastern newspaper editors today: Zhao-Hua Zhang
June 7 to 11, Press and Publication Administration held in Guangxi, the national press in the second batch of anti-drug propaganda and AIDS prevention study and training visits in 107 newspapers from all 137 media reporters and editors took part in the event. Activities, the National Narcotics Control Commission, the State Council AIDS Working Committee Office, the person in charge of anti-aids drug control situation in China, new HIV Nearly a sexually transmitted, HIV infection rates in gay high as 10%.
● Nearly as new HIV sexual transmission
"In recent years significantly reduced heroin into the country, but some cities entertainment smoking, selling new drugs is becoming more prominent." Train at the National Narcotics Control Office of the Deputy Director, Ministry of Public Security Deputy Secretary for Narcotics, Chen Xu Fu informed of Drug Control the results achieved. "AIDS is still long way to go." The State Council AIDS Working Committee Office of the Assistant Director, China Centre for Disease Control and Prevention STD and AIDS prevention and control center secretary Han Mengjie introduced at the end of 2009, the survival of our patients with AIDS and 74 million people.
China's first AIDS infection through blood to illegal blood collection and supply that is transmitted. Later, became the main mode of transmission when sharing contaminated injection drug needles. Now, nearly eight a new HIV sexual transmission.
According to the survey, new infections in 2009 were about 4.8 million, of which 42.2% through heterosexual sexual transmission, 32.5% transmitted through homosexual sex. Office of the State Council AIDS prevention in 61 cities across the country 18 101 high-risk personnel in the survey, results showed: male sex, infection with HIV as high as 4.9%. Chongqing, Kunming, Chengdu, Guiyang, high-risk groups in four cities, the survey showed that HIV infection rates in gay high as 10%.
● can not, do not have blood transfusion
"Can not, do not have blood transfusion, blood transfusion is not 100 percent safe." Office of Policy Coordination Department of the State Council AIDS prevention director Chen Qingfeng re-emphasize the subject.
Currently, more than 99 percent of blood for clinical use came from voluntary blood donation, but blood banks commonly used method of detection of HIV antibodies could not be detected "window period" of the virus. "In order to examine their own individual people is not got AIDS, they kept to donate blood Dian blood." Chen Qingfeng said that even the most advanced detection means, do not rule out the missing individual in the "window period" of HIV infection.
Chen Qingfeng revealed that, in order to better protect the blood for clinical safety and the recipient's health, the health sector began brewing in the national blood banks to implement more advanced detection technology, the "window period" of the virus detection rate and accuracy than detection means now much higher.
● worry about mosquito bites and infection
"If more than 200 mosquito bites an AIDS the same time, and then bites a person at the same time, this talent is likely infected with HIV." Chen Qingfeng said.
Mosquito-borne disease, generally there are two modes of transmission: spread of biological and mechanical transmission. The so-called biological transmission of pathogens is experienced in mosquito development and proliferation phase, and then spread to others, such as Japanese encephalitis virus. However, HIV is neither development nor in the mosquito proliferation, it is not possible through the spread of biological way.
Some people worry that the residual mosquito mouth may carry HIV blood will be spread to others. However, some studies found that the residual mosquito mouth only 0.00004 ml blood, the virus content of course not. And when the blood with the AIDS virus, a mosquito inhalation, the AIDS virus in 2 to 3 days Jibei mosquito digestion, destruction disappeared. "In other words, more than 200 mosquito bites an AIDS while at the same time and then bites another person, this talent is likely to be infected with HIV." Possibility, nature is minimal.
● saliva than in 5 million probability of transmission is lower
"Spread through the saliva of AIDS, more than 5 million grand prize in the lower probability." Chen Qingfeng remind you, daily contact, dining, courtesy of kissing does not spread AIDS.
AIDS need to meet the conditions for the exchange of body fluids through body fluids removed, the virus survived, enough fluid, body fluids into the four conditions and procedures, will spread HIV. When kissing for the AIDS virus carriers, the saliva of AIDS virus, but is extremely rare, far below the standard transmission, it is impossible to kiss the spread of AIDS.
However, deep kissing, if one has AIDS, the other not, while both sides have ulcerated mouth bleeding, so the blood in the kissing in the process of exchange and a certain amount, it is possible the spread of AIDS.