岁艾滋女孩渴望上幼儿园 一家三口都感染艾滋病

岁艾滋女孩渴望上幼儿园 一家三口都感染艾滋病


4岁艾滋女孩渴望上幼儿园 一家三口都感染艾滋病
   2010年05月28日 10:04 来源:钱江晚报 











  现在,夫妻两个最牵挂的是他们的女儿小颖颖。“她还这么小,还没有享受生活的美好,现在连幼儿园也不敢上,也没钱给她上,我们对不起她啊。”父亲愧疚地说。(记者 林丹 通讯员 黄彩红)4歲艾滋女孩渴望上幼兒園一家三口都感染艾滋病
2010年05月28日10:04 來源:錢江晚報




“鄰居都知道我們家的事情,不讓家裡的孩子跟她玩。”奶奶說,雖然大人都知道孩子一起玩不會傳染,但心裡始終有芥蒂。沒了小伙伴,穎穎其實很寂寞。 “得上幼兒園了,她這個狀況,我們不知道怎麼辦。”奶奶說,他們怕被幼兒園拒絕,所以也沒有去打聽過。



“關愛家園”中心主任時代強說,孩子因為對藥物治療的依從性差、加上藥物對生長發育的影響,他們患病後的風險比成人要大,國外數據顯示,這樣的孩子存活期沒有超過15歲的。 “希望隨著艾滋病治療藥物研究的進展,能提供更好的治療方案。”




現在,夫妻兩個最牽掛的是他們的女兒小穎穎。 “她還這麼小,還沒有享受生活的美好,現在連幼兒園也不敢上,也沒錢給她上,我們對不起她啊。”父親愧疚地說。 (記者 林丹 通訊員 黃彩紅)


  • 艾滋病早期治疗是康复与延长30~60年生命的保
  • 艾滋病免疫重建的重要意义是挽救生命的根本
  • 从食品植物研究开发的治疗艾滋病新药三合皂甙
  • 康生丹颗粒免疫实验提示符合艾滋病、肿瘤等应
  • 鸡尾酒疗法并非万能,抗药性与毒副作用导致联合疗法与中药疗法应用的迫切性
  • 公布几例康生丹治疗艾滋病的检测报告照片
  • 康生丹配合西药治疗AIDS总结
  • 三合皂甙,康生丹片
  • 中药康生丹治愈艾滋病中医论析
  • 艾滋病成为第一大死因病种[刘君]的对策与思考4-year-old girl eager to kindergarten HIV are infected with AIDS, a family of three
    At 10:04 on the May 28, 2010 Source: Qianjiang Evening News
    Yesterday, Hangzhou Sixth People's Hospital as a "care home" volunteers, visited Hangzhou, one in poverty to survive "HIV family."

    4-year-old girl Ying-ying (a pseudonym) and, like all parents have after the onset of HIV infection, a family of three are currently receiving HIV-specific cocktail.
    The family, the father at home idle, the mother to work in a factory to make ends meet, girls Ying-ying did not dare do expect in kindergarten.

    Lonely Little Ying-ying no playmates

    To see the doctors and journalists, Ying-ying 瞪着大眼睛, come to see, in particular, awareness, and always refused to close to us, just stubborn Min Zhao mouth.
    Received the "Care home" to send a toy train, Ying-ying went to the side of good time put it down.

    "Neighbors know about our things, not to play with her children at home." Grandma said that while the adults all know that children play with can not be transmitted, but the heart always grudge. Not a junior partner, Ying-ying is very lonely.
    "Was in kindergarten, and she this situation, we do not know how to do." Grandma said they fear being rejected kindergartens, so it does not play heard.

    In the "care home" registered HIV-infected persons, there have been many families "of HIV family", their children and are very close to the age of Ying-ying.

    "Children have to take medicine every day, eat the tablets with different adults and is a liquid, and taste a little sweet." Nevertheless, Ying-ying is still very resistant to taking medicine, my father can only be given medicines devices
    poured down again to drugs.

    "Care home" Strong said director of the Center of the times, the children because of poor adherence to drug treatment, combined with the impact of drugs on the growth and development, their risk of illness than adults, after the large, foreign data, such as child survival does not exceed 15 years old.
    "I hope with the progress of the study drugs for treating AIDS, to provide better treatment."

    "Cocktail" therapy played a role

    Ying-ying's father yong (a pseudonym) is a family first diagnosed. Late last year, he repeated coughing due to suspected tuberculosis, but the inspection found to be infected with HIV, then, his wife and daughter after another confirmed. The news, once so frail he was able to survive.
    CDC staff recalled: "We had to carry out epidemiological investigations, he has been unable to get out of bed." Fortunately, the cocktail therapy played a role for him now that he, at first glance different from normal people.

    Yesterday we did not see yong's wife, she was factory. Although the treatment of HIV drugs available free of charge, but the complications of treatment still need to spend their own money, she must work.
    Yong said he looking for a job, but since the illness, he will lose their jobs.

    Now, the husband and wife are the two most concerned about their daughter Ying-ying. "She is so small, do not enjoy the good life, and now even the kindergartens are not, there are also no money for her, we are sorry for her ah." Said the father guilty.
    (Xinhua correspondent Lindane yellow color red)



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