Open-source Adium becomes e

ven more divine in Version 1


Adium makes the Gooner in me happy

If you're a Mac user and are still slumming with iChat, it's time that you used Adium. Let's just say that God was busy creating Adium on the eighth day....

For those who have been using open-source Adium, it just got eve adidas 35th anniversary n better. Now with Facebook integration, easier and more powerful search, and more, Adium 1.3 rocks.

This release improves almost every aspect of Adium, ranging from perf 

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 ormance and memory to Facebook chat support, and from user interface polish to much improved MSN support with personal messages (finally!). A brand new, gorgeous Contact Inspector brings together all a contact's inform 

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 ation in one place - coalescing combined contacts' information and accessing your Apple Address Book to give you at-a-glance information, and intuitive live searching in the Standard Contact List makes it a snap t 

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 o find your friends.

No, Adium is not perfect (It gets fidgety with file transfers, for example), but it's so amazingly customizable that it has become one of my top five applications on my Mac. If you use a Mac, g adida shoes et Adium. Soon you, too, can dress up your icon in Arsenal colors. :-)

UPDATE: I just tested file transfers in the 1.3, and it actually works! Manna!

Matt Asay is chief operating officer at Canonical, t 

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 he company behind the Ubuntu Linux operating system. Prior to Canonical, Matt was general manager of the Americas division and vice president of business development at Alfresco, an open-source applications  

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 company. Matt brings a decade of in-the-trenches open-source business and legal experience to The Open Road, with an emphasis on emerging open-source business strategies and opportunities. He is a member of th 

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 e CNET Blog Network and is not an employee of CNET. You can follow Matt on Twitter @mjasay. Topics: Industry news, Product review Tags: Adium, open source Share: Digg Reddit Facebook Twitter