with TimeDriver
The meeting time broker TimeDriver, which has been in closed testing since I covered it back in January, will finally enter its public beta period on Monday. I had a chanc black puma sneakers e to play with the product Thursday. For a lot of people, this service could be a great help.
TimeDriver is designed to help people who need to schedule a lot of one-on-one meetings. If you're interviewing j puma shoe ob candidates, for example, or taking appointments with customers, you can set up either one-time or recurring blocks of time, and send people links that let them grab appointment times in those blocks that remain unclaimed. juicy boots
You can also just put a link on your Web page or in your e-mails and take appointments from anyone. Yikes.
My time is yours. Live demo. Try it.
TimeDriver can adidas adicolor link to Google or Outlook calendars if you want to make sure you're not booking appointments on top of your one-off meetings, and the system will then write appointments back into your calendar when people claim t replica gucci shirts imes. There are advanced options that can prevent people from scheduling last-minute meetings or from seeing more than a few time slots; you wouldn't want to look unbusy, would you? But there's no way to autom juicy couture totes atically enforce buffer times between meetings, which might matter if you make house calls.
The service has tools to send out blast e-mails to people (for example, job cand juicy sneakers idates you want to interview) and will track all their responses. Coming soon is a new Outlook plug-in that will let you send meeting requests from within your Outlook client itself; addidas sneakers in the current version you can only manage mass meeting invitations from within TimeDriver.
My weekly demo timeslots.
TimeDriver is a different beast than a meeting negotiation product like T puma ferrari shoes yellow imeBridge, which allows for multi-person meetings and encourages a form of voting on best times to meet. That kind of solution is better for people like me who treat each meeting sep tshirts for men arately; TimeDriver is better for people who see one meeting as much like the next.
The basic TimeDriver service is free. Paid and enterprise versions will get additional features, such as calendar pooling- pink pumas shoes -so multiple people can service appointment requests--analytics tools, and custom branding options.
Future versions may include variable privacy, so specific people or groups can see more detail of your calenda men tshirts r, or so some users need confirmation from you before a meeting is booked, but others don't.
I look forward to seeing this tool integrated into other online customer management solutions, like Salesforce.com. O gucci replica shirts r better yet, adopted by my dentist.
See also: Timebridge (review), Jiffle (formerly iPolipo; review), ScheduleOnce (review).
Rafe Needleman writes about start-ups, new technologies, and Web 2.0 products, as editor of CNET's Webware. E-mail Rafe. Topics: Productivity and business Tags: TimeTrade, TimeDriver, scheduling, meeting Share: Digg Del.icio.us Reddit Facebook Twitter