


Fashion Milan International Furniture Fair 2010, the Modern Museum impression



米兰设计周(Milan Design Week)被称为世界“流行趋势的风向标”, 全球家具业的“奥林匹克”盛会米兰国际家具展是世界三大家具展览之一。从1961年创办到2010年已经有49年的历史,意大利米兰设计周已经成为一个融合了设计、家具和相关领域高端学术研究和顶尖商业活动的先锋平台。持续一周的2010年米兰设计周展览让整个城市都变成创意的海洋,它是全世界家具、家居、建筑、服装、配饰、灯具、设计专业人士每年一度“朝圣”的设计圣地。以下是对本届米兰设计周的介绍:

被称为世界三大家具展览之一的米兰国际家具展,自1961年举办以来形成了米兰国际家具展、米兰国际灯具展、米兰国际家具 半成品及配件展、卫星沙龙展等系列展览。随着这个名符其实的“展会系统”的完善,使意大利家具业屡屡打破纪录,它已连续多年成为世界上最大的家具和装饰产 品出口国。米兰家具展已由一个普通的展览会变成了国际上一个令人神往的地方、是各品牌企业把产品投放市场而产生震撼的地方。

米兰家具展均在每年的 四月中旬举行,包括每年举办的居家家具展和装饰配套展,其中每两年一次的灯具展是按奇数年举办,而厨房家具展和办公家具展则逢偶数年举办。2009年意大 利米兰国际家具灯具展的展出总面积达到了49万平方米,净面积为202,350平方米,使用了新国际展览中心的所有20个展馆,其中米兰国际家具展(第 48届)和米兰国际家具装饰配套展(第23届)的净面积为155,350平方米、欧洲国际照明展(第25届)的净面积为43,000平方米、米兰国际卫星 沙龙展(第12届)的净面积为4,000平方米。到会的专业买家达到了313,385名,其中意大利本土买家有135,621名,国外买家比本土买家多了 8万多名,达到182,379名。共有参展商2,723家,其中911家为外国公司。在所有参展公司中,米兰国际家具展和米兰国际家具装饰配套展的参展商 为1,496家,其中外国参展商为317家,来自30个国家和地区;欧洲国际照明展的参展商为525家,其中外国参展商为174家,来自25个国家和地 区;米兰国际卫星沙龙展的参展商为702家,其中外国参展商为420家,来自36个国家和地区。

1、米兰国际家具展Salone Internazionale del Mobile (一年一次)
3、国际家具配件展International Furnishing Accessories Exhibition(一年一次)
4、国际灯具展International Lighting Exhibition(奇数年举办)
5、国际厨房家具展International Kitchen Furniture Exhibition(偶数年举办)
6、国际办公用品双年展International Biennial Workspace Exhibition(偶数年举办)
7、国际卫浴展International Bathroom Exhibition(偶数年举办)
8、国际家具工业配件和半成品展International Exhibition of Accessories and Semifinished Products for the Furniture Industry(偶数年举办)



Milan Design Week (Milan Design Week) has been called the world "trend of the benchmark", the global furniture industry, "Olympic" event in Milan International Furniture Fair is the world's one of the three major furniture exhibition. From 1961 to 2010, has been founded 49 years of history, Italy Milan Design Week has become a fusion of design, high-end furniture and related areas of academic research and commercial activities leading pioneer platform. A week of the 2010 Milan Design Week exhibition for the whole city into a creative ocean, it is the world's furniture, household, construction, clothing, accessories, lighting, design professionals, the annual "pilgrimage" in the design of the Holy Land. The following is a description of the current Milan Design Week:

Show time
April 14, 2010 -19 days
The new international exhibition center in Milan
Bathroom, living room, bedroom, dining room, lobby furniture, lamps, hall and garden decoration, vines of furniture, children furniture, suspended furniture, temporary furniture, metal furniture, garden furniture, kitchen Furniture, office furniture, etc.
Known as one of the world's three major furniture exhibition in Milan International Furniture Fair, held since 1961, has formed the Milan International Furniture Fair, Milan International Lighting Fair, Milan International Furniture Fair semi-finished products and accessories, satellite salon series exhibition. With the pun on "show system" to perfect the Italian furniture industry repeatedly break the record, it has been for many years to become the world's largest exporter of furniture and decorative products. Milan Furniture Fair has become a regular international place a fascinating is the product of various brands on the market place caused by shock.

Milan Furniture Fair are held in mid-April each year, including the annual Furniture Fair held in the home and decoration supporting the exhibition, which is a biennial exhibition of lamps held by odd-numbered years, while the Kitchen Furniture and Office Furniture is every even-numbered years hold. Milan International Furniture 2009 exhibition display lighting up the total area of 49 square meters, the net area of 202,350 square meters, the use of a new international exhibition center in all 20 exhibition halls, including Milan International Furniture Fair (48 th) and Milan International Furniture Fair decorative package (23 sessions) of the net area of 155,350 square meters, the European International Lighting Fair (the 25th) of the net area of 43,000 square meters, international satellite salon of Milan (the 12th) the net area 4,000 square meters. To be professional buyers reached 313,385, of whom 135,621 were Italian local buyers, foreign buyers more than the home buyer more than 80,000, to 182,379 names. A total of 2,723 exhibitors, of which 911 to foreign companies. In all participating companies, the Milan International Furniture Fair and the Milan International Furniture Decorative supporting the exhibition for the 1,496 exhibitors, of which foreign exhibitors was 317, from 30 countries and regions; Europe International Lighting Fair exhibitors to 525 , which for the 174 foreign exhibitors from 25 countries and regions; Milan international satellite salon for the 702 exhibitors, including 420 foreign exhibitors is from 36 countries and regions.

Milan International Furniture Fair will include:
1, Milan International Furniture Fair Salone Internazionale del Mobile (annual)
2, satellite exhibition SaloneSatellit (annual)
3, International Furniture & Accessories Show International Furnishing Accessories Exhibition (annual)
4, International Lighting Fair International Lighting Exhibition (held in odd-numbered years)
5, the International Kitchen Furniture International Kitchen Furniture Exhibition (held in even years)
6, the international office supplies Biennial International Biennial Workspace Exhibition (even years organizing)
7, the International Bathroom Exhibition International Bathroom Exhibition (held in even years)
8, the international furniture exhibition of industrial fittings and semi-finished International Exhibition of Accessories and Semifinished Products for the Furniture Industry (held in even years)

As the world's top level of furniture and home design Milan International Furniture Fair is the world's furniture, household, construction, accessories, lamps popular benchmark, as the leading edge of modern furniture, modern design, not only of the Italian furniture imports and exports with the rest of the world's trading platform and is the world furniture industry are looking forward to the event each year.
