2010年05月18日 01:07 来源:中国新闻网
中新网无锡5月18日电:(孙权 林琳)无锡市锡山区人民法院17日审结一起敲诈勒索案,患有艾滋病的“80后”男青年高某以公司向管理部门提供不实文件为由向公司索要“封口费”近14万未遂,被法院依法判处有期徒刑2年,缓刑3年执行。
2010年05月18日01:07 來源:中國新聞網
據了解,被告人高某案發前係無錫某電梯公司員工,現年26歲。 2009年,高某為電梯公司辦理高新技術專利轉讓事項成功後,向公司提出要求獎勵,但公司由於種種原因沒有同意向高某發放獎金,高某因此對公司產生不滿情緒。
法院審理後認為,高某以非法佔有為目的,使用威脅方法,強行索要數額巨大的他人財物,其行為已構成敲詐勒索罪。經查實,高某患有艾滋病,綜合考慮高某的犯罪情節、認罪態度等因素,法院最終對高某判處了2年有期徒刑並同時適用了緩刑。 (完)
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"80" after more than ten million people living with AIDS not a blackmail the company was sentenced
At 01:07 on the May 18, 2010 Source: China News Net
BEIJING Wuxi May 18 call: (Sun Quan Lin Lin) Xishan District, Wuxi City People's Court heard 17 cases of extortion with, living with AIDS "80" after a young man high in order to provide the management company does not actually document request to the company by the "hush money" attempted nearly 140,000, the court sentenced 2 years imprisonment, suspended for three years of implementation.
It is understood that high of a crime before a defendant in a elevator company in Wuxi, Department staff, aged 26 years. In 2009, a high-tech patents for the elevator company to complete the transfer of the matter is successful, the request to the company awards, but for various reasons the company did not agree to a higher bonus, a result of high dissatisfaction among the company.
Last year in November, high in a company through the Internet e-mail to the mailbox, said the high-tech enterprises in the process of reporting material fraud, that they have mastered the important evidence, such as the company does not pay the 138,000 yuan, "hush money" to the departments concerned should report. E-mail alert immediately after the company received high a immediately arrested by police.
The court hearing that illegal possession of a high purpose, the use or threat to force the others to ask for huge amounts of property, his behavior constituted extortion. It was verified that high of a suffering from AIDS, considering the high of a criminal plot, pleaded guilty attitude factors, the high court ultimately sentenced to two years in prison for a while for the reprieve. (END)