
www.39.net  2010-4-9  39健康网社区  



  艾滋疫苗 多年的守望

























www.39.net 2010年4月9日39健康網社區

但是,自從 2002年我市查出首例艾滋病患者以後,患者的數字每年都在增加,截止2006年11月,患者多達五六人,艾滋病這個名詞就不再那麼遙不可及。艾滋病患者在我們居住的這個城市儘管還是一個小數目,但如果從艾滋病傳染的特殊途徑和擴散的速度來看,這是一個絕對不可掉以輕心的數字。如果我們仍然對它一無所知,仍然不敢正視它的存在,仍然不敢以積極的態度面對他,仍然不能採取正確得當的方法防範它,這股潛流將會以幾何級的數據增長,裂變,更多人的正常生活會被改變,原本幸福美滿的家庭會因此被毀。


























AIDS patients need psychological counseling
www.39.net 2010-4-9 39 Community Health Network
We had thought that AIDS was far from as far abroad in faraway, then point is near some provinces and cities in the country.

However, since 2002, after the city identified the first case of AIDS patients, the number of patients is increasing every year, ended in November 2006, as many as 56 patients, the term AIDS is no longer so distant. AIDS in the city even though we live is still a small number, but if the special way from the AIDS infection and spread of the speed, this is an absolute figures can not be taken lightly. If we still know nothing about it, still afraid to face up to its existence, still afraid to adopt a positive attitude to face him, still not taking the right approach appropriate to prevent it, this trend will undercurrent to geometric data growth , fission, more normal life will be changed, the original happy family will be destroyed as well.

Why women are more likely for AIDS?

AIDS vaccine years of watch

AIDS is approaching a mall, this is not alarmist. When the AIDS anxious words already known today, the ordinary people's understanding of AIDS is still poorly understood, especially for AIDS patients, fear, curiosity may be the two most common mentality of people.

AIDS is how sick? Disease after physical and psychological torture face what? Most in need of people to give what help?

Recently, the CDC's help in Yiwu, interviewed the two AIDS patients in our city, I believe that by following some text, the reader can truly understand the inner AIDS.

The last day of 2006, CDC disease prevention at the city's Second Division saw HIV Yang line (a pseudonym), he is Yiwu native and his wife discovered he had two years ago, both infected with AIDS.

"Until now, I do not know how it got the disease."

"One AIDS patient, when for the first time that their disease, apart from extreme fear of inner things, certainly there is a knot, in the end is how get the AIDS." In 2004, Yang's wife, identified AIDS line, then he was confirmed HIV infection, that moment, a happy family this is caught in an impasse.

"I am a honest part of the people who never do anything outside of misconduct in the matter, the body has been good, never been hospitalized, and no blood transfusion, etc., fill teeth. Medical help me projected conclusion is that our two who should be my wife first got sick, and then transmitted to me. At that time, my wife knot more afraid I think she has sex with other men, afraid that I look at her with discrimination. She is a stranger, marry me Life has always been very discreet after, I believe she is an innocent victim.

"Projection to project the final go, presumably because of his wife several years ago caused a blood transfusion. But now they have does not matter, we will not go investigate."

"One year after the sick, the people are desperate."

Fear, worry, fear, as a sharp swords, all the time does not hurt the hearts of both his wife Yang Xingfu, a whole year after the illness, their life without the sun. "Well this disease will have no future, and it was all over. We can not forecast the future like a normal person. They can imagine themselves doing grandparents day, but we simply can not, because we do not know can Huoduo Jiu. "

According to Yang line memories, the year the couple very bad attitude, bad temper, often a little small on a quarrel Besides, the work of two, were not fixed, the poor economic situation at home. "My wife had already incidence, must rely on medication to maintain, when the country had not yet been released for free AIDS drugs in the policy, these drugs especially high costs, even if made in China, tens of thousands each year, also needs. From sick to my wife April 2005 received free medicine this time, less than half the time spent a total of 56 million. home no money, only with friends and relatives by each are afraid to borrow money, do not know what to look for excuses. "

"We are patient, but we are even more psychologically healthy person."

Some people have such blind spots, that people infected with AIDS is not a normal state of mind, would take some extreme measures to revenge the world. This may be a very small part of the negative attitude of AIDS patients, most people like Yang line said: "We are patient, but we are psychologically healthy people, in fact we are more afraid of the disease to others, so do something special cautious. we get sick is a fact, people have become ill around what we are most concerned about. "Yang line AIDS sufferers there a female student, when she learned that he infected, the flew to the former boyfriend had gone out to play phone, hoping him to the hospital related to inspect.

Yang Bank also said that since he and his wife ill, they will do everything possible to avoid the family, the children are affectionate behavior, even at the beginning of bowls, chopsticks are separate. "In fact, we know that these are not transmitted HIV, but always heart-impaired. The past, we always love to relatives or friends drop in for, that time no been, is, itself isolated from their own."

"In this society, people are too many misunderstandings about AIDS."

For AIDS, the terrible disease, but even more frightening is that people look at them through colored glasses. "Over the years, the media publicity on AIDS has increased, can often be December 1," bombing "themselves, they disappear without a trace. A few days ago I went to Hangzhou to participate in activities of an anti-Ai, a home television reporter actually asked an AIDS patient, why the camera man in you, you fear, do not speak. They do not know if we naked in public, then we would experience life after what kind of embarrassing. "

"One AIDS patients, and I said, once he went to a hospital for surgery minor operation, as a precautionary measure, specially careful to remind the hospital during surgery, the hospital actually did not expect the person to call the CDC to verify whether AIDS patients, when that it is HIV, the immediate rejection of his surgery.

"There are so many, many things, sometimes we will tell the doctors themselves to the security situation, some doctors will not dare to bare-hand contact, some doctors deliberately done a lot of disinfection measures, as well as the doctor even when SARS exaggeration, DAI Qi-gas masks, because he believed that the air will spread AIDS. even the doctors have so much misunderstanding, let alone ordinary people, there is an organization of AIDS patients back to travel, the hotel waiter knew all escaped after The organizers had to send nurses to do medical services to students. So, not that we do not want to disclose their AIDS status, just because this social pressure on us too. "

"The government's care so that we gradually out of the darkness."

"Fortunately, there is the Government's care, caring for my wife and I in one year, one after another out of the Besieged City." Last April, in the light of the "Four Frees and One Care" policy, "Our economic difficulties for farmers and urban populations in AIDS patients free anti-retroviral treatment, "the wife of Yang-line for free medical treatment, which makes their economic relief. "Economic burden a little, obviously feeling a lot of people are relaxed, and gradually my wife and I have more exchanges, the couple will sometimes talk about AIDS, but they do not relate to what can Huoduo Jiu and some other sensitive topic. His wife has accepted the reality of illness onset, her biggest goal is to win a few more years. "

"I would like to return the community, I hope that one day he can stand up bravely, loudly tell other people, I was AIDS."

This year, Young-line treatment is often accompanied his wife to the field to gather AIDS information to understand the situation around AIDS, and now he has to be an "AIDS-pass", and sometimes even to his doctors advice. "I really want to return society to the common sense I know, information to tell you that the obligation to do AIDS preachers. But now I can not, without the courage, because I do not know what kind of results, after all, I also consider the feelings of parents and children. I hope that one day he can stand up bravely, loudly tell other people, I was AIDS. "

"In fact, Young is now in line with another way to realize their aspirations, some of his frequent contact with AIDS patients, communicate with each other while psychological counseling for them to do." CDC staff told reporters.

AIDS patients need most is psychological counseling, especially when just learned he is sick, need someone to help him out of the woods. I think an equally suffering from AIDS, to say it more convincing, if there is need for AIDS patients, I am really happy to be their psychiatrist.

[ 作者:佚名    转贴自:本站原创    点击数:196    更新时间:2010-4-9    文章录入:nnb ]