LadyGaGa顶巨型黑玫瑰花帽 呼吁女性防艾滋病 2010年03月03日10:37 新浪娱乐
新浪娱乐讯 北京时间3月3日消息,据香港媒体报道,美国人气歌手Lady GaGa前天(3月1日)头顶巨型黑玫瑰花帽,到伦敦宣传为艾滋病基金筹款的新唇膏,并宣传安全性行为讯息。
形象百变的女歌手Lady GaGa和辛迪-劳博尔早前与化妆品牌MAC合作推出唇膏,为艾滋病基金筹款,两人前天(3月1日)以夸张造型,出席在伦敦举行的MAC Viva Glam发布会,现年56岁的辛迪,一头爆炸装金发加上有型打扮,甚为突出。而GaGa则头戴一顶巨型黑玫瑰花帽及面罩,以一身紧身蕾丝透视装亮相,被指与形象设计师旧爱Matthew Williams复合的她,在会上自称仍然单身,还呼吁女士要认识清楚男伴,方能发展肉体关系,她说:“如果你不认识对方,就不要跟他做爱。”她还提醒大家进行性行为时一定要戴安全套,还要定期接受艾滋病测试,她说:“你不是无敌的。”正在举行巡回演唱会的GaGa,前天(3月1日)宣布将在欧洲加开12场。
LadyGaGa頂巨型黑玫瑰花帽呼籲女性防艾滋病 2010年03月03日10:37 新浪娛樂
新浪娛樂訊北京時間3月3日消息,據香港媒體報導,美國人氣歌手Lady GaGa前天(3月1日)頭頂巨型黑玫瑰花帽,到倫敦宣傳為艾滋病基金籌款的新唇膏,並宣傳安全性行為訊息。
形象百變的女歌手Lady GaGa和辛迪-勞博爾早前與化妝品牌MAC合作推出唇膏,為艾滋病基金籌款,兩人前天(3月1日)以誇張造型,出席在倫敦舉行的MAC Viva Glam發布會,現年56歲的辛迪,一頭爆炸裝金發加上有型打扮,甚為突出。而GaGa則頭戴一頂巨型黑玫瑰花帽及面罩,以一身緊身蕾絲透視裝亮相,被指與形象設計師舊愛Matthew Williams複合的她,在會上自稱仍然單身,還呼籲女士要認識清楚男伴,方能發展肉體關係,她說:“如果你不認識對方,就不要跟他做愛。”她還提醒大家進行性行為時一定要戴安全套,還要定期接受艾滋病測試,她說: “你不是無敵的。”正在舉行巡迴演唱會的GaGa,前天(3月1日)宣布將在歐洲加開12場。
另外,當日擔任主持的女星莎倫-奧斯本,再出言攻擊才藝節目《英國達人》老拍檔丹妮-米洛,她直指對方擔任評判像個紙板公仔,而且評語都是廢話,還踢爆當日捨棄豐厚的酬勞離開,是因為製作單位不讓她說真話。雖然她仍然為《美國偶像》擔任評判,但莎倫說所有才藝和天才比賽節目都是垃圾節目。 (魚魚)
A giant black roses LadyGaGa Top Hat calls for women to prevent HIV 2010 Nian 03 Yue 03 Ri 10:37 LOS ANGELES
GaGa giant black rose hats and tight-fitting Toushi Zhuang, to usurp the audience.
GaGa magazine cover shoot earlier big ears headband worn by half-price version of the recently launched, Fans can follow the trend of wear
LOS ANGELES Beijing March 3, according to Hong Kong media reports, the United States popular singer Lady GaGa day before yesterday (March 1) a giant black roses hat head to London for AIDS fund raising propaganda new lipstick, and promoting safety sex information.
Image of the amazing singer Lady GaGa, and Cindy - Lao Boer Earlier, the launch of MAC Cosmetics lipstick brands for the global AIDS fund raising, the two day before yesterday (March 1) in exaggerated form, held in London to attend the MAC Viva Glam conference, 56-year-old Cindy, a blonde with explosive charges that there will dress up, is very strong. The GaGa then wore a large black hat and mask rose to a tight-fitting lace Toushi Zhuang appearance and image designer named Matthew Williams combined old love, she claimed at the meeting are still single, also called to recognize Ms. clear male partner, can only develop physical relationship, she said: "If you do not know each other, do not have sex with him." She also reminded everyone to have sex when you have to wear condoms, but also undergo regular HIV testing, she said: "You're not invincible." concert tour is being held GaGa, the day before yesterday (March 1) announced an additional 12 markets in Europe.
In addition, under the auspices of the same day as actress Sharon - Osborne, and then verbally attacking talent show "Britain over who the" old partner Danielle - Minogue, she directed the jury at each other like a cardboard doll, and the reviews are rubbish also exposed that day give up lucrative compensation leave because the producers would not let her tell the truth. Although she is still the "American Idol" as a judge, but Sharon said that all the talent and the talent competition shows are all garbage program. (Fishes)
[ 作者:佚名 转贴自:本站原创 点击数:196 更新时间:2010-3-4 文章录入:nnb ]
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LadyGaGa顶巨型黑玫瑰花帽 呼吁女性防艾滋病