


德国假声男高音1967年生于德国,新生代假声男高音第一人安德瑞斯•修尔,(Andreas Scholl),出生于德国一个热爱音乐的家庭,最早接触音乐是7岁时参加当地超过650年历史、极富盛名也是德国排名第二资深的Kiedricher Chorbuben唱诗班,小小年纪便展现了天赋,他的家人包括父亲和兄弟姊妹也都曾是这里的成员,至今修尔仍会在礼拜天现身教会,13, 4岁面临变声的尴尬时期,大约有一年无法再像以前一样唱男高音,后来在老师指导之下,以及听到James Bowman和Alfred Deller的假声男高音表演,始开创了他的另一条演唱之路。

19 岁前往瑞士知名的音乐学院Schola Cantorum Basiliensis正式学习古代音乐,并曾受教于古乐演唱家科克比(Emma Kirkby)。97年留声机颁奖典礼上演唱韩德尔「怀念的树荫」,惊艳全场声名大噪,当时英国The Times盛赞其「歌声秀逸、纯净、甜美、灵敏,且结合了最高等级的音乐想象力」,乐评权威留声机杂志也写下「这是我听过最难忘的好声音!」。






Andreas Scholl was born on 10 November 1967 into a musical family of Kiedrich im Rheingau, a Catholic town of 4,000 inhabitants in the wine-growing region around Wiesbaden in Germany. The town is famous for its Gothic church which contains the relics of St Valentine and boasts the oldest playable organ in Germany. His sister is Elisabeth Scholl, the soprano. His brother, physician Johannes, is an amateur baritone and his parents were both choir singers. His second sister, Christine, who died in her twenties, was a talented and much-admired contralto.


Growing up right next door to the church, Andreas Scholl was enrolled at the age of seven into the Kiedricher Chorbuben, first documented in the year 1333 as a schola of 'men assisting the priests on all Sundays, singing the Gregorian chants'.  Later, it became a boys' choir school. In 1857, Sir John Sutton, an English Catholic baronet who was cruising down the Rhine, fell in love with Kiedrich's church, its choir and the organ, the oldest playable organ in Germany, dating from 1500. Sutton had the organ repaired and the foundation which he set up for the Chorbuben enabled the engagement of teachers and the construction of school and rehearsal facilities, and paid for the reprinting of ancient books of Gregorian music. The street in which the church stands was re-named after Sutton who is buried in the garden of the church. As boys, Andreas Scholl's father and grandfather were both members of the Chorbuben. Scholl says: ‘For me, the most wonderful thing about this choir was the amount of Baroque and Renaissance music it performed. This means I never grew up thinking of "early music" as some special category. To me it has always been as familiar as Beethoven and Mozart.’  Scholl returns to Kiedrich regularly from his home in Basel, Switzerland, and often gives concerts in the parish church in which his musical career began. 


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