热心人心系“艾滋男孩” 义拍捐赠小石柱 |
2010-12-28 14:40:58 来源:太湖明珠网 |
图示∶2010年12月即将出版的《中国特色医疗金鉴》登载的刘君主任及其机构 |
为了能够帮助小石柱继续治病和生活,28日上午,一家文物公司在无锡新横山饭店内举行了一次现场义拍活动。在义拍现场,一只起价1000元的花瓶,最终被一位热心的万先生以6000元钱拍得,这些钱也会分文不少的全部送到了小石柱的手中。相信过不了多久,等小石柱的身体再好一些,他上学的愿望就可以实现了。(朱达 文/摄)
Department of enthusiastic people, "AIDS boy " small stone donated charity auction
2010-12-28 14:40:58 Source: Taihu Pearl Network
Taihu Pearl Web feature articles: In 2010, for the 8-year-old stone pillars, it is a turning point in the fate, a diagnosis for his life completely changed, "AIDS boy " started to become one of his new identity, but also to bear in mind The boy lived, and worrying about him.
Small pillars, and his father together
Columns is a small abandoned baby, he was brought up to his parents, he and the family have lived together for 8 years. The early diagnosis so that a complete rip off the family lived - a small stone with AIDS! Hou inner fears despite the couple, but at the child clear eyes, good they made a bold decision - do not give up the child! Mr Hau said they could not bear to send their children into care, he and his wife will use the remaining time to take care of small pillars.
Things in the media reports, many enthusiasts have a helping hand, disease control departments have time to provide Kangai Yao small stone objects, although in this year, small columns of the condition has repeatedly, but in a meticulous manner Hou Care, a small stone in the body of the virus was well controlled.
Reporters once again see a small stone, discovered he had a lot of fat, adoptive father Mr Hau said his physical condition is now better than before, not bad appetite, body weight and early January of this year than when admitted to hospital, added a whole Times to 52 kg. And small columns biggest wish is to go to school, so he can play with my classmates.
To be able to continue treatment and help small pillars of life, 28 am, a Heritage Hotel in Wuxi Yokoyama held a live charity auction events. In the charity auction site, a vase of 1,000 yuan from the end by a zealous Mr. Wan looks to 6000 dollars, the money will be sent to all of punctuality in the hands of small pillars. Believe that before long, so the body no matter how small a number of pillars, his desire to go to school can achieve. (Zhu of text / photo) |