

“The world honey bee population has plunged in recent years, worrying  beekeepers and farmers who know how critical bee pollination is for many  crops. A number of theories have popped up as to why the North American  honey bee population has declined--electromagnetic radiation, malnutrition,  and climate change have all been pinpointed. Now a leaked EPA document  reveals that the agency allowed the widespread use of a bee-toxic  pesticide, despite warnings from EPA scientists.

最近几年全世界的蜜蜂数量急剧下降,为此农场养蜂人很担心对农作物授粉造成的影 响。社会上涌现出一些理论,认为电磁幅射,营养失调和气候变化是造成北美蜜蜂数 量下降的原因。但刚刚有份环境保护局泄秘文档揭示,农药销售中间商大量出售一种 对蜜蜂有害的杀虫剂给农场主,而不听环境保护局科学家的劝阻。


The document, which was leaked to a Colorado beekeeper, shows that the EPA  has ignored warnings about the use of clothianidin, a pesticide produced by  Bayer that mainly is used to pre-treat corn seeds. The pesticide scooped up  $262 million in sales in 2009 by farmers, who also use the substance on  canola, soy, sugar beets, sunflowers, and wheat, according to Grist. ”

一位科罗拉多州养峰人泄秘了这份保密文档,文档中提到,环境保护局全然不顾尼古 丁的危害(尼古丁是一种由德国拜耳公司生产的用于玉米田的杀虫剂)。尼古丁杀虫 剂在2009年间有262百万美元的销售额。根据谷物使用说明,尼古丁同样用于菜籽油, 大豆,甜菜,向日蔡和小麦。


What is wrong with this band of human detritus? They released this  chemical, in full knowledge, and have then allowed the world to wonder  about and search for the reason why bees are dying en masse. These are the  same people who authorised Corexit in the Gulf.

这帮人究竟在搞什么?他们头脑里装满着专业知识,表面上在支持大家寻求蜜蜂集体 死亡的原因,暗地里却授权销售Corexit化学毒物。


Deliberate attempt to reduce food supply or simply cold blooded disregard  in the name of profit? Having just glanced through some pages of the leaked  report, this looks like pretty lethal stuff for many forms of life.

为了利益的驱使故意削减农作物产量还是和毫无情感的冷血动物?这份泄秘文档只是 随便浏览了几页,这些杀虫剂似乎对许多生物都具有致命的危害。


For the full 101 page leaked EPA report:


觉醒字幕组www.awaker.net 详细地址:http://www.awaker.net/a/kejiwenming/2010/1216/678.html