来源: 新华网
当日,在第23个“世界艾滋病日”即将到来之际,江苏省红十字会在南京市山西路市民广场组织举办预防艾滋病宣传咨询活动,近200名红十字工作者、医务人员和志愿者现场开展预防艾滋病科普和咨询服务、主持知识竞答、发放宣传资料及免费药具等活动,提醒人们保持健康文明的生活方式,关注艾滋病,防范艾滋病。新华社记者 孙参摄
11月28日,在第23个“世界艾滋病日”即将到来之际,江苏省红十字会在南京市山西路市民广场组织举办预防艾滋病宣传咨询活动,近200名红十字工作者、医务人员和志愿者现场开展预防艾滋病科普和咨询服务、主持知识竞答、发放宣传资料及免费药具等活动,提醒人们保持健康文明的生活方式,关注艾滋病,防范艾滋病。新华社记者 孙参摄
当日,在第23个“世界艾滋病日”即将到来之际,江苏省红十字会在南京市山西路市民广场组织举办预防艾滋病宣传咨询活动,近200名红十字工作者、医务人员和志愿者现场开展预防艾滋病科普和咨询服务、主持知识竞答、发放宣传资料及免费药具等活动,提醒人们保持健康文明的生活方式,关注艾滋病,防范艾滋病。新华社记者 孙参摄
当日,“绝对距离”当代艺术展在北京启动,展览用艺术的形式表现艾滋病病毒感染者的生活状态,呼吁人们与艾滋病病毒感染者携手,消除对他们的歧视。展出的作品由20名当代艺术家历时近一年,深入广西、云南、山西等地,与当地艾滋病病毒感染者同吃、同住、同劳动后创作而成。新华社记者 金良快
当日,“绝对距离”当代艺术展在北京启动,展览用艺术的形式表现艾滋病病毒感染者的生活状态,呼吁人们与艾滋病病毒感染者携手,消除对他们的歧视。展出的作品由20名当代艺术家历时近一年,深入广西、云南、山西等地,与当地艾滋病病毒感染者同吃、同住、同劳动后创作而成。新华社记者 金良快
当日,“绝对距离”当代艺术展在北京启动,展览用艺术的形式表现艾滋病病毒感染者的生活状态,呼吁人们与艾滋病病毒感染者携手,消除对他们的歧视。展出的作品由20名当代艺术家历时近一年,深入广西、云南、山西等地,与当地艾滋病病毒感染者同吃、同住、同劳动后创作而成。新华社记者 金良快
当日,“绝对距离”当代艺术展在北京启动,展览用艺术的形式表现艾滋病病毒感染者的生活状态,呼吁人们与艾滋病病毒感染者携手,消除对他们的歧视。展出的作品由20名当代艺术家历时近一年,深入广西、云南、山西等地,与当地艾滋病病毒感染者同吃、同住、同劳动后创作而成。新华社记者 金良快
11月28日,“妇女权益与艾滋病”高层论坛暨社区行动试点启动会在北京举行。本次论坛以“关注妇女、女童、社会性别与艾滋病”为主题,由全国妇联权益部和法律帮助中心主办。新华社记者 李明放
图示∶2010年12月即将出版的《中国特色医疗金鉴》登载的刘君主任及其机构 |
23 "World AIDS Day": love love you is equivalent to our own (Photos)
Source: Xinhua at 8:41 on November 30, 2010
November 29, Hanshan County Vocational Education Center students in Anhui Province are showing their creative ideas on AIDS prevention posters.
Day, Hanshan County Vocational Education Center of Anhui Province launched the "Care for life, you and I together" as the theme of Youth Red Ribbon AIDS prevention campaign, CDC staff to invite the county to explain to students the knowledge of AIDS prevention. Student volunteers also prevention of AIDS awareness creation yourself creative posters on AIDS prevention, and constitute a huge "Red Ribbon", called for action to prevent AIDS in the whole society. Xinhua News Agency (Chengqian Jun)
November 29, Hanshan County Vocational Education Center students in Anhui Province is creating innovative AIDS prevention posters.
Day, Hanshan County Vocational Education Center of Anhui Province launched the "Care for life, you and I together" as the theme of Youth Red Ribbon AIDS prevention campaign, CDC staff to invite the county to explain to students the knowledge of AIDS prevention. Student volunteers also prevention of AIDS awareness creation yourself creative posters on AIDS prevention, and constitute a huge "Red Ribbon", called for action to prevent AIDS in the whole society. Xinhua News Agency (Chengqian Jun)
November 29, Anhui Vocational Education Center for students to demonstrate Hanshan huge "Red Ribbon."
Day, Hanshan County Vocational Education Center of Anhui Province launched the "Care for life, you and I together" as the theme of Youth Red Ribbon AIDS prevention campaign, CDC staff to invite the county to explain to students the knowledge of AIDS prevention. Student volunteers also prevention of AIDS awareness creation yourself creative posters on AIDS prevention, and constitute a huge "Red Ribbon", called for action to prevent AIDS in the whole society. Xinhua News Agency (Chengqian Jun)
November 29, Anhui Hanshan CDC staff are volunteers to explain to students the propaganda of AIDS prevention knowledge.
Day, Hanshan County Vocational Education Center of Anhui Province launched the "Care for life, you and I together" as the theme of Youth Red Ribbon AIDS prevention campaign, CDC staff to invite the county to explain to students the knowledge of AIDS prevention. Student volunteers also prevention of AIDS awareness creation yourself creative posters on AIDS prevention, and constitute a huge "Red Ribbon", called for action to prevent AIDS in the whole society. Xinhua News Agency (Chengqian Jun)
November 28, medical personnel (left) in the prevention of AIDS Advisory publicity.
Day 23 in the first "World AIDS Day" approaching, the Red Cross in Nanjing, Jiangsu Province, Shanxi Road, the public square on AIDS prevention organized publicity and consultation activities, nearly 200 Red Cross workers, medical staff and volunteers on-site science of AIDS prevention and counseling services, hosted Zhishijingda, distributing promotional materials and free contraceptives and other activities to remind people to stay healthy and civilized way of life, concerned about AIDS, prevention of AIDS. Xinhua News Agency reporter Sun Censhe
November 28, at 23, "World AIDS Day" approaching, the Red Cross in Nanjing, Jiangsu Province, Shanxi Road, the public square on AIDS prevention organized publicity and consultation activities, nearly 200 Red Cross workers, medical personnel and Volunteers on-site science of AIDS prevention and counseling services, hosted Zhishijingda, distributing promotional materials and free contraceptives and other activities to remind people to stay healthy and civilized way of life, concerned about AIDS, prevention of AIDS. Xinhua News Agency reporter Sun Censhe
November 28, volunteers in consultation with the stage distribution of publicity materials on AIDS prevention and related supplies.
Day 23 in the first "World AIDS Day" approaching, the Red Cross in Nanjing, Jiangsu Province, Shanxi Road, the public square on AIDS prevention organized publicity and consultation activities, nearly 200 Red Cross workers, medical staff and volunteers on-site science of AIDS prevention and counseling services, hosted Zhishijingda, distributing promotional materials and free contraceptives and other activities to remind people to stay healthy and civilized way of life, concerned about AIDS, prevention of AIDS. Xinhua News Agency reporter Sun Censhe
November 28, viewers watching the installation, "No one can see."
Day, "absolute distance" Contemporary Art Exhibition in Beijing launched the exhibition with the art form of life of HIV status, called on people to join hands with HIV infection, elimination of discrimination against them. The exhibits of contemporary artists from 20 lasted nearly a year, in-depth Guangxi, Yunnan, Shanxi and other places, with the local people living with HIV to eat, live, after the creation from the same labor. Xinhua News Agency reporter Jin Liangkuai
November 28, viewers watching the video work "Three twenty seconds."
Day, "absolute distance" Contemporary Art Exhibition in Beijing launched the exhibition with the art form of life of HIV status, called on people to join hands with HIV infection, elimination of discrimination against them. The exhibits of contemporary artists from 20 lasted nearly a year, in-depth Guangxi, Yunnan, Shanxi and other places, with the local people living with HIV to eat, live, after the creation from the same labor. Xinhua News Agency reporter Jin Liangkuai
November 28, the audience watching the "absolute distance" Contemporary Art Exhibition.
Day, "absolute distance" Contemporary Art Exhibition in Beijing launched the exhibition with the art form of life of HIV status, called on people to join hands with HIV infection, elimination of discrimination against them. The exhibits of contemporary artists from 20 lasted nearly a year, in-depth Guangxi, Yunnan, Shanxi and other places, with the local people living with HIV to eat, live, after the creation from the same labor. Xinhua News Agency reporter Jin Liangkuai
November 28, the audience watching the "absolute distance" Contemporary Art Exhibition.
Day, "absolute distance" Contemporary Art Exhibition in Beijing launched the exhibition with the art form of life of HIV status, called on people to join hands with HIV infection, elimination of discrimination against them. The exhibits of contemporary artists from 20 lasted nearly a year, in-depth Guangxi, Yunnan, Shanxi and other places, with the local people living with HIV to eat, live, after the creation from the same labor. Xinhua News Agency reporter Jin Liangkuai
November 27, Nanyang City in Henan Province in primary schools XVI arm in arm together with the AIDS orphans.
Day, Nanyang sixteenth Grade 6 Class 1 children are going to the city town of Wolong District Youth "Sunshine home" in the five AIDS orphans back to their homes, play with them, dumplings, lunch for AIDS orphans to bring the warmth of the family. Xinhua News Agency (the thickness of payment)
November 28, "women's rights and AIDS" and Community Action Forum will be held in Beijing launched a pilot project. This forum to "focus on women and girls, gender and AIDS" as its theme, the Department of the National Women's rights and legal aid Centre. Xinhua News Agency reporter Li Mingfang
November 27, an AIDS orphan (left) for the sixteenth Nanyang City in Henan Province primary school students to leave contact information.
Day, Nanyang sixteenth Grade 6 Class 1 children are going to the city town of Wolong District Youth "Sunshine home" in the five AIDS orphans back to their homes, play with them, dumplings, lunch for AIDS orphans to bring the warmth of the family. Xinhua News Agency (the thickness of payment)
November 27, an AIDS orphan (left), Nanyang City in Henan Province to teach in primary schools XVI dumplings.
Day, Nanyang sixteenth Grade 6 Class 1 children are going to the city town of Wolong District Youth "Sunshine home" in the five AIDS orphans back to their homes, play with them, dumplings, lunch for AIDS orphans to bring the warmth of the family. Xinhua News Agency (the thickness of payment)
November 27, Nanyang City in Henan Province sixteenth primary schools (left), an AIDS orphan home Shoubashoujiao keyboard.
Day, Nanyang sixteenth Grade 6 Class 1 children are going to the city town of Wolong District Youth "Sunshine home" in the five AIDS orphans back to their homes, play with them, dumplings, lunch for AIDS orphans to bring the warmth of the family. Xinhua News Agency (the thickness of payment)
November 27, AIDS orphans in their names put on a sign.
Day, Nanyang sixteenth Grade 6 Class 1 children are going to the city town of Wolong District Youth "Sunshine home" in the five AIDS orphans back to their homes, play with them, dumplings, lunch for AIDS orphans to bring the warmth of the family. Xinhua News Agency (the thickness of payment)
山东:吸毒、吞安眠药,染病后他几度寻死 艾滋病感染者小文最终醒悟过来,成了一名防艾志愿者
山东:吸毒、吞安眠药,染病后他几度寻死 艾滋病感染者小文最终醒悟过来,成了一名防艾志愿者
生活日报 记者 王帅军
11月 29 日下午 ,经过山东彩虹工作组负责人介绍 ,在确认不会泄露个人隐私的前提下,26 岁的小文接受了本报记者的采访。报道内容已据受访人同意进行了技术处理。
离家之后,小文去过很多城市,经历了一段极为混乱的时光。“ 每天都混在‘ 同志’ 酒吧、浴池,跟不同的人发生性关系,甚至同时跟几个人发生性关系,也没有安全措施。”
云南:每天早晚10点要避开同事服药 这个秘密他小心隐藏了4年
云南:月薪仅1000元 支撑志愿者的是“公益心+社会理想”
成都高校:成立七年了名字还像个暗号 同性恋社团期待正常注册
杭州:多次家庭“战争”,换来单身许可 一位同性恋志愿者的愿望:何时迎来社会平视的目光
厦门:被三个同性“恋人”玩弄 男大学生染艾滋病欲自杀
“艾滋就业歧视第一案”再上诉 获濮存昕周涛力挺
从兼职到专职 爱白成都中心的他为艾滋病患者服务八年
成都首位在校大学生男同性恋艾滋感染者:进校就坦白 染艾滋瞒室友两年
非常讲述:拿到检测结果 那三个字看了十分钟
探访南京艾滋病“草根组织” 他们:有“艾”并快乐着
世卫组织专家呼吁——关爱艾滋病人 消除社会歧见
作者译者:记者 王帅军
图示∶2010年12月即将出版的《中国特色医疗金鉴》登载的刘君主任及其机构 |
Shandong: drug abuse, swallow sleeping pills to commit suicide several times after his infection with HIV eventually wake up a small paper, became a volunteer AIDS prevention
Shuai Army Daily Life
He is a homosexual, four years ago confirmed the infection of AIDS. He tried to commit suicide, and the edge of death experiences left him to become calm, and even help man became a volunteer with AIDS. This is a small text (a pseudonym) is the real experience.
November 29 afternoon, after the Working Group in Shandong person in charge of the rainbow, the confirmation will not disclose personal privacy under the premise of the text, 26-year-old accepted the newspaper reporters. According to the respondents reported that the consent which has been a technical treatment.
Evicted from their homes by their parents to tell the truth, give up on themselves infected with HIV
Before 2005, the small text never felt with any other boys their age difference, the same Taitailielie, like other people also played an early cross-girlfriend. Unexpectedly, an ordinary business trip, changed his life.
"It was a business trip with a male colleague, a room. The first night he was harassing me, and I refused. The next night he was on my hands and feet, this time I did not resist. After that, this is my love it. At that time, I confirm that he is a 'gay' (gay groups are called), I like a man. "Xiaowen very calm.
After a few paragraphs homosexual love, the little paper decided to parents "out of the closet" (to the openly gay). Despite the anticipated intellectual tradition before the parents can not accept, the small text, or be startled reaction to his father. "Hit me a full hour, to me banished from the house. I remember very clearly, was then heavy rain."
After leaving home, the small text have been to many cities, has gone through a very confusing time. "Every day is mixed in the 'gay' bar, bath, with different people have sexual relations, even while having sex with several people, no security measures."
A result of this experience, in 2006, the small text found in an inspection that they have AIDS. Because the experience is too complex, he can not even verify who transmitted to him.
Drug abuse, swallow sleeping pills to commit suicide several times after he confirmed infection
Xiaowen said confirmation of HIV infection that moment, he is afraid.
"I had not exposed the identity of the subject communicated with the infection, but also to understand the network of information about AIDS, see the onset of the picture, I was trembling the whole person." Xiaowen said.
He returned to Jinan. But since being thrust out of the house, he has very little to his parents, or even not come home for two consecutive years, AIDS thing more afraid to tell their parents. He did not know to whom they communicate, but also because of fear of the employer's medical examination difficult to pass, he could not find a job, earn a little money doing odd jobs only occasionally dry.
"The gay community in the eyes of many heterogeneous, so 'gay' is a very lonely and need not endure the pain of social inclusion. Plus, I'm infected with AIDS. I do not see a little hope." Xiaowen said.
In this kind of pain, the small text drug, "is that they are useless, and with the drug, dose larger can end life", but he soon quit the habit. He had swallowed sleeping pills, but was saved back roommate.
"I am sharing with people, make sure roommates go out, I swallowed a handful of sleeping pills, did not think he even came back after a while, to send me to the hospital. Toss a long time, but also rescue came. "Speaking of these, a small paper seemed very indifferent.
Rescued after a sudden wake up, he became a volunteer AIDS prevention
Attempted suicide after swallowing sleeping pills, a small paper seemed to wake up in a flash.
By chance, in a gay meeting place in Jinan, Shandong Rainbow he met volunteers working group. This is the first in Shandong Province funded by the Global Fund grassroots "gay" organization, in the "gay" groups to carry out the knowledge of STD and AIDS prevention publicity.
"In the beginning, I did not dare tell them I was HIV infected. In the 'comrades' circle inside, which is to be exclusive. I only dare to call a public phone booth and tell them of my distress. Until I confirm this organization responsible person is a trusted, fishes, he said the truth. "Xiaowen said, after a few exchanges, he also became the grassroots organization of volunteers, AIDS is responsible for answering the hotline call, give them advice.
Because they had experienced the small text can understand the kind of fear of infection. He will use his experience to advise them not to give up on themselves, do not do radical moves, learn to face reality.
A little more tolerance, so that more openly HIV disease
Before and after the annual World AIDS, AIDS will become a topic of concern. But the small text that, once a year, the publicity alone, the intensity is not enough, "AIDS once a month at best to be!" Wen said.
He felt that there are still many people for the transmission of AIDS do not understand, fear too much. "Once in the restaurant for dinner, my friends and I joke that if I say that they are AIDS what would happen? Friends quickly waved, if you say so, who would dare to come here after dinner?" Little Man said, is this thing Let his friends hide the illness.
As with the small text, for fear of being discriminated against open about the disease, many infected people have chosen to hide, has become a big risk. "I learned a male with infection, after infection in the confirmation, or constantly and have sex with different people, and do not take any security measures, which is simply the deliberate retaliation." Little Man said he tried to ways linked to the infection, but has not been successful.
"Society needs more tolerance for this group. I would have more people come out for treatment, block HIV transmission in high-risk groups." Little Man, said he is now doing it , in his help, many infected people have been able to face reality, to live optimistically. (Love the white net Note: From November 30 above, "Life Times" on A9 Edition)
Shandong: uncooperative, difficult to communicate, but also subjected to sexual harassment - sun drying AIDS prevention, "senior cadres of the team" experienced those awkward things
Yunnan: 10 every morning and evening to avoid his colleagues carefully hidden the secret medication for 4 years
Yunnan: 1,000 yuan monthly salary is only supported by volunteers, is the "social ideal of public mind"
Shenzhen infected gay men, "Ai" explosive growth
Chengdu University: Established seven years the name of gay organizations also look like a normal signal up
Hangzhou: multiple families, "War," a gay volunteer in exchange for a single license the desire: When ushered in the eyes of society head-
Xiamen: by three homosexual "lovers" want to play with HIV infected male college students commit suicide
Dr Zhang Beichuan, 20 years of efforts to make community aware of the same sex: "Living in the sunlight, will reduce the infection"
"The first case of HIV discrimination in employment," then the appeal even behind Zhou Tao Pu Cunxin
Southern Rural News: It is estimated that millions of gay underground activities, long-term blind spots in the prevention and control
Xinjiang: grass-roots organization "peer education" to "comrades" to tell "gay" anti-HIV
From part-time to full-time, he loves the white in the Center of eight services for AIDS patients
College students in Chengdu, the first HIV-infected gay men: HIV-infected into the school to hide the truth and honest roommate for two years
Chengdu in the history of the largest gay initiative to meet with the media 18 declared that "exist"
Qingdao: group of volunteers for "gay" service
Is about: to get test results of ten minutes that saw three words
Liao Shen Evening News: Shenyang Jiucheng gay disease due to AIDS
Hainan: a high-risk sexual behavior make him regret life
Tianjin: a reporter one day experience of people with AIDS
Visit Nanjing AIDS "grassroots organization" them: the "Ai" HAPPY
WHO experts call - to eliminate differences of AIDS care
Information from: Daily Life
Translator of: Reporter Shuai Jun
2010-11-30 |
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