On November 23, 2010 afternoon 2 when contr

On November 23, 2010 afternoon 2 when contr


On November 23, 2010 afternoon 2 when contr


On November 18, to hit capital market increasingly
rampant inside trades, 5 ministries and comm
issio womens winter boots ns of Chinese make deploy and arrangemen
t together. General office of the State Counc
il transmit was met by card inspect a few day
s ago, the Ministry of Public Security, cens ugg adirondack tall boots o
rial ministry, country endowment appoint, tho
se who prevent corrupt bureau to come on stag
e jointly " the opinion that dominates capita
l market inside to tra buy genuine ugg boots de about be hit lawfull
y and be being prevented " . Relevant chief s
ays card inspect in, such policy strength, un
precedented. CFP offers a plan (article origi
n: Zhejiang is online - Zhejiang dai uggs on sale ly)In new
network report reported according to Han Lia
n company on November 23, the Korea that make
s a surprise attack 23 days afternoon by big
gun of face army shore delayed level ground i
sland to  sheepskin boots become an a sea of fire. That day af
ternoon 2 when make several coasts 34 minutes
prepare Chinese medicine by roasting it in a
pan artillery shell hits Yan Ping island, ca
use the many part inside the  ugg boots clearance island civilian
curtilage on fire. Dweller of the island that
delay level ground is heard take refugee aft
er broadcast, urgent and scattered to bomb sh
elter of the 19 place inside the island and m color ugg boots 
ilitary headquarters team. Although make a su
rprise attack to did not cause serious dwelle
r casualties, but inside the island ten civil
ian mix curtilage mountain forest on fire, an
d igneous situa ugg boots on sale tion still is in diffuse. Some
says dweller Chinese hackberrya, whole mount
ain forest became a sea of fire, village 67 p
lace are diffusing smother. Some artillery sh
ell fall on highway, scamper gave ugg classic cardy boots  10 meters i
n the center of highway deep hole, there is t
he artillery shell fragment of 40-50 meter si
ze around. The report says, because of worryi
ng about Korea provok cheap grey ugg boots e further, partial dwell
er still took private fisher to leave to dela
y level ground island. ferry county says,
share 6 ship-owner and its family member to t
ake fisher be a refuge up to now to  white fur boot Ren Chuan
. The island that delay level ground is an is
lands in Yellow Sea bay thing capital city an
d its environs, the big island delaying level
ground that cent is 6.19 sq women's classic tall ugg boots uare kilometer an
d the island of small Yan Ping of 0.94 square
kilometers, be located in near Korea and Kor
ea north boundary, distance Korea has 13 kilo
clearance winter boots eters only far. Current, this island is in c
ity of vast region of Korea Ren Chuan of f
erry county fall actually administer. Mouth o
f the islander that delay level ground is 175
62 people about sheepskin womens slippers , the maritime space around is
important fishing ground. On November 23, 20
10 afternoon 2 when control partly, korea ope
ns fire suddenly to the island that delay lev
el ground, cause on fire of a house owned by
a citizen on the island, cause Han honest the
army and the people to get hurt. (Article or
igin: Chinese news network)





