10天可查是否患艾滋病 东莞艾滋确证实验室开始运作 需检测者可先到各大医院初筛

10天可查是否患艾滋病 东莞艾滋确证实验室开始运作 需检测者可先到各大医院初筛


10天可查是否患艾滋病 东莞艾滋确证实验室开始运作 需检测者可先到各大医院初筛
    http://gd.news.sina.com.cn 2010年11月16日03:52 大洋网-广州日报  



  本报讯 (记者汪万里)昨日,记者从东莞市疾控中心获悉,东莞艾滋确证实验室已悄然运行,10个工作日就可确证是否得了艾滋病。目前,东莞艾滋确证实验室在全市设立了47个初筛实验室。相关人士表示,各个镇街医院、市属医院都有初筛实验室,做艾滋病检测的费用大概是60元;疾控中心还设立了免费的艾滋病自愿咨询检测门诊。















10 days to be investigated whether the HIV-AIDS in Dongguan confirmed laboratory test may be in operation in major hospitals first screening
http://gd.news.sina.com.cn 2010 年 11 月 16 日 03:52 Dayang - Guangzhou Daily
(Reporter Wang miles) yesterday, the reporter learned from the CDC, Dongguan City, Dongguan, laboratory confirmation of HIV has been quietly running, you can confirm whether the 10 days had AIDS. Currently, laboratory confirmation of HIV in the city of Dongguan was established 47 screening laboratory. Official said, all Zhenjie hospitals, municipal hospitals have screening laboratory, the cost of HIV testing done about 60 yuan; CDC has also established a free clinic HIV voluntary counseling and testing.


Participate in peer education activities

The afternoon of November 7, from different Towns in the city's 12 city CDC AIDS gathered to participate in the municipal social workers, the CDC AIDS prevention and peer education organized recreational activities.

Association, in infected and mutual understanding of self-introduction, the social organizations, we conducted "step on the balloon," the warm-up game, the lively sound of explosions, creating a warm and lively atmosphere. Association, the AIDS peer education staff about their feelings after illness and treatment. This peer education activities, the city has held a number of CDC this year.

47 screening laboratory

Do AIDS testing

According to the CDC AIDS Division responsible Zhu Jianqiong introduced for the construction of laboratory confirmed AIDS, Dongguan for two years, culminating in last November to the provincial health department inspection reports submitted to the laboratory.

Dongguan after AIDS through the acceptance of laboratory confirmation, all AIDS patients with suspected diagnosis can be confirmed directly in Dongguan, Guangdong Province, the CDC no longer so final confirmation, which will greatly shorten the Dongguan HIV testing samples detected from the screening tests to confirm the time, At the same time can reduce the sample delivered to the procedures and costs the provincial CDC.

Zhu Jianqiong said that people need to do testing, the CDC can go to the city to do free voluntary counseling and testing clinic testing can also go to 47 under laboratory screening laboratory testing, to see how convenient.

This 47 screening laboratories in 32 Towns in hospitals, municipal hospitals and Tung Wah Hospital, Hong Wah Hospital, Yan Kang Hospital, Tangxia of three hospitals and other places. In the hospital the cost of HIV screening test is about 60.

10 working days

AIDS may be the final confirmation

"The results prove that screening is not infected, that is not infected. If you are infected, suspected cases, the hospital will be handed over samples of HIV laboratory confirmed."

Zhu Jianqiong said screening, the 5 working days to be confirmed are not infected; If it is suspected, it would then require 5 working days, that is, to a total of 10 working days for final confirmation.

City CDC staff said that the center of AIDS, there are strict confidentiality, individual test results are strictly confidential and scope, so far, there has not been compromised cases.


[ 作者:佚名    转贴自:本站原创    点击数:196    更新时间:2010-11-16    文章录入:nnb ]