Thesedays, manys companys want to make friends on social media such as youtube facebook and twiter.they begin to pay more attention to social media which is a mass communication tool right now,the social media can promote a brand and infect lots of consumers.
Take the Canadian folk singer, Dave Carroll. After nine months of complaining he had had enough. United Airlines baggage handlers had damaged his $3,500 guitar, but the airline refused to pay compensation and its customer service agents were less than courteous. So he made a music video about the experience and on 6 July 2009 posted it on YouTube. Within three days it had been watched half a million times; by mid-August it had reached five million. United had a massive public relations crisis at its hands, not least as thousands of other unhappy customers now came forward to vent their frustration.
These days one witty Tweet, one clever blog post, one devastating video - forwarded to hundreds of friends at the click of a mouse - can snowball and kill a product or damage a company's share price.
Social media is a mew way of advertising,they engage a conversition with consumer on line,get the comment of their product ,they must think about how to make a high impact with social media,and firstly they have to find the holy grail of social media monitoring: identifying who is truly influential amidst the cacophony of voices. Because it's not about how many friends or followers somebody has, but whether they make an impact.
An interesting game ofen be used on social media,and it can be promotioned by the users,if the game is very attactive,many consumers will remember it and the product, the company can get ready for such a one to one conversition with their customers,and you can provide present for them to add more fun., it's a funny relationship betwwen company and customers.
Monitoring social media has become very important for companies,they offer the analysis data of social media to help the company knows whether the deluge of social media comment is positive or negative,and the structure of customers.
More and more companies are using social networking to connect with their customers. Starbucks, for example, has over 14m 'friends' on Facebook and BP joined Twitter in the wake of the Louisiana oil spill.