新华网(2009-08-27 11:04) 来源:新华网广西频道
记者 程群 周丹丹·
新华网甘肃频道消息 2001年卫生部施行的《献血者健康检查要求》中明确规定同性恋者和多个性伴侣者为不能献血的对象。一些人就此提出质疑,并认为这是社会对同性恋者的歧视。
编辑:卫韦华Approaching "special circle": homosexuals can not donate blood?
Xinhua (2009-08-27 11:04) Source: Xinhua Guangxi Channels
Chow Tan Tan Cheng's group
Gansu, Xinhua news channel in 2001 the Ministry of Health implemented the "donor health check request" in the gay clearly defined and multiple sexual partners who can not donate blood for the object. Some people question this, and that this is a social discrimination against homosexuals.
Recently, the famous sexologist Li Yinhe on his blog also mentioned this issue, she argues that the refusal gay blood donation is a bad act of discrimination. All of a sudden, this highly controversial issue has once again been placed in public view, public health departments refuse to donate blood homosexuals what basis? What hidden homosexuals donating blood? Gay blood donation rejected in the end is a social discrimination or neglect?
"My blood is Naqu save, and I have confidence in their own blood"
Wu recently graduated from university this year, in the university, during which he has accumulated 600 milliliters blood, he has been the obligation to donate blood this behavior as a form of social return, as a help to others. Until recently, chat with friends in the process, he only knew the original part of the crowd can not donate blood because he is a homosexual.
"In the health consultation prior to donating blood to fill the table, I would not even look closely, because I thought I was a young woman there will never be above the table, some of those diseases." Wu said, "Wenchuan after the earthquake, I also go with Blood and students presented a 200 ml of blood, thinking about those who try to help the injured victims. "
Wu feels that the reason that prevents homosexuals donating blood, prominent among which was lack of understanding towards homosexuals. "Some people in society customary to equate homosexuality and AIDS, that is as long as homosexual AIDS patients. But the fact not the case, in fact, we have a lot of people still tried to stay out of this circle, and everyone in our circle of misunderstanding. "
Wu is a sophomore when the awareness of his "boyfriend", and in the past three years, he feel that their lives and other small couples is no different, although from time to time subject to contempt of the passers-by look, but he still felt their own lives a happy life. But he also felt the pressure of the community to give them too much, mainly because the discrimination of others, and sometimes one eye will make them feel suppressed, up to now, he dare not tell his family he was gay.
"My blood is Naqu save, and I have confidence in their own blood." Wu told reporters that the differences in sexual orientation can not ignore the homosexual love in ensuring blood safety, clean under the premise that homosexuals also have the right to donate blood, provided the terms of the homosexuals is a clear discrimination. He said he might never go after the blood, because he felt that her love had been an insult.
"The reality of the dilemma is not currently 100 percent of medical screening to the HIV virus"
Party branch secretary of the blood transfusion center in Nanning, Guangxi Zhong-ping told reporters that the reason why the provisions in the blood can not donate blood will be included in the ranks of homosexuals, primarily gay AIDS groups likely to be higher than the average, to make such provisions are In order to be able to control the well at the source of blood safety.
"Although AIDS is not a special case of homosexuals, but because homosexuals, especially male homosexuals abnormal sexual behavior, resulting in the prevalence of AIDS in this group should be much higher than the average heterosexual." Zhong-Ping said, "I do not think that such a rule is discriminatory against homosexuals, provides just wanted to homosexuals themselves, from the respect for the life of the community and respect for others point of view, be a responsible community citizens. "
Zhong-ping to the reporters, blood from a donor to a donee has to go through between the three major steps. One is in the blood collection point, the staff will conduct initial screening of blood for blood donors after blood sampling to confirm the health status of work; the other is in the Blood Bank, the general blood collection return, will be shipped back to a unified Blood custody, in the Blood This is a special link with test subjects, whether the blood contains hepatitis, syphilis, HIV and other infectious viruses were detected if it is found not clean the blood would immediately do away processing; and finally in the hospital, the hospital to get blood from a blood transfusion after the of the patient's specific situation analysis, to match the patient's own blood, health status checks, the last by the Hospital Blood Transfusion Committee to decide whether the clinical need for transfusion to patients.
"Although everyone in every aspect, both strict compliance with rules, but because blood is a special kind of medicine, has its own characteristics, current realities of the plight of the medical screening of the blood can not be 100 percent for HIV." Zhong Ping said , which involves an important concept in medicine - "window period" virus antigen into the body after it will produce antibodies to produce antibodies is a certain cycle, produce antibodies prior to this period of time we call the virus window period, for HIV, the window period is about 20 days. In other words, if a person is newly infected with HIV are not careful, they come to Blood donation, blood of HIV because it is still in the window period, so it can not be detected out.
"From a scientific point of view, the normal red blood cell reserve period is 30 days, the blood collection to the general retention period of 35 days, if you encounter blood tense situation, it may, within 1 week we will be blood sent to the hospital. "Zhong-ping said that if the virus in the blood at this time happened in the window period, then in a blood recipients on the edge of danger.
Zhong-ping said at present whether any country, defect detection methods can not be redeemed in the short term, precisely because of such defects therefore, it calls in the blood source a good job of the security pass, high-risk groups for AIDS is certainly not acceptable blood The.
Donor health screening criteria need to be improved
"There are few homosexuals in blood donation, we will take the initiative to acknowledge their sexual orientation." Guangxi College of Medicine Associate Dean Yi Wei said that because homosexuality in China is still a sensitive topic, many people do not understand this group sometimes the lack of a minimum of respect, China has rarely take the initiative to make public his gay sexual orientation, let alone at the time of donation.
Zhong-ping told reporters that before the blood donation is now required to complete a "temporary health conditions consult the table", the table is not yet appropriate to the situation in blood donation and blood donation does not have prompted donors need to consult the table to make the health promises. "For a number of hidden disorders, we are more passive, because it can not be detected by examining the means, which volunteered the information that I can only rely on blood donors. If carried out to conceal himself, we do not do." Zhong-ping.
2001 implementation of the "donor health check request" provided that one of the following conditions should not donate blood: Yi human immunodeficiency virus infection in high-risk populations, such as a history of drug addicts, homosexuals, multiple sexual partners are. Implemented in 2006, "AIDS Prevention Act," Article 63 states: there are susceptible to infection with HIV risk behaviors of people, refers to prostitution, prostitution, multiple sexual partners, male homosexual sex and injecting drug use and other risk behaviors of people .
"We should not be 'gay' is equivalent to 'AIDS', homosexuality refers to just a sexual orientation, AIDS, only a very small part of it. And that women, homosexuals infected with HIV may be lower than the general population, ' homosexuals' term to refer to is not accurate. "Yi Wei said that if the can," donor health check request "and" AIDS Prevention Act, "for gathering, the" gay "is replaced by" men who have sex with group "may be more appropriate.
Zhong-ping for the current situation that even if the use of allogeneic blood transfusion and then strict screening tests can not be completely avoided in some unsafe factors, so it can promote public acceptance of autologous blood transfusion. In his view, autologous blood transfusion is not transmitted diseases, but also does not occur due to antibodies induced immune response, while solving the difficulties of the lack of rare blood. "Autologous blood transfusion has some limitations, for example, some people have not bone marrow, you certainly can not autologous blood transfusion, and the higher cost of autologous blood transfusion, many people may be financially able to afford."
Editor: Wei-Hua Wei