



2009-07-31 17:26:02  来源:山西新闻网忻州站  作者:小温/文 苏银生/摄  



  山西新闻网忻州讯 7月31日上午,由忻州市外事旅游局主办,市防艾办、市健康教育所承办的全市“防治艾滋病知识宣传教育现场会”在忻州市凯天大酒店举行。忻州市卫生局副局长高云华、市卫生局防艾办主任张满文、市健康教育所所长石磊、市外事旅游局调研员李新文、市外事旅游局党组成员、纪检组长薛光文出席了会议。会议上,出席领导现场为参会人员提供艾滋病防治知识咨询,并为“防止艾滋病宣传教育先进单位”颁发了奖牌。













Xinzhou City, held a "propaganda and education on AIDS knowledge" spot
2009-07-31 17:26:02 Source: Shanxi Xinzhou Station News Author: small Wen / Wen Su Yin-sheng / photo

News Shanxi Xinzhou hearing the morning of July 31, from Xinzhou City Tourism Council of Foreign Affairs, City AIDS Office, the city health education of the city by the contractor "to Fight AIDS awareness education scene" in the days of Xinzhou City, Kai Hotel. Xinzhou City, Deputy Secretary of Health Gao Yun-hua, the city Health Department Director Zhang AIDS Manchu, city director of health education, Shi Lei, City Tourism Bureau of the Foreign Affairs researcher Li Xinwen, City Tourism Bureau member of the Party Group of the Foreign Affairs, Xue Guang-wen, head of the discipline inspection and attended the meeting. Meeting, attended by the leadership of the scene for the participants to provide AIDS prevention and control knowledge consulting, as well as "propaganda and education to prevent AIDS, the advanced unit" medals awarded.

   AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome) is a very high mortality rate of serious infectious diseases. There is no medicine in the case with vaccines, education, behavioral intervention is the most effective AIDS prevention measures. Xinzhou City since 1996 found that since the first case of AIDS, as of the end of March 2009 the report has 89 cases, with the exception of the death of 14 cases, 51 cases of prison has been sent back home, the Xinzhou City, 26 cases of the current management, including six cases of incidence of hospitalization. From year to year growth of Xinzhou City, look at the phenomenon of AIDS, as a means of improving the detection, prevention and treatment of people more conscious, voluntary screening, the crowd forced a number of special testing so that the number of people infected is increasing year by year, control the worsening situation.

AIDS mainly through blood, sexual, maternal and child spread in three ways, but to live together, courtesy kissing, working together, learning to swim, bathing, dining and other common behavior will not spread. AIDS incubation period of 7-10 years, the incubation period is the period the risk of the spread of AIDS, so through advocacy, behavior intervention so that healthy people to stay away from risky behavior, so that infected persons should take the initiative to focus on testing, consulting, found good protection, the lifting of panic and discriminatory attitudes.

It was pointed out that hope that the efforts of the general public, will be universal access to AIDS prevention and control knowledge to many people, and in the education of their education as well as others, to create a healthy environment and the struggle for harmony.

Conference site

Xinzhou City, Deputy Secretary of Health Gao Yun-hua, attended the meeting

Xinzhou City Health Office AIDS Manchu Zhang attended the meeting

Xinzhou City, Shi Lei, director of health education, attended the meeting

Xinzhou City Tourism Bureau of the Foreign Affairs researcher Li Xin-Wen meeting

Tourism Bureau of Xinzhou City, member of the Party Group of the Foreign Affairs, the discipline inspection team leader, attended the meeting Xue Guang-wen

Publicity and education to prevent AIDS unit's advanced presentation

Conference site

[ 作者:佚名    转贴自:本站原创    点击数:197    更新时间:2009-8-1    文章录入:nnb ]



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