Twitter 革命在中国?
昨天流行天王迈克尔-杰克逊(Michael Jackson)的悼念活动在洛杉矶斯台普斯中心(Staples Center)举行。除了传统的全球各大媒体争相报道这一历史性的时刻外,各位明星也纷纷更新了微型博客twitter状态,对杰克逊的悼念仪式发表了看法,表达了哀悼之情。
关于Twitter我一直关注,Twitter's revolutionary potential?《环球时报》昨天就这一问题采访我时,记者很专业的提问,得以让我能有机会全面地梳理一下Twitter在中国、在美国,Twitter与政治、与娱乐;Twitter与明星与普通民众;Twitter能否赚钱还只是又一泡沫?
实际上,我认为在中国,并没有真正地有所谓地Twitter 革命,实际上Twitter还是一个相对新鲜的事物,只是被一些媒体记者还新鲜人类使用着。
Twitter's revolutionary potential?
- Source: Global Times
- [22:20 July 08 2009]
- Comments
Editor's Note:
The following is an interview by Global Times (GT) reporter Ao Lin with Dr. Luan Yimei (Luan), an expert on new media and the director of New Media Development Department of China National Radio, on the political, economic, and social impact of the micro blogging service known as Twitter, a new communication tool that has taken off worldwide in the last year.
GT: What distinguishes Twitter from traditional media and other new media?
Luan: Twitter has some distinct advantages that allow it to stand out in the media landscape.
First of all, it is among the fastest and timeliest means of communication.
The news that a collapsed Michael Jackson had been rushed by ambulance to hospital was first reported not by CNN or the New York Times, but by a Twitter user who witnessed what happened outside Jackson's house. The tweet he or she wrote ignited heated debate among followers. Traditional media, which reacted more than one hour late, had to cite these tweets as one of the sources.
Likewise, many other sensational events, such as China's CCTV blaze or the death of the Japanese former AV star Ai Iijima, all came to light internationally first over Twitter.
Second, Twitter differs from Instant Messenger (IM) and many other network media in that the former can spread information much farther and wider, representing a center-peripheral communication model instead of the point-to-point model used by IM and the like. Thus Twitter creates countless far-reaching personal media by attracting tons of followers.
Third, Twitter has somehow, and rather surprisingly, gained more credibility than other new media. This may be because Twitter users are relatively mature. Besides, the use of real names, encouraged on Twitter, builds up trust.
GT: We've heard about the so-called “Twitter revolution” in Iran. In what way has Twitter changed politics?
Luan: The Iranian government tried every means to shut out all media from covering the political turmoil there, but failed to tackle Twitter. Twitter played a prominent role in facilitating the communication among Iranian protestors and their contact with outside world, filling the information vacuum created by the government.
Twitter has substantially altered the political environment. One of the central concerns of governments and politicians is how to effectively manipulate public opinion. With the rise of Twitter, traditional ways of screening out inappropriate information and opinions will be obsolete. Governments and politicians will have to come up with new strategies.
It is better if they can avail themselves of Twitter, like Americans, rather than crack down on it.
GT: What about Twitter's influence on other dimensions of social life, like business, culture and entertainment?
Luan: Many people use Twitter to pour out the troubles they encounter in their personal lives.
For instance, a Chinese woman had a big fight with her husband. After she twittered about her experience, numerous followers gave her advice on her problems.
A lot of single women seek dates through Twitter. Twitter has added a new spice to our personal lives.
Many stars in the West have shrewdly observed Twitter's advantages and enthusiastically display their charisma over it to foster relations with their fans.
Twitter also makes sense economically. Conventional methods that media rely upon to make profits, such as running ads and charging for media content, do not work well for Twitter. But I think people can earn from Twitter through database marketing, which helps companies collect consumers' experience of their products.
GT: What are the shortcomings of Twitter?
Luan: Strengths aside, Twitter is plagued by some drawbacks. The vast volume of tweets, each of which is no more than 140 characters, provide extremely fragmented information that deluges people, offering no clear meanings and purposes.
To solve this problem, powerful media organizations are needed that are capable of synthesizing and integrating fragmented information to endow meanings to whatever is on Twitter. This demands higher level of talents from new media professionals and Twitter users.
But information fragmentation can at the same time benefit society, as it is usually closer to truth than processed information. Yet consumers of Twitter information should have sound judgment to avoid getting lost in it.
GT: Technically, is it possible that some more advanced media technology will supersede Twitter? Is Twitter just a passing fad?
Luan: I believe the prime mover of new media is new technology, which is always moving forward. It is certain that better and faster technology will emerge. But that does not mean Twitter will disappear some day; most likely, it will be incorporated into new communication tools and continue to be enjoyed by future generations.
GT: Are there some differences between the Twitter phenomenon in the West and in China?
Luan: According to research, Twitter users in the West range in age from 30 to 45. They are more mature and independent minded. In China, by contrast, younger people between age 20 and 30, mostly male, form the bulk of Twitterers.
Westerners twitter about information and opinions on everything, while their Chinese counterparts largely focus on entertainment and intimate life. So a striking difference is that Twitter in China has little bearing on politics.
Twitter is for the moment only in English. This poses a constraint on the growth of Twitter in China, though we already have some burgeoning para- Twitter websites.
Taken as a whole, Twitter is still something novel for Chinese.