2009年07月22日 12:55 来源:南方都市报
A 约翰逊
整个美国都震惊了,“他染了HIV病毒,他就快死了。”每个人都这样想,只是大家没有说出来。虽然约翰逊穿着神气的深色西装,亮着他招牌式的笑容说:“我只是感染了HIV病毒,我没得艾滋病。我还准备活一大段时间,像以前一样招你们大伙儿烦,所以你们还会一直看到我的。”但那时候没人分得清楚什么是H IV阳性,什么是A ID S,孩子们伤心极了,看着电视里偶像宣布自己“得了绝症”,就像他们的父辈在电视里看到肯尼迪总统被刺一样震惊。
美国家喻户晓的演员胡森,死于艾滋病。就在约翰逊发布会后一年,网球传奇阿瑟·阿什也公开宣布自己染上了艾滋病,10个月后他也死了。所以,约翰逊染上了H IV,他也进入了倒计时。前湖人教练邓里维就告诉《G Q》杂志:“当被问到他还能活多久,队里人都猜两年,最长不过三年。”但18年过去了,约翰逊还和我们在一起,不仅健康,而且活得更有活力,更乐观积极。
现在的他,是三个孩子的爸爸,一个了不起女人的丈夫,管理着一个小小的商业王国,资产已比12年职业生涯结束时增长了近20亿美元。2001年,他成立了魔术师约翰逊发展公司,拿下洛杉矶城市里一块没人要的地,造了魔术师约翰逊剧院,又说服星巴克、星期五餐厅入驻,一个新的商业中心逐渐成形。2006年 ,他 又 大 胆 收 购 了 著 名 的Fatburger(富客)连锁餐厅,好莱坞的超级经理人奥维特斯———约翰逊球员时代的投资顾问惊叹道:“我们俩合作很多年了,随时随地都会谈起做生意。几年前我扔给他几本经济学方面的书,还有杂志,然后跟他碰了几次头,我发现他就像海绵一样吸取着知识。效果不言自明,看看他的成就吧。”
华尔街的人们评价“魔术师”在商场上的表现,同样够得上进入名人堂。“我感觉好极了,每一桩都是那么美妙。我庆幸自己活着,每一天都活着,每一天对我来说都是节日。”约翰逊说,18年来他一直靠鸡尾酒疗法来避免真正患上A ID S。在药品帮助下,他得以全心照顾自己的生意,而不是只能全心照顾“自己”这门生意。“药品发挥了它的功用,上帝做了他要做的,而我也尽到了自己的努力。我从来没把自己当病人,或者想着自己要得病了。”
1977年,旧金山的同性恋政治家米尔克最终遇刺身亡;洛加尼斯幸亏将消息隐瞒了7年,又有4枚奥运跳水金牌护身,才逐渐被公众重新接受。但那些代言合同,除了SPEED O还是跑得一个不剩。现在洛加尼斯住在马里布宁静的小镇,后院的游泳池紧挨着峡谷。但他没有再跳过水,“我怕我跳了之后,就来人把峡谷封了。”
直到拿了奥运会4金1银,成为史上最伟大的跳水选手,人们拿着他的自传,把他当做有色人种、同性恋或者各种扯得上关系的弱势群体抵抗艾滋病的楷模。“愤青”洛加尼斯却突然卸下坚强外壳,他面对电视镜头,说碰上“A ID S”,任何人的情感都将只剩下恐惧。“当我堂兄告诉我检查结果H IV阳性,我的脑袋就嗡嗡作响。真的非常恐怖,不知道该怎么办。”
他整日习惯于跟随地心引力破水而入,现在是把自己捞出深渊的时候了——— 从那些儿时遭受的凌辱,从那些抑郁颓废,从读写困难、见不得光的性取向,H IV病毒,以及扩散的A IDS中拯救出来。“我记得小时候,我老觉得自己活不过30,现在我都快50了。”
不同的慈善团体 一样的反省人生
● 作为一个奥运冠军和一个同性恋,我邀请你来参加同性恋运动会。
7月12日,洛加尼斯新戏《政治·偏见·傲慢》上演,约翰逊和妻子的“从洛杉矶到华盛顿,3星期14城市免费H IV病毒检测大篷车”正在行进。1991年,当魔术师把自己染病的消息告诉库奇,妻子的眼泪无法控制地就流了下来,当时她已经怀孕了,孩子有没有感染上病毒还不知道。他们从1977年开始就在一起了,婚期两度延迟,约翰逊一度担心结不成婚。但刚结婚一个月就出了这档子事,他深感歉疚,反省发现过去的日子里其实都没让妻子参与自己的生活,责怪自己辜负了最爱的人。幸亏妻子原谅了他,她轻轻地说他“没脑子”,19年来她非但没有离开他,她与他十指紧扣着上电视,并肩为预防和抵抗艾滋病做宣传。“我的目标是走遍全国,与1000名妇女交谈,教授她们预防艾滋病的知识。”最有说服力的,便是她和三个孩子至今为HIV阴性,说明只要措施得当,HIV携带者的家人仍能健康生活。
七届环法王阿姆斯特朗当然是一个更典型的例子,他的兰斯·阿姆斯特朗基金会与耐克合作,于2004年推出“live strong”黄色硅胶胶皮腕带,售价1美元,为全球2800万癌症患者接受治疗筹款。它更倡导了一种生活态度,鼓励全世界的人们,哪怕身处逆境也要坚强地活下去。阿姆斯特朗原计划借此筹款500万美元,但一年多时间就已销售3000多万条,成为一种时尚潮流。
HIV survival sports report: "Comrade" diving prince and the magician HIV
At 12:55 on July 22, 2009 Source: Nanfang Dushi Bao
37-year-old Armstrong, 10 months, is still chasing his "eight-France winner" dream. With this in mind whenever a survivor of testicular cancer surgery, I would not mind issuing a "WOW" out of admiration. But what was even more I "WOOOOW" is July 7, in the Michael Jackson memorial ceremony near the same 50-year-old Magic Johnson MJ --- another (MagicJohnson), Zhongshan University in the midst of solemn talk about " KFC "joke, but also a voice to music. All of his big wide open, radiant, standing around not significantly old Bryant. This is a 18 years ago on the HIV virus has been sentenced to death ah! Back to life, turn the clock back, you believe that this is his "magic"吧.
A Johnson
Magic is not dead
Live the spirit of a magician
That was in 1991 November 7, 32-year-old Magic Johnson Los Angeles Lakers stand in the podium press conference, announced his retirement. Because he was infected with the HIV virus, fear that no one is willing to play together with him.
Shocked the entire United States, "he stained the HIV virus, he would soon be dead." Everyone thinks this way, but we did not say it. Although Johnson was wearing a dark suit and the air, illuminated signs of a smile he said: "I just infected with the HIV virus, I did not have AIDS. I am also ready to live a long period of time, like before they all tired of trick you, so You will always see me. "But no one was clear what share of H IV-positive, what is A ID S, children were very sad, watching television announced that their idol," had an incurable disease ", as their parents have seen on television as President John F. Kennedy assassination shocked.
Husen known U.S. actor, died of AIDS. Johnson on one year after the conference, tennis legend Arthur Ashe also publicly announced his own infected with AIDS, 10 months after he died. Therefore, Johnson has been infected with H IV, he also entered the countdown. Former Lakers coach Mr Revie told "GQ" magazine: "When asked if he could活多久, the team have to guess two years, the longest three years." But 18 years later, Johnson, and we also together, not only health, but also to live with greater vitality, more optimistic about the positive.
Now, he is the father of three children, a remarkable woman's husband, running a small business empires, assets have more than 12-year career with the end of an increase of nearly two billion U.S. dollars. In 2001, he established the Magic Johnson Development Corporation, Los Angeles, the city had an unwanted manner, making the Magic Johnson Theater, but also to convince the Starbucks on Friday, the restaurant located, a new shape of the business center. In 2006, he acquired a well-known bold Fatburger (Fu-off) a chain restaurant, the Hollywood super-manager奥维特斯players --- Johnson, investment adviser era exclaimed: "We were for many years co-operation, anytime, anywhere will talk about business. A few years ago, I throw him a few books in economics, as well as magazines, and then met with him on several occasions, I found his lessons like a sponge, like knowledge. the result is not self-evident, to see if he achieved. "
Evaluation of the people on Wall Street, "magician" in the market's performance, also qualify to enter the Hall of Fame. "I feel great, every one is so beautiful. I am glad that they are alive, living every day, every day is holiday for me." Johnson said that 18 years he has been on the cocktail to avoid those who are really suffering on A ID S. The help of the drugs, he was able to fully take care of their business, rather than whole-hearted to take care of only their "own" this kind of business. "Drugs have played a role its God that he do so, and I do to their own efforts. I have never put their own when a patient, or to think about the disease."
B Louganis
"Aerial ballet prince" elegant twist
Johnson, being addicted to the HIV virus, because sexual intercourse with a woman without using a safe manner, when he did not wear condoms. Big Brother with Jackie Chan as saying that Johnson is a man committed all the mistakes are just the cost of this error may be life. But the newlywed wife of one month's Kutcher just forgive him, with his fighting side by side with the HIV virus. Christie also for his mother to pray that God would also like Johnson, live a little longer, good to see kids grow up one day.
Thus, it is also forgive him. 1992 Barcelona Olympics, the United States basketball team still recruiting him, and when Johnson knee injury accidents as well, to pay tribute to a standing ovation for Donald. Karl Malone was initially selected some of his criticism, has also been concerned about their HIV infection, but later apologized, said he was too young, do not understand common sense.
However, another Olympic champion, as the "Prince of the air ballet" The Louganis, in 1995 when he was in his autobiography, "breaking the water into the room" in the disclosure of their own as early as 1988, before the Olympics got to know their own HIV, or cause a panic. Panic not only in the springboard competition from his head crashed through the trickle-down pool in a few drops of blood, but also because he is openly gay identity.
In 1977, the gay San Francisco politician assassinated eventually Mielke; Louganis Fortunately, the message to hide the 7 years, and four Olympic diving gold medal body, gradually return to the public. But those who advocate the contract, in addition to SPEED O or run a surplus. Louganis is now living in the quiet town of Malibu, the backyard swimming pool next to the canyon. However, he did not skip the water, "I'm afraid I jumped after the letters come to the canyon."
Compared to the black "Magic" Johnson, Samoa and the future generations of Swedes Louganis, race is not "superior." Moreover, he is irresponsible and a pair of middle school students, "product", the parents of 15-year-old Louganis 1-year-old birthday, he will dispose of anyone before. But the rebellious gene in his body continue to grow, smoke on the 9-year-old Louganis, the 12-year-old smoking marijuana, followed by alcohol. Because of his black skin color than the average person, he was called "nigger." Until the first year in college, he found the original difficulties in reading and writing is a disease, just like he always thought that people say is stupid because of their own.
Until the Olympics took 4 gold 1 silver and become the greatest in the history of the diving competitors, it is his autobiography with him as people of color, homosexuality, or touch on the relationship between the various vulnerable groups to resist the model of AIDS. "愤青" Louganis suddenly unloaded a strong case that he face the television cameras that run into "A ID S", no one will be left with feelings of fear. "When I told my cousin H IV-positive test results, my head on the hum. Really terrible, I do not know how to do."
他整日习惯于跟随地心引力破水而入,现在是把自己捞出深渊的时候了——— 从那些儿时遭受的凌辱,从那些抑郁颓废,从读写困难、见不得光的性取向, H IV virus, as well as the proliferation of A IDS save. "I remember when, I feel that they live beyond the old 30, now I'm a 50."
No one will be "50-year-old" complacent, Louganis is a. Rely on the antimicrobial compound, he has lived for two decades, in addition to his left leg in 2006 infected with Staphylococcus aureus are still healthy life --- he completed an elegant twist.
Every morning, Louganis are riding a bicycle, twice a week to do all 90 minutes of yoga a day, afternoon nap, the afternoon is dedicated to all of his greatest pleasures: a dog training. 49-year-old Louganis shoulder-length hair, neck straight dazzling diamond necklace, Shuai have none, but he choose to live together with a dog, two small dogs, a shepherd and a British Bomi Hungary.
Different charitable organizations, like the reflection of life
A + B
● as a fighter against AIDS, to enrich my life, I love every part of my life.
● As an Olympic champion and a homosexual, I invite you to attend the Gay Games.
Louganis said: "I did not want to be the greatest living players of diving, I hope I live to see the records being broken." He formally retired in 1989 and thereafter only in the "Wish Foundation" a charitable activities , in order to rescue a child out of the mountains back. He also in 1994 in the "Gay Games" as the diving referee, the public message: "As an Olympic champion and a homosexual, I invite you to attend the Gay Games." He called homosexuals "head out of the closet," which has become his their own "Declaration coming out of the closet."
Most of the remaining life, Louganis concentrate on training in dogs, 12 pounds with his terrier杰克拉塞尔out of the game, also do not mind bad results. "I have been in the treatment of torture throughout the week disheartened when lying in bed, the dog stood up and said that I support, the reasons for out of the house. They will nestle in next to me, give me comfort, dogs for AIDS help priceless than all the drugs. "Louganis therefore created to provide dog AIDS" active pet Foundation ", he also co-author of a book entitled" to the dogs in your life, "the Guide dogs.
He took part in "Star of chronic diseases," the National Tour, the use of their own stories inspire people, but also to tell people, "I do not expect to be treated as the most powerful or the most elegant player of diving, I hope you remember that I am a different person . "He also covered stage, two of which the most famous role was in 1993 non-Broadway production of" Jeffrey ", he played a boy who died because of AIDS. The 1995 comedy "Can you tell me the worst news," he performed a gay family life.
July 12, Louganis new play "political bias arrogance" show, Johnson and his wife, "from Los Angeles to Washington, 14 cities in three weeks of free H IV virus detection caravan" is the road. In 1991, when the magician to tell their own cooch infected, the wife can not control the tears stream down on, when she was pregnant, and children infected with HIV do not do not know. They started together in 1977, and twice delayed marriage, Johnson was not worried about marriage knot. But just one month to marry a son of the file, he is deeply sorry and reflect on the past days was found in fact did not allow his wife to participate in their own lives, to blame their own people to live up to the favorite. Fortunately his wife forgave him, she gently said that he "never mind", 19 years, she has not left him, she Ten closely with him on the television, side by side for the prevention of AIDS awareness and resistance. "My goal is to travel all over the country, with 1000 women in conversation, the professor of their knowledge of AIDS prevention." The most convincing is that she and three children so far for the HIV-negative, showed that as long as proper measures, HIV carriers the health of family members still living.
Johnson, I assume more obligations to the public, he set up a "Magic Johnson Foundation" to promote the study of AIDS treatment. Old in 1992 he became the Bush administration on behalf of the main AIDS, but eight months later, he found that the government invested little in this regard, they resigned. However, two AIDS-related organization or official to call on him as a spokesman, said that this is because Johnson's case at that time some of the social significance of the United States, which broke the AIDS exists only in white, only exists in between homosexuals bias. 18 years later, Americans infected with AIDS, blacks have accounted for 50% of the percentage of blacks aged 25-44, AIDS has become the first cause of death, cause of death in whites in the fifth. Today, Johnson's goal is 5 years, blacks 50 percent decline in AIDS infection, for which he has invested 60 million U.S. dollars. "Has become a fighter against AIDS, I was a rich life, and I love every part of my life." Johnson said.
Virus picked tennis legend gone
December 13, 1979, June 21, 1983, tennis legend Arthur Ashe had undergone two heart operations. After the first time, a blood transfusion when he contracted a virus, this fact until after 5 years was found, Arthur Ashe不听使唤right hand, was told the hospital to check brain toxoplasmosis, a serious immune system diseases . The disease is AIDS, not the bad habit of Arthur Ashe life, AIDS is also looking at him, not fair, but also helpless. No matter how this virus is not called "Arthur Ashe", and no matter what he is great man.
Another 4 years, the news was Arthur Ashe's friends, "USA Today" reporter that he threatened Arthur Ashe, do not take the initiative to break to give him recognition. April 8, 1992, tennis giant had held a news conference to announce their own privacy. Virus is not long eyes, not a reliable friend, Arthur Ashe's life how bitter middle-aged life. He is a former fighter for life, as have so far received only Grand Slam men's singles tennis champion of blacks, he broke the barriers of race course, to write its own immortal. Suffering from HIV, he is still fighting, but like Magic Johnson said, the virus in different body may have different performance, Arthur Ashe, he failed to defeat the virus, the brain virus in 1988 suddenly summer attack, he observed in New York Hospital a few weeks, not an emergency brain surgery after his legendary 49-year life ended suddenly. Passed away the previous year, he was the U.S. for his AIDS Foundation fund-raising, fund raising for 15 months of the five million U.S. dollars, he established the Foundation in the day as "AIDS fighters" under the identity of the birth of One day, while his name has also been named to the U.S. Central Memorial Stadium.
Arthur Ashe sports circles such as "clean" suffering from AIDS, and almost no second case. However, insiders are still the spread of AIDS, the latest news Premier 6 star female affair with HIV, almost alien like Ronaldo is suffering from AIDS in a "Simon" relationship. 41-year-old former session of the United States more than baseball, "Gold Glove"阿罗马尔the end of last month's court girlfriend --- after he contracted HIV, even up to a year behind his girlfriend, was阿罗马尔seek compensation for 15 million U.S. dollars. At this level, "Magic" Johnson warned of more meaningful and life safety of themselves and their families in order to avoid suffering from such a high death rate of the first disease, but not tears no coffin, only happy moment or many people.
Flamingo will not quenched
The elite of the United States people always love claim to be the "Flamingo", said the body of this superbird scs contains infinite energy, through the baptism of flames from the ashes of life, longevity will not quenched. In 2006, when I was in the three-time F1 champion Stewart interview Sir, I think I encounter "Flamingo," a --- wife, his son suffered from cancer, skin cancer on his own, he also accompanied by a lot of years, but At that time, the Scottish 67-year-old gentleman is still flying around the world as ambassador for automotive manufacturers. He and his family have been fortunate and strong to live, they did not completely overcome the cancer, but they coexist with the cancer cells.
Armstrong, of course, the Seventh Ring King is a more typical example, and his Lance Armstrong Foundation and Nike co-operation to launch in 2004, "live strong" yellow wristband silicone rubber, the price one U.S. dollars, 28 million around the world fund-raising receiving treatment for cancer patients. It advocates a life, to encourage people around the world, even in bad times and to live strong. Armstrong had planned to take five million U.S. dollars fund-raising, but more than a year had sales of 10,000 over 3000 and became a fashion trend.
Armstrong, Stewart and the Chinese table tennis has a sister Nan (2005 suffering from thyroid cancer), cancer of terrorism from the down out of the shadow. They use their own optimism and a strong comfort of people around the world, cancer is not so terrible, it does not mean death. However, testicular cancer, skin cancer, thyroid cancer, compared with AIDS, or nothing of.
"Magic" Johnson, Louganis is alive, "Flamingo", they are "God-man." August 14 will be over 50-year-old Johnson and 49-year-old Louganis, who are more than God over the past 20 years put a big fake, live to see the 21st century. Their lives is not entirely their own, and become a banner to encourage the world's more than 4000 million people living with HIV to live with them.