日期:2009-06-19 作者:任荃 来源:文汇报
本报讯 (首席记者任荃)在宿主与环境的综合作用下,已有28年人类生活史的艾滋病病毒,其重组变异日趋“猖狂”。在昨天举行的上海科普大讲坛第二讲上,上海市疾病预防控制中心终身教授康来仪透露,目前,艾滋病病毒在全球的重组变异亚型多达40多种,其中大多数在我国有分布,这给艾滋病的临床诊断和疫苗研制带来了相当困难。
AIDS virus more frequent variation
Recombinant subtype has reached more than 40 kinds of variation, the majority of distribution in China
Date :2009-06-19 Author:任荃Source: Wen Wei Po
By (chief reporter任荃) in the host and the environment under the Comprehensive 28-year history of the human AIDS virus, the recombinant variant increasingly "reckless." Held in Shanghai yesterday, popular science talk on the second major forum, the Shanghai Center for Disease Control and Prevention to Professor Miriam Kang said, at present, HIV variation in the global restructuring of up to more than 40 kinds of subtypes, most of which are distributed in China, which to the clinical diagnosis of AIDS and vaccine development is very difficult to bring.
Variation has been the law of the survival of the virus, the risks of HIV is no exception. Distribution of the national HIV survey, in 1996 -1998 years, a single subtype of HIV accounted for more than half of the type, subtype recombinant less variation; the years 2001 -2003, the proportion of a single subtype to 29.1 %, and the reorganization of variation as high as 50.2% subtype.
Accelerate the restructuring of the mutation and transmission of HIV infection is closely related to the change. Kang Lai pointed out that currently, China's new AIDS cases made to the main sexually transmitted infection ratio increased year by year. Condition, according to the National AIDS sentinel surveillance showed that in 1985 -2005 in 20 years, sexually transmitted infections in the total number of AIDS cases in less than 10%; last year, this figure rises to 45.8%. Among these, the male homosexuals is becoming a high risk of infection can not be neglected in the crowd.
HIV drug resistance have been manifested. The national rate of HIV drug resistance monitoring shows that the years 2004 -2005, early and late first-line treatment of drug-resistant rates were 20.9% and 1.6%; in 2006 -2007, the two treatment resistance rate rose to 25.7% and 9.2%. Interestingly, different drugs have actually occurred between the cross-infection. For example, a so-called TDF treatment of AIDS has not yet been used in China, has been demonstrated in the laboratory, 10.2% in the high resistance rate.
"Virus without passports, but also do not need a visa, they can travel around the country, around the world." Kang Lai-yee humorous words intended to convey to the audience the fact that a severe - the floating population will become a bridge for the spread of AIDS groups, the prevalence of long-term factors are widespread . In this regard, to Miriam, Culture and Sport has repeatedly stressed the importance of international cooperation. "So far, smallpox is the only human infectious disease eradication. Vaccinia story tells us that the fight against infectious disease needs the concerted efforts of all countries in the world."