几款专门为Intel Atom CPU 电源电路选的MOSFET:
在500kHz,3~5V输入,4A 1V输出时最为适用的MOSFET是:
Vishay的 SIS426DN RDS 4.6mOhm Qg 13.2nC
Fairchild的FDMC8678S RDS 6.3mOhm Qg 11nC
两个MOSFET不分上下,都是体积小 ,3.3mmx3.3mm,热阻低,电阻低,电容小的好MOSFET,但是FDMC8678S更有优势,它还带一个肖特基二极管,可以改善效率和纹波。而且FDMC8678S在1A以下的小电流效率更有优势,所以是当仁不让的冠军了!
English version: 凑字数
Here are the best MOSFET for Intel ATOM CPU core power. At 500kHz switching frequency, 3V to 5V input, 1V 4A output the best choice are:
Vishay's SIS426DN RDS 4.6mOhm Qg 13.2nC
Fairchild's FDMC8678S RDS 6.3mOhm Qg 11nC
Their performance are almost the same as each others. They are all very small, 3.3mmx3.3mm, low thermal resistance, low turn on resistance, and low gate charge. But FDMC8678S is better because it combine a schottky diode, it help to improve effiency and ripple noise。And FDMC8678S have advantage at current below 1A condition, So it is the champion!