


2009-04-07 00:04:54  21CN社区
     标签: 爱滋病 字体

    据国际研究和许多人的临床经验提示,在艾滋病发病前1~4年内,大多数艾滋病患者都会先行出现口腔症状,表现为各种口腔病损,这是发现和诊断艾滋病病毒感染的重要指征。 与HIV感染密切相关的口腔病变有以下几种: 白色念球菌病 又分红斑型和假膜性两种类型。多发生于上腭及舌背;在病损的红色区域上有时可见白色斑点或斑块。病损也可发生在口腔的任何部位,表现为白色或黄色斑点或斑块,斑块可以擦去,留下红色区域并伴有出血。许多流行病学调查表明,口腔念珠菌病在HIV感染人群中具有相当高的患病率,在HIV感染的不同阶段均有发生,最高可达96%。


    毛状白斑是发生于舌两侧边缘的白色或灰色的病变,病变也可延伸到舌腹部及舌背部,不能擦除。毛状白斑在HIV感染及艾滋病患者中,是发生率仅次于念珠菌病的常见的口腔表征,也是HIV相关疾病的标志,几乎仅见于HIV感染和艾滋病人人群,有非常显著的特异性。因此,对毛状白斑的出现应予以高度重视。 牙周病 表现为牙龈发炎、牙龈溃疡、牙龈坏死以及牙齿松动,并可出现牙龈出血疼痛和恶变等症状。据报道,19%~29%的HIV感染或艾滋病患者有牙周炎。


    在美国,艾滋病患者患卡波济肉瘤的可能至少比一般人群大2万倍。在HIV感染者和艾滋病患者的口腔表征中,卡波济肉瘤的患病率仅次于念珠菌病和毛状白斑,具有较高的发生率。" 一些流行病学资料显示,所有HIV阳性者或艾滋病患者,从婴幼儿至成年人,均可发生口腔损害。通常发病率最高的人群为男性同性恋患者、异性恋者、静脉注射毒品者等成年人。

    随着感染范围的扩大,在HIV阳性的儿童和接受血液制品的HIV感染者也会出现口腔表征。 由于口腔病损与HIV感染者、艾滋病患者有着非常密切的联系;爱滋病患者往往因为口腔症状就诊于口腔科。


Watch from the mouth features of AIDS
2009-04-07 00:04:54 21CN community
      Tags: AIDS fonts
     HIV from HIV infection to AIDS a long time before (an average of 7 years) patients may not have any symptoms.
     In the meantime, the vast majority of patients and others I do not know it has been infected, but these patients can still spread HIV.

     According to international research and clinical experience of many people suggest that the incidence of AIDS at 1 ~ 4 years ago, the majority of AIDS patients with oral symptoms will appear first performance for a variety of oral lesions, which are found in the diagnosis of HIV infection and an important indication . Closely related to HIV infection and oral lesions are as follows: white to study disease and erythema was divided into two types of pseudome. Many occurred in the back on the palate and tongue; red lesion at the region sometimes can be seen on the white spots or patches. Lesions also can occur in any part of the mouth, showing a white or yellow spots or patches, patches can be removed, leaving red and accompanied by bleeding. Many epidemiological surveys show that oral candidiasis in HIV infected people with very high prevalence rate, at different stages of HIV infection have occurred in up to 96%.

     Oral Candida infections are usually the initial HIV infection, at the mouth of the most common damage; the vast majority of cases, the HIV infection are early signs of immune suppression, indicating that there is other opportunistic infections may occur. Some people think that oral candidiasis and hairy leukoplakia found or prediction can be used as indicators of AIDS.

     Hairy leukoplakia are on both sides of the edge of the tongue occurred in the white or gray lesions, lesions can also be extended to the tongue and the tongue back, abdomen, should not erase. Hairy leukoplakia in HIV infection and AIDS patients, are second only to the incidence of candidiasis of the oral representation of the common, but also a sign of HIV-related diseases, almost only found in HIV infection and AIDS groups, have very significant specificity . Therefore, the emergence of hairy leukoplakia should be high priority. Periodontal disease manifested as gingival inflammation, gingival ulcers, gingival necrosis and loosening of teeth, bleeding gums and emerging symptoms such as pain and malignant transformation. It is reported that 19% ~ 29% of patients with HIV infection or AIDS have periodontitis.

     Kaposi's sarcoma were single or multiple red, light blue or purple patches or lumps, with or without ulcers, first seen on the palate and gums, Kaposi's sarcoma in the general population is rare, with the AIDS pandemic , Kaposi's sarcoma seen in the substantial risk of AIDS.

     In the United States, AIDS patients suffering from Kaposi's sarcoma than the general population may be at least 20,000 times large. In HIV-infected people and AIDS patients in the oral representation, the prevalence of Kaposi's sarcoma-rate second only to candidiasis and hairy leukoplakia have a higher incidence. "Some epidemiological data indicate that all HIV-positive or AIDS patients, from infants to adults, the mouth can damage happened. Usually the highest incidence rates in groups of patients with male homosexuality, heterosexuals, intravenous drug users, such as adult people.

     With the expansion of infection in HIV-positive children and to accept blood products infected with HIV will also be characterized mouth. Because of oral lesions and HIV infection, AIDS has a very close contact; AIDS patients because often the symptoms of oral treatment in stomatology.

     Therefore, as a doctor should have this oral knowledge for early detection and diagnosis of patients with infected people and treatment and to take the necessary measures and means to prevent the spread of AIDS.