英国的高龄“小沈阳”:Susan Boyle


2009年4月11日,在英国的“星光大道”节目Britain's Got Talent"选秀中,来自苏格兰乡村的Susan Boyle以其具有超凡磁性的歌声征服了在场的所有观众和评委,获得了三个评委的全部满分。
Susan Boyle其貌不扬,今年47岁,即将踏入48岁,无业单身,但她也有着常人的梦想,那就是做一名专业歌手。当她走上舞台的时候,无论是评委还是观众,无不带着严重的傲慢与偏见、带着嘲弄的口吻向她提问。即使是侧幕的服务人员也用轻蔑的态度模仿她的举动。但是,当她亮其歌喉为在场的人献上一首I dreamed a dream时,其超专业的水平、具有磁性的嗓音,立刻就征服了所有的人。正如今年在春晚上的小沈阳一样。太意外了,太难以置信了!
"Susan Boyle has reminded us of something we have forgotten for too long. Hypnotised by Madison Avenue and Hollywood and the culture of youth, we have forgotten that the things they offer to us as 'the norm' are ideals, and mostly fake ones. In embracing those fake ideals (how much money was spent last year in cosmetic surgeries and teeth-whitening?) we have forgotten that beyond all of those superficialities, we each have within us something of much greater value than perky breasts and unlined skin: the divine spark, the God-kiss, that lives in each and every one of us - no exceptions."苏珊宝伊珥她提醒了我们一些早已忘却的东西。受麦迪森大街和好莱坞以及青年文化的催眠,我们已经忘记了他们提供给我们作为规范的东西是理想化的,并且绝大部分是虚假的。在欣然接受那些虚假的理念时(我们在过去的一年中花费了多少钱在美容和洁齿上?),我们已经忘记,在那些肤浅的外表之外,我们每人都拥有着比丰胸和嫩肤更有价值的东西:灵感的火花,即天赋,生存在我们每个人之中,没有例外。
Let's be brutally honest for a minute, shall we? We were shocked because that awesome voice and performance came out of that dog ugly face and weird personality. What we expected was to be able to laugh at such an ugly, weird, person having the audacity to think they could be a star. We expected that we'd get another chance to mock another human being, thereby making ourselves feel better about how “wonderful” WE are, in a distorted kind of way…because, ugly people aren't stars, are they? Especially ugly women. True?让我们彻底地诚实几分钟,好不?我们被震惊了,因为那惊人的声音和表演出自一位具有沙皮狗脸和奇怪性格的人。我们曾经所期待的是能够嘲笑这么一位丑陋、怪异的人,竟然异想天开地认为自己能成为明星。我们曾期待着我们又捕捉到了一次机会去嘲笑别人,以此来使我们觉得自己是多么的出色,以一种扭曲的方式……因为,相貌丑陋的人不是明星,难道不是么?尤其是丑陋的女人。对么?
Boyle highlights what we've become, as human beings (in general). We've become shallow, 'click-ish', and petty. We judge someone by how they look instead of on their talents and abilities. We love to look at people that the media tells us are the beautiful people, even if they are no-talent hacks. Personally, I'm glad Ms. Boyle stood there in front of the self-righteous, prickish and pompous, Simon and blew him away. He deserves to be kicked down off the false pedestal we've all put him on. Ms. Boyle is a real human being. 作为一个人,宝伊珥让我们知道了自己变成了什么样。我们变得狭隘、萎琐。我们判断他人依据的是他们的长相而不是他们的才能。我们乐意看到的是媒体告诉我们的所谓丽人,即使他们是没有天赋的绣花枕头。从个人角度讲,我们很高兴Boyle女士站在自以为是、挑剔、自负的西蒙面前,让他汗颜。他应该从我们拥戴他端坐的台子上被踢下去。Boyle女士是一个真正的人。
通过Britain's Got Talent"选秀,人们开始反思对苏珊的态度,重新审视人性。以貌取人已经成为社会的习惯。英国人看待苏珊的眼神几乎与很多中国人看“小沈阳”的时候一样,而结果也惊人地相似,最终被震撼!
现场评委Miss Amanda说:“I am so thrilled because I know everyboady was against you. ……I just want to say that it's a completely great previlige listening to that ”。我太受震撼了,因为我知道(开始的时候)这里所有的人都不看好你。我只想说的是,能够听到这样的音乐是我极大的荣幸。
笔者和很多人一样,对Susan Boyle参加英国星光大道的现场录像反复地看了几次,正如当初反复地看“小沈阳”的视频一样,怀着敬意。2008年是水时代的开端,2009年是草根发芽的季节,不仅中国有令人感动的草根艺人,国外同样也有这样的人。他们都是在怀疑中破茧成蝶、羽化飞升。他们都是在嘲笑中一鸣惊人、震撼人心。相反,倒是那些所谓的专业人士应该感觉汗颜。他们还拿着陈旧的功劳簿,做着刻舟求剑黄粱美梦。似乎什么什么家的称号就可以吃一辈子。小心后浪把前浪拍在沙滩上!