2009年03月04日 14:36 来源:中国新闻网 中新网3月4日电 科学家制造出一种人类艾滋病病毒的变体,它能够感染猴子并在其体内繁殖。这有助于在人体内试用疫苗前先在猴体内测试。
“如果我们的研究进一步进行,我希望在不远的将来,我们能够制造可以用于人类的疫苗,在人类试验前在动物身上测试同样的产品,”研究人员之一、洛克菲勒大学的Paul Bieniasz说。
Scientists can produce HIV infected monkeys
At 14:36 on March 4, 2009 Source: China News Network By March 4 Electricity scientists to create a human variant of HIV, it can infect monkeys and reproduction in the body. This will help in the human body before the vaccine trial at the monkey in vivo testing.
According to Reuters, the researchers said the virus is a variant of the human AIDS virus by altering a gene manufactured infection can dolphin tail monkey.
They said that once injected into monkeys in vivo, the genetically modified virus as in the human body, like reproduction, but the monkeys eventually suppressed the virus, the virus did not make it the pathogenesis. The variant known as stHIV-1.
However, monkeys and human AIDS virus HIV is not the same as not a perfect substitute for human testing of AIDS drugs and vaccines.
"If our research further, I hope in the near future, we can manufacture can be used in human vaccines in human tests in animals before testing the same product," one of the researchers, the Rockefeller University, said Paul Bieniasz .