


本版PDF 北青网 - 北京青年报:(09/03/16 00:00)


  日前,北京地坛医院性病艾滋病门诊刘彦春博士接诊了一个27岁大学本科毕业的白领。她虽然待字闺中,家境不错,父母都是知识分子,但在三年期间交了五个男友,都有性生活史,曾流产3次。由于她发现自己的手掌和足底近来有红色皮疹,不痛不痒,在网上查资料觉得是性病——梅毒,来看门诊。经查体、化验, 刘博士诊断,她同时患有四种性病:HIV(艾滋病病毒)感染、二期梅毒、宫颈HPV感染、宫颈尖锐湿疣、宫颈炎(沙眼衣原体)。







Beijing white-collar girls simultaneously infected with four kinds of sexually transmitted diseases
Excerpts PDF Beiqing Net - the Beijing Youth Daily: (09/03/16 00:00)

Health warning

Recently, the Beijing Ditan Hospital AIDS clinic Dr. Liu Yanchun reception of a 27-year-old college graduate white-collar workers. Although she has to be the word in the women's apartment, his family is true that parents are intellectuals, but the three-year period at five cross-boyfriend have sexual life history, abortion has been 3 times. Because she found his palm and plantar Recently there is a red rash, superficial, in the Online search information feel are sexually transmitted diseases - syphilis, look at out-patient. It was physical, laboratory tests, Dr. Liu diagnosis, she simultaneously with four sexually transmitted diseases: HIV (AIDS virus) infection, secondary syphilis, cervical HPV infection, cervical condyloma, cervicitis (Chlamydia trachomatis).

Dr. Liu said that the face of this quiet, weak Girl, I do not know if her account of the patient's condition because she is not a service for a living girl, but friends on the bed, just like two friends shook hands at random, so that she how to accept this harsh reality.

According to Dr. Liu introduction, as a job to engage in clinical obstetrics and 6 years, at sexually transmitted diseases, AIDS 8 years of job out-patient doctors, patients in her there is no lack of such a virtue watching, kind of decent girls, were infected with venereal diseases, AIDS , these are not sex workers with sexually transmitted diseases, there is no protection of their own consciousness, without parental intervention, and finally they are not harmed, said well will continue to Make friends, go to bed, and then the spread of the disease to others.

A long time, especially by traditional Chinese concepts, people avoided mention of sex, but in recent years, with the awakening of sexual awareness, as if everyone from the loss of the good old days in back losses, particularly in the Youth Medium, no premarital sex simply can not imagine people will be the same age joke. Some parents of the child's pre-marital sex, cohabitation and attitudes reported by default, and some publicly supported child试婚, the reason is simple fear of the child sexual disharmony, not性福.

Experts suggest that as parents give their children should first instill the correct concept of marriage, there is not to promote pre-marital sex, especially for girls, parents, let the child self-chun, self-respect, self-improvement. Secondly, pre-marital checks must be carried out. Third, non-male has premarital sex, should have the courage to say "no!" Fourth, to avoid not to have sexual relations, and to wear condoms. This is the last line of defense to protect themselves.

Text / Chen Lin