


  北京时间216日消息, 据《大众机械》杂志报道,从化验唾液检查癌症,到只打一针,就可使神经重新沿着脊髓生长出来,医学界取得的这些新成果,帮助我们恢复健康,改善生活,延长生命,使生物学和科技之间的界线变得越来越模糊。
  牙齿上的细菌会把糖转化成乳酸,乳酸腐蚀牙釉质,导致蛀牙。总部设在佛罗里达州的公司ONI BioPharma已经设计出一种新菌株,这种被称作SmaRT的菌株不会产生乳酸,而是释放出一种可以杀死由自然腐蚀导致的变种(natural decay-causing strain)的抗生素。目前这种新菌株正在接受临床试验,牙医只要将它们涂抹在牙齿上,就能确保牙齿永远健康。
  日本理化学研究所(Riken Institute)的科学家已经研发出人造淋巴结。淋巴结对人体非常重要,它可产生具有抗感染功能的免疫细胞。虽然有一天医生可能会用人造淋巴结取代患病的淋巴结,但是最初人们或许只会把它们当作特意定制的免疫增强剂(customized immune booster)。医生利用特定细胞填充这种淋巴结,就能治疗癌症或艾滋病等特殊疾病。



  对那些丧失说话能力的人来说,伊利诺斯州安便公司(Ambient Corporation)研发的一种新型“语音机”将为他们提供能被别人听见的声音。该公司与德州仪器(Texas Instruments)公司联合研发了这种仪器。这种被称作Audeo的东西,利用电极发现大脑传输给声带的神经信号。佩戴这种颈箍的患者想象一些想说的话,该仪器会通过无线传输方式,把它接收到的刺激传输给电脑或手机,生成语音。
9. 可吸收性心脏支架
  心脏支架可撑开变窄的动脉血管壁,避免血管堵塞,防止冠心病发生。药物洗脱支架释放药物,防止动脉血管再次变窄。伊利诺斯州雅培公司(Abbott Laboratories)制成的这种生物降解支架比药物洗脱支架更加先进。跟金属药物洗脱支架不同,它在阻止动脉变窄后,会被动脉壁吸收。这种支架进入动脉血管6个月后开始分解,2年后完全消失,留下的是一根健康有活力的动脉。
10. 肌肉刺激器


  艾勒兹-利波曼(Erez Lieberman)的祖母突然摔倒后,他希望能确保这种事情以后不再发生。美国麻省理工学院研究生利波曼说:“然而直到几年后我到美国宇航局工作,才发现一个让该梦想变成现实的方法。” 利波曼的iShoe利用为监控从太空中返回的宇航员的平衡能力研发的技术,分析脚上分配的压力。医生可以利用这种鞋垫,在老年患者摔倒以前,诊断出他们的平衡问题。






  肥胖总是与二型糖尿病相伴而生。随着时间推移,二型糖尿病会使胰腺受损。总部设在马萨诸塞州的GI Dynamics公司或许可以通过防止食物不接触肠壁,让肥胖患者恢复到健康体重。Endobarrier内膜法是通过口腔把内窥镜送入体内,并在小肠入口2英寸处铺设这种内膜,该部位是肠壁吸收卡路里最多的地方,该部位以下的肠壁还将进一步吸收食品中的养分。采用胃肠道内膜方法跟采用胃旁路手术不一样,这种方法无需手术。








20 will change the medical biotechnology breakthrough:抗腐bacteria
20 will change the medical breakthroughs of biotechnology
Beijing News February 16, according to "Popular Mechanics" magazine, from the saliva test to check cancer, to the extent that only injection, would enable the nerve to re-grow along the spinal cord, the medical profession to obtain these new results, to help us to restore health, improve their lives, prolong life, so that biology and the boundaries between science and technology has become increasingly blurred.
Bacteria on the teeth will be converted into sugar lactic acid, lactic acid corrosion enamel, causing tooth decay. Florida-based company ONI BioPharma has designed a new strain, which is called Smart strain does not produce lactic acid, but can kill the release of a corrosion caused by the natural variant (natural decay - causing strain) of antibiotics. This new strain is currently undergoing clinical trials, the dentist as long as they are applied to teeth, we can ensure that dental health Forever.
2. Artificial lymph nodes
Physical and Chemical Research Institute of Japan (Riken Institute) scientists have developed artificial lymph node. Lymph node on the human body is very important, it can produce anti-inflammatory function of immune cells. Although doctors may one day will replace the artificial lymph node disease, but initially it may only push them as specially customized immunoenhancer (customized immune booster). Doctor use of specific cell filled with this node can be the treatment of cancer or specific diseases such as AIDS.
3. Asthma sensor
The United States accounted for in emergency cases of asthma cases in a quarter, but the University of Pittsburgh developed a sensor may eventually make the figure much lower. The handheld detectors, there are coated with a polymer of carbon nanotubes, you can analyze a person in one minute exhaled gas in the amount of nitric oxide. Nitric oxide is an asthma attack before the lungs have a gas.
4. Cancer saliva tests
UCLA researchers use their research and development of an instrument, through a drop of saliva of oral cancer was found with this apparatus, we may no longer be necessary to carry out biopsies can be cancer. With cancer-related proteins with the sensors react to the paint issue can be seen using fluorescence microscopy. HE Zhi-ming Engineer noted that they can use the same method, through saliva, for diagnosis of various diseases.
5. Biological pacemaker
Electronic pacemaker can be life-saving, but it will eventually be used in components due to wear and broken. Several researchers at the University is now no need to develop a battery of the pacemaker: Doctor can be injected into the cardiac pacemaker gene to locate damage. Use of biological pacemaker, the patient's life would be much closer to normal, they may be able to appropriate physical activity, studies have shown that this pacemaker does not lead to complications in the circumstances, accelerated heartbeat canine heart.
Feedback information of prosthetic
6. Prosthetics feedback
Prosthetic face a major challenge is, it is difficult to monitor them. Stanford University Graduate School Carl - Barker said: "We do not look, you can feel where the U.S. extremities, however, amputees and the person should not do." Skin is very sensitive to the physical stretching, it can feel in the direction of limbs and intensity of small changes have taken place. Barker is now a research and development equipment, such equipment can be extended amputee amputees around the skin, to provide them with the location and movement of limbs on the feedback information.
7. Smart contact lenses
Glaucoma is the second largest factor in blindness, when the increase in intraocular pressure, retinal cell damage when the formation of glaucoma. University of California, Davis research and development of contact lenses includes conductive lines, it can constantly monitor the risk groups intraocular pressure and fluid flow. Then, the invisible eyes will transmit information to the patients wear a small device, then the device through the wireless transmission of these information and transmit them to the computer. This constant stream of data will help doctors better understand the causes of glaucoma. The future of contact lenses may also automatically assigned drugs, changes in eye pressure.
8. Language Restorer
Loss of ability to speak for those people who have an Illinois Corporation (Ambient Corporation) developed a new type of "voice machine" will provide them with others can be heard the voices. The company and the TI (Texas Instruments), co-developed with such equipment. This is called the Audeo things found in the brain using electrodes transmission of nerve signals to the vocal cords. Wear this neck of the patient to imagine a number of hoops to say, the machines will be through wireless transmission, it receives stimuli and transmit them to the computer or mobile phone to generate voice.
9. Absorbable Heart Stent
Heart stent can open the narrowed artery wall to prevent blood vessel blockage and prevent the occurrence of coronary heart disease. Drug-eluting stents release drugs to prevent arteries narrowing again. Illinois Abbott (Abbott Laboratories) made of such biodegradable stent than the more advanced drug-eluting stent. Drug-eluting stents with different metals, which prevent the arterial narrowing after arterial wall will be absorbed. This stent into the artery 6 months after the beginning of decomposition, 2 years later, completely disappeared, leaving a healthy dynamic artery.
10. Muscle stimulator
In the fracture healing process, due to the lack of a nearby muscle activity, often to shrink, it has been a headache. But now Israeli companies StimuHeal use MyoSpare solved the problem. MyoSpare is a use of battery-operated apparatus, which uses micro-electric muscle stimulation, so that they fracture during the treatment continue to maintain sturdy.
11. Nerve regenerator
Obstruction due to scar tissue, neurons can not grow along the injured spinal cord. But at Northwestern University developed a nanogels (nanogel) solve the obstacles. Nanogels this liquid was injected into the human body, it will be automatically assembled into nanofibers framework. Such fibers in the peptide, will be directed under normal circumstances would be the formation of scar tissue stem cells can promote nerve cell growth. At the same time, this framework will support the new growth of axons along the spinal cord.
12. Maintain stable insoles
艾勒兹-利波曼(Erez Lieberman) grandmother suddenly fall, he hopes will ensure that such incidents will not happen. Massachusetts Institute of Technology graduate利波曼the United States said: "But until a few years later I went to NASA's work, they found a dream into a reality for the way." IShoe used as the利波曼monitoring from space in the back astronaut's ability to balance R & D technology, analysis of foot pressure distribution. Doctor may use the insoles, before falling in elderly patients, diagnose their balance problem.
13. Smart pills
Headquartered in California, Proteus Biomedical designed a detector, the drug can be swallowed stomach Record the exact time, to track the effectiveness of drugs. Skin like a bandage on the same receiver, will receive the smart pill, like grains of sand as large as in the micro-chip high-frequency current issue. And these receivers is also responsible for monitoring heart rate and breathing, and through wireless transmission to record data and transmit them to the computer. Company senior vice president of development David - O'Reilly said: "In order to make progress medicine, we need to take some in other industrial fields are very common method to existing products and electronic technologies, as much as possible of their network. "
Automatic wheelchair
14. Automated wheelchair
The United States Massachusetts Institute of Technology researcher developed an automated wheelchair, according to people's instructions, they want to take them to go any place. This wheelchair use Wi-Fi, through the patient to determine the location of, for example, "This is my room" or "We are in the kitchen" and so on, to understand the surrounding environment. Wi-Fi with the Global Positioning System are not the same, the former in the interior can also exert a positive effect. Now, related to the existing models are tested, one day this wheelchair will be equipped with cameras, laser range finder and a collision avoidance system.
Gastrointestinal tract endometrial
15. Endometrial gastrointestinal
Obesity is always associated with Type II diabetes attendant. Over time, Type II diabetes may damage the pancreas. Headquartered in Massachusetts, the company GI Dynamics may be able to prevent the food through the intestinal wall does not contact, so that obese patients to return to a healthy weight. Endobarrier endometrium is the endoscope through the mouth into the body, and the entrance in the small intestine 2 inches laying of such endometrial Department, the site of intestinal absorption of calories are the most places, the site of the bowel wall below will be further absorption of food nutrients. Ways endometrium using the gastrointestinal tract with the use of gastric bypass surgery are not the same, this method without surgery.
16. Livers scanner
Not long ago, if you want to know where their liver is healthy, often have to accept very painful biopsy. But now well, the French company has developed a EchoSens in 5 minutes to scan the liver is damaged equipment. Studies have shown that with the damage to the liver slowly harden, flexibility will become increasingly bad. Therefore, this is known as transient elastography (FibroScan) of the apparatus, the use of ultrasound measurement of liver elasticity.
17. Nano-adhesives
Gecko feet covered with a layer of nano-hairs, these hairs the use of force between the molecules so that gecko firmly to lie on the surface. Scientists at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology United States in accordance with this principle, has developed an adhesive that doctors can use this kind of thing paste wounds resulting from ulcers or holes. This adhesive is flexible, waterproof, and the production of such adhesive material can be recovered from the process of gradually broken down.
18. Portable dialysis Miriam
The United States has more than 15 million adults suffering from kidney disease, this disease often will weaken the kidneys to remove toxins in the blood's ability. Conventional kidney dialysis process include: a week in the hospital for dialysis 3 times. However, headquartered in Los Angeles R & D Xcorporeal an artificial kidney, could be around the clock to clear the toxins in the blood. This apparatus is not only fully automated, battery-powered, with waterproof function, and the weight of not more than five pounds, a very convenient to carry.
19. Walk simulator
Stroke survivors, the use of English University of Portsmouth developed a virtual reality rehabilitation program for treatment, his condition will resume faster. When a patient walk in the walking machine, they see images of the exercise so that they create the illusion of walking speed feel more slowly than it actually. Therefore, patients will not only speed up the pace, and walking distance will be farther away. But when they make these and will not be more painful manager.
20. Rocket-arm
To make artificial limbs more powerful and usually required a bulky battery pack to their energy. However, Vanderbilt University scientists Michael - gould law伯提out a feasibility of energy: the rocket propellant. Thanks to the size of a pencil monopropellant rocket launching systems, Goethe Farber prostheses can lift 20 pounds heavier things than existing prostheses can lift objects weighing more than 3-4 times. Monopropellant rocket launching systems are often used to track the space shuttle powered. Such propellants - hydrogen peroxide for the normal activities of the artificial limb 18 hours continuously to provide energy.