

President Obama and the Congress are working to address the global climate crisis and improve our environment. They're also trying to get our economy moving again. To accomplish both, they passed the Recovery Act, which includes a requirement that taxpayer-funded projects use products that are made in America under our country's environmental, health, and safety standards.

But now big corporations that moved to China where environmental regulations are weak are pressuring Congress and the Administration to drop this key requirement. Typical Chinese foundries producing the same parts produce 20 times more particulates and nearly 35 times more carbon monoxide than foundries in the US. In fact, China is now the largest source of both sulfur dioxide (SO2) and carbon dioxide (CO2) in the world.

Sign the letter below to tell Congress to protect our environment.


Dear Member of Congress,


I believe in being a responsible steward of our natural environment. The “Buying American” in the Recovery Act for water infrastructure projects is not just a smart way to support our country’s domestic manufacturing jobs, but also a smart way to protect our global environment.

Greenhouse gas emission don’t respect borders, and typical Chinese foundries producing the same parts emit 20 times more particulates and nearly 35 times more carbon monoxide than foundries in US and producing 400-500% more green house gases. In fact, China now is the largest source of both sulfur dioxide (SO2) and carbon dioxide (CO2) in the world.

Please support the “Buy American” provision for products that are parts of our nation’s investment in our water infrastructure. Thank you for your attention to this important issue. In the coming weeks and months I will be following this issue closely.


Thank you,


P.S. Please stand up for our environment. Support “Buy American” provision in the water infrastructure investment bill.