第26届世界人口大会呼吁应对人口问题带来的挑战 第26届世界人口大会呼吁应对人口问题带来的挑战 与会者普遍关注全球人口增长的不平衡现象。欠发达地区人口高增长将导致粮食供应、教育、公共医疗及生态等多方面的负担,对人类的可持续发展带来严重挑战。而一些国家生育率下降将使这些国家面临劳动力短缺、老龄化现象严重等人口危机,对其经济发展和国家安全带来新的挑战。 他们呼吁,各国政府应该将解决人口问题纳入国民经济和社会发展的总体规划中,正确协调人口问题与社会和经济发展、资源利用和环境保护的相互关系。根据不同的国情,确立正确的人口政策。 本届大会上新当选的国际人口科学研究联盟主席彼得·麦克唐纳在闭幕式上发表讲话说,本届大会涉及人口增长不平衡、人口与环境、消除贫困、妇女儿童、文化与宗教以及防治艾滋病等诸多人口问题。他说,大会开展的学术交流成果将推动这些问题的研究和解决。 在会议期间,来自114个国家和地区的2000多位人口问题及人口统计学专家和学者,就有关世界人口前途的200多个议题进行了广泛的学术交流和研讨。会议期间还就人口与发展问题举办了专题讲座和展览。 本届世界人口大会由国际人口科学研究联盟和摩洛哥政府联合倡议举办。这是首次在非洲和阿拉伯国家举行世界人口大会。大会每4年举行一届。第27届世界人口大会将于2013年在韩国釜山举行。 [ 作者:佚名 转贴自:本站原创 点击数:196 更新时间:2009-10-3 文章录入:nnb ]
2009年10月03日 10:41:29 来源:新华网
The 26th General Assembly called on the world's population cope with the challenges of population issues
October 3, 2009 10:41:29 Source: Xinhua
Xinhua Marrakesh, Morocco, October 2 (Xinhua Lin Feng) Section 26 session of the World Population Conference, two on the evening of the ancient city of Marrakesh, Morocco, came to an end. The participating experts and scholars called upon under the conditions to establish correct population policy to deal with population problems of this century's challenges.
There was general concern about the imbalances in global population growth. High population growth in less developed regions will lead to food supply, education, public health and ecological and other aspects of the burden on the sustainable development of mankind has brought serious challenges. The fertility decline in some countries, these countries will face labor shortages, the phenomenon of aging and serious demographic crisis, its economic development and national security has brought new challenges.
They called on governments to address population issues should be incorporated into the overall national economic and social development plan, the proper coordination of population issues and social and economic development, resource utilization and environmental protection of the mutual relations. According to different national conditions, establish the correct population policy.
This Assembly, the newly elected President of the International Union for the Scientific Population Peter McDonald said in a speech at the closing ceremony, the current imbalance in the General Assembly dealing with population growth, population and environment, poverty eradication, women and children, culture and religion, as well as the the fight against AIDS and many other population issues. He said that the outcome of the General Assembly to carry out academic exchanges will promote the study and resolve these issues.
During the meeting, from 114 countries and regions, more than 2000 population and demographic experts and scholars on the future of the world's population of more than 200 subjects a wide range of academic exchanges and seminars. During the meeting on population and development issues was also organized seminars and exhibitions.
At the World Population Conference by the International Union and the Scientific Study of Population organized by the joint initiative of the Government of Morocco. This is the first in Africa and the Arab countries at the World Population Conference. A session of the General Assembly every 4 years. 27th session of the World Population Conference will be held in Busan in South Korea in 2013.
T细胞、T细胞亚群、 调节性(或抑制性)T细胞在艾滋病康复中的研究