“遏制艾滋 履行承诺”进单位主题活动月

“遏制艾滋 履行承诺”进单位主题活动月


“遏制艾滋 履行承诺”进单位主题活动月
http://www.sina.com.cn  2009年10月26日08:54  北京卫生局网站
  由北京市防治艾滋病工作委员会、北京市卫生局主办的首都预防艾滋病宣传志愿者“1+1”十进行动之“遏制艾滋 履行承诺”十月主题活动于10月23日在全市18个区县如期举行。十月份是“1+1”十进行动的最后一次活动,为掀起活动高潮,本次活动在石景山区首钢第二炼钢厂设立主会场,市防艾办主任、市卫生局赵春惠副局长出席了活动并讲话,她向参与活动的志愿者朋友介绍了目前我市艾滋病防治工作开展情况,感谢志愿者们对我市艾滋病防治工作的支持,同时对志愿者提出了殷切希望,并在“遏制艾滋,履行承诺”的横幅上与志愿者朋友们一起签名。

  “1+1”十进行动自08年12月1日启动以来,足迹遍布全市,活动影响广泛。一月,将“反对歧视,从我做起”的观念送进医院;二月,“安全的爱 相伴终生”给京城各大影院送去了一份特殊的情人节礼物;三月,新老志愿者在各大车站与乘客“志愿防艾,一路同行”;四月,“珍爱自己,善待生命”的口号响彻校园;五月,社区挂起了“预防艾滋病,健康全家人”的宣传横幅;六月,与国际禁毒日一道“拒绝毒品 远离艾滋”;七月,防艾志愿者“情系农民工,共抗艾滋病”;八月,将“安全相伴,健康相随”的温馨提醒送给宾馆的客人;九月,“相互关爱,共享生命”的宣传台成了商场里最受关注的柜台。如今,“1+1”十进行动经历了冬的磨砺、春的孕育、夏的绽放,已经迎来了秋的收获。


 "Stop AIDS Keep the Promise" theme of the activities into the unit on
http://www.sina.com.cn 2009 Nian 10 Yue 26 Ri 08:54 Beijing Health Bureau web site
By the Beijing Municipal AIDS Working Committee, the Beijing Municipal Health Bureau, the capital of organized AIDS advocacy volunteers "1 +1" 10 to move the "Stop AIDS Keep the Promise" theme of the activities on 10 October 23 in the city's 18 districts and counties on schedule held. October is "1 +1" 10 to move the last event, in order to set off the activities of the climax, this event in the Shijingshan District, Shougang steel plant set up the second main venue, city director of AIDS Prevention Office, Municipal Health Bureau, deputy director of Zhao Chunhui Long attended the event and made a speech, she volunteers to participate in the activities of friends of the current situation in the city to carry out AIDS prevention and control work, for volunteers to the city's AIDS prevention and support for the work, while volunteers made a fervent hope, and in the "Stop AIDS, Keep the Promise" banner along with volunteers, friends signatures.

"1 +1" 10 to move from December 1, 2008 inception, traveling throughout the city, activities, widespread. In January, will "fight against discrimination, from my start" concept taken to hospital; in February, "accompanied by life-long love of security," sent to Beijing's major theaters with a special Valentine's Day gift; in March, the new and old Volunteers in the major stations and passengers "voluntary AIDS Prevention, the ride"; in April, "to cherish themselves, to treat life" slogan resounded through the campus; in May, the community hung "prevention of AIDS, healthy family" propaganda banners; in June, with the International Day against Drug Abuse a "refuse drugs out of HIV"; in July, AIDS Prevention volunteer "Love in the Department of migrant workers, a total of anti-AIDS"; in August, will be "safe accompanied by health attendant," the warm reminder sent to hotel guests; in September, "mutual caring, sharing life" propaganda Taiwan became the most talked about the store counter. Today, the "1 +1" 10 to move through the winter tempered spring behind them, summer bloom, has ushered in the autumn harvest.

Up to now, the city's total AIDS-awareness campaign carried out more than 400 screenings, distributing promotional materials, more than 20 species, more than 40 million copies, the new development volunteers, 30678, plus the city's 70 "Youth Red Ribbon" community recruited 14212 College volunteers will soon be enacted before the completion of action to recruit 50000 people to volunteer troops goals. In the newly recruited volunteers, the oldest 86-year-old and the youngest four-year-old, with an average age of 28 years, with 15628 students in schools, accounting for 51% of serving officers 14375, accounting for 49%. In particular that, after entering the station, shopping malls, construction sites and other promotional activities to participate in the city's AIDS Prevention Volunteers In addition to permanent residents of Beijing, the new recruits from other provinces floating population has reached 3746 people; In addition, through August into the hotel The activities also recruited some foreign volunteers, anti-aids for effective dissemination of knowledge of AIDS prevention and control has played an important role.



[ 作者:佚名    转贴自:本站原创    点击数:196    更新时间:2009-10-26    文章录入:nnb ]
























T细胞、T细胞亚群、 调节性(或抑制性)T细胞在艾滋病康复中的研究 





