
Research on Guangxi Urban Industry’s Competitive Competence Gray Comprehensive Evaluation and Unbalanced Discrepancy

2009 International Conference of Management Engineering and Information technology, Springer and Zhenzhou Institute of Aeronautical Industry Management, Zhengzhou on October 2009(coauthored with Xianchun Zhang and Peng Zeng)

Abstract“Industry Prospering Guangxi” is the fatal decision made by Guangxi Government, meanwhile, to improve Guangxi industry’s competitive competence is the inevitable choice for its regional economics’ better and quicker development. It has the great significance in theory and practice to research Guangxi urban industry’s competitive competence to promote Guangxi’s industrialization and urbanization. By building the system of Guangxi urban industry’s competitive competence evaluation system, using the gray comprehensive evaluation method, it turned out that Guangxi urban industry’s competitive competence showed regional unbalances. And the countermeasures to shorten the unbalanced discrepancy were put forward in the article.

KeywordsGuangxi urban, industry’s competitive competence, gray comprehensive evaluation, unbalanced discrepancy