英刊列09年全球28件大事 人类在多方面实现突破

英刊列09年全球28件大事 人类在多方面实现突破
http://www.rednet.cn  2009-1-3 9:32:48  红网  
·研究发现6亿年前地球大气二氧化碳浓度很高 ·全球金融危机引发迪拜新年“解雇潮”
·英国女王行宫设计图现身路边 ·法国美女司法部长未婚产女 孩子爹是谁仍是


  1.奥巴马将上任 给全球问题解决带来新希望












































British Journal in 2009 listed 28 major global human in many ways to achieve a breakthrough
Red Net http://www.rednet.cn 2009-1-3 9:32:48
Study found that 6 million years ago the Earth's atmospheric carbon dioxide in high concentrations, the global financial crisis triggered the New Year in Dubai "fired boom"
Britain's Queen palace design coming out roadside beauty France the Minister of Justice unmarried births girls father who is still

2009 has come, the world looks forward to a series of events occurred on this, the United Kingdom "new politics" forecast, in the new year, mankind will have historical influence in the following event will make even greater progress. The article said that in 2008 in the volatile international situation is over, but we have every reason to look forward to in 2009, the human race in various aspects will be to achieve a historic breakthrough.

1. Obama will be appointed to the global problems brought about new hope

Martin. Luther. Kim's dream in 2008 has been realized, in 2009 Obama will formally take office, not only for the United States is the end of an era for the world as a whole may also be the beginning of an era.

George W. Bush 8 years in power, the United States was subjected to unprecedented humiliation. Since the "9.11", after George W. Bush launched two consecutive so-called "war on terror", the United States into a quagmire of war. In addition, global climate cooperation, prisoner abuse, religion and other issues, the United States conservatives performance not satisfactory.

Obama's election may change the United States has always been the policy to the world surprises. First of all, he will place greater emphasis on nuclear proliferation issues, he even talked about "to determine a goal, the establishment of a world without nuclear weapons." I hope Obama can be made more practical and effective measures to solve problem of nuclear proliferation. Secondly, in the climate policy, he supported a program aimed at reducing the emission of pollutants, "the international emissions trading program", the program's goal is to have in 2050 will slow down the global emission of 80%.

In short, as the first black U.S. president, Obama has not only become a symbol of hope that the United States of colored people, but also to the issue of globalization has brought new hope.

2. Human Fertilization and Embryology Act

From 2009 onwards, the British Government will change the past, the problem of fertilization and embryo attitude, ready to support stem cell therapy. The study will enable hundreds of thousands of patients to benefit from the genetic. We can imagine that, in 2009 the development of scientific fields will cause a better life.

3. "Convention on cluster munitions banned"

In June 2009, from more than 100 countries signed the "Convention on cluster munitions to disable" enter into force. This is the first time in human history, the form of restrictions on international law, the use of cluster bombs. There is no doubt that this treaty will play the role of restrictions against the war.

4. Fourth-generation biofuels

U.S. geneticist Craig - Infante said that he has found a way to replace the "petro-chemical industry" technology. His research showed that organic matter through genetic recombination, is entirely possible to produce a new biofuel. He also by virtue of this research was "Time Magazine" as the world's 100 most influential figures. If the idea of Infante can be used in industrial production, in 2009 humanity will be entering a new energy era.

5. Sudan prospects

In 2009, the world looks forward to the International Criminal Court to prosecute Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir. International intervention will likely contribute to the Sudan problem.

6. The international economic situation

From an economic point of view, 2009 is not optimistic. However, governments are taking various measures to revive the economy. Moreover, in 2009 the unemployment benefits and pension issues will be solved properly. Most importantly, in accordance with national data show that the global knowledge economy and industrial innovation has not been the impact of economic crisis, which for economic restructuring and recovery provide a solid foundation.

7. The pharmaceutical industry will be open to anti-retroviral drugs

World Health Organization called on the pharmaceutical industry and opening up anti-retroviral drugs, it is to extend the lives of AIDS the most effective drugs. In 2009, we can not only be heard for AIDS care, there are likely to see HIV prevention drug production progress.

8. Cloning technology

2009 Cloning technology may progress may not be the most watched event, but for medicine and development of mankind itself is of great significance.

9. Also in Nepal, "soldiers home" to justice

British Supreme Court has sentenced British troops serving in Nepal "soldiers home" for illegal immigrants to settle in Britain, which is clearly unfair. In 2009, the issues to be resolved, the Western human rights situation be improved.

10. Paul. Dirac biography published

This is a well-known, but his 20th century physics, made an outstanding contribution to development, in January 2009 will be the publication of his biography. Forever great hope to stay in the memory of history.

11. Climate Change

Humanity's greatest threat comes from global warming, the next 12 months, we can temporarily breathe a sigh of relief. European Co-operation has been reached on the climate of cooperation intentions, Obama also shows that the next U.S. government's climate policy. Within the framework of international cooperation in climate in 2009 will be launched step by step.

12. EU expansion to the Balkan region, the Group further obvious trend of regionalization.

13. Racial discrimination is expected to be resolved, the global realization of racial equality.

14.2009 years, G8 will assume greater international responsibility for the poverty-stricken areas around the world to provide safe drinking water, so that infectious diseases such as plague under control.

15. Democratic institutions in a broader context the establishment of a military coup and the military government and the electoral system will be replaced by a popularly elected government.

16.2009, the broadband network will cover the East African region, the East Africa and other regions of Asia and Europe together. Among them, Tanzania and Kenya as the main beneficiaries.

17. Bristol Book Award the growing influence of the poetry and prose designed to reward creativity Book Award in March 2009 will be awarded 10,000 pounds in prize money.

18. Opera reform initial results, the formation of the modern opera, and cultural undertakings will be a breakthrough in 2009.

20.2010 in the World Cup will be decided the final entry list this year. This is the first time entered the African World Cup.

21.2009 years, there will be more countries to introduce anti-smoking bill, which is conducive to control the spread of cancer.

22. Obama decided to close the Guantanamo prison. In 2009, the United States finally dare to face its own human rights official problem.

23.2009 In January, the British parliamentary system reform, the House of Lords lost the status of the Supreme Court. British separation of powers system more perfect.

24.2009 in February, the British National Gallery Picasso exhibition held for the first time.

25.2009 in the international community with the safety requirements of public entertainment, higher demands.

26. Nano-medical technology in 2009 is expected to achieve a breakthrough.

27.2009, the British troops from Iraq, U.S. policy toward Iraq will be a turnaround.

28.2009 years, European leaders are likely to request a new round of EU constitution referendum. (钟龙)


[Draft Source: Global Times]