What will life be like in 100 years’time? By then, the population of the world will have doubled. We will have run out of many essential materials like oil and coal. We may have even run out of water to drink. Some experts believe that we will be living like chickens, we will be living in little boxes eating official food.
Some experts are pessimistic. Others are far more optimistic. They say that life will be far better than it is today. We may be getting far more sunlight, breathing fresher air, living in better buildings and leading far better lives than we are today.
Life will certainly have become far more mechanized. It may even have become too mechanized. Mechanization has already caused quite a few problems. It will cause still more. For example, machine will be doing many jobs that people do today. People will no longer be able to learn only one job in their lifetime. They will have to learn several. Many of the jobs that young people are doing today will have become unnecessary by the time they are forty. This problem will have grown in 100 years’time.