
http://www.sina.com.cn  2008年12月07日10:58  深圳晚报
  新华社今日上午专电 2008年度诺贝尔医学奖得主之一吕克·蒙塔尼6日说,艾滋病治疗性疫苗有望5年内研制成功,从而有效控制甚至阻断艾滋病病毒传播。按照他的说法,短期内找到根除艾滋病的治疗手段并非易事,但研制出防止艾滋病病毒感染的治疗性疫苗可能在四五年内实现。


Five years to control the spread of HIV
12 years http://www.sina.com.cn 2008 on 07 on the Shenzhen Evening News 10:58
Xinhua News Agency this morning Mar 2008 Nobel Medicine Prize winner said that one of the吕克蒙塔尼6, therapeutic AIDS vaccine expected to be 5 years successfully developed in order to effectively control and even block the spread of HIV. According to him, a short period of time to find the means to eradicate AIDS treatment is not an easy task, but developed to prevent HIV infection therapeutic vaccine may be realized in 2045.