静脉吸毒传播呈降势性接触传播有所上升 |
http://www.jmnews.com.cn 2008-12-5 10:28 南方日报 |
■世界艾滋病日 12月1日,本周一,第21个世界艾滋病日。记者走访了江门市疾病控制中心的艾滋病防治科,了解到静脉吸毒仍是江门HIV的主要传播途径,但逐渐呈下降趋势;同时,性接触传播的比例有所上升,而有关部门一直以来都积极在市区针对高危人群开展干预活动。 知道地址、姓名的病人只占两成 该中心艾滋病防治科科长文美贞告诉记者,自2005年开始他们就到市区的娱乐场所讲课、派发传单,宣传抗艾滋病的知识。但有关工作人员介绍说,由于性工作者工作隐秘,地点分散,难以全面进行。 HIV患者也能从事正常工作 “我现在最大的希望就是找到一份好的工作,能维持现有的生活。”一个30多岁的艾滋病患者就表示,自己以前吸毒,后来染上艾滋病。但现在他已完全戒掉了毒瘾,非常努力找工作,想开始新生活,可每个工作都干不长,3个月就换了3份工作。因为他目前已进入发病期,每月要吃很多抗病毒药,如果在单位的宿舍居住,往往会被别人发现。而且因为正在吃药,他每过一段时间就要请假去医院进行检查,影响正常的工作,也引发雇主的不满。目前,他只能靠打一些散工维持生计,并表示不知未来的日子怎么过。 Intravenous drug use was down potential spread of increased contact
-------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ http://www.jmnews.com.cn 2008-12-5 10:28 Nanfang Daily ■ World AIDS Day Intravenous drug use was down potential spread of increased contact Know the names and addresses of patients into only two People armed with propaganda slogans to mark the 21st World AIDS Day. Xinhua News Agency issued December 1, a week, the first of 21 World AIDS Day. Reporters visited the city of Jiangmen Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Division of AIDS, intravenous drug that is still in Jiangmen the main route of transmission of HIV, but gradually declined; At the same time, the proportion of contact has increased, and relevant departments has been an active In the urban areas for high-risk groups to carry out intervention activities. Know the address, only the names of the patients into two The chief of the Center for AIDS Prevention Wen-ching, told reporters the United States since 2005, they began to lecture in the urban areas of entertainment, distributing leaflets to publicize AIDS knowledge. However, the staff said that sex workers due to the work of the secretive, dispersed locations, it is difficult to carry out comprehensive. In addition to the Taishan in Jiangmen, city, district CDC did not formally separate the management of the establishment of the AIDS Department, engaged in the prevention and treatment of front-line staff shortages are not fixed, the sex workers on the basic aspects of the intervention did not start. The staff members also expressed concern. "The annual rate of the defaulters are very high, the result is out, but the patient gone." Wen-ching is estimated that the United States, have now come to know the names and addresses of AIDS patients account for only about 2-cheng, the relevant departments are also a variety of Way to open up more channels for people to carry out screening. At present, any bleeding prior to the surgery are asked to inspect HIV, pregnant women during pregnancy and pre-production are also in need of this inspection, this means an annual screening can be a part of the crowd. HIV patients can engage in normal work "I hope that is now the largest find a good job to maintain the existing way of life." A 30-year-old with AIDS said that before his drug addiction and later infected with AIDS. But now that he has completely quit the addiction, very hard to find a job, would like to start a new life, each can do all the work is not long, 3 months on the job-for-3. Because he is now in its incidence, eat a lot of anti-viral drugs per month, if the units in the living quarters, often found by others. But also because the medicine is, he should leave some time to go to the hospital for examination and affect the normal work but also lead to dissatisfaction with the employer. At present, he can only play on a number of casual workers make a living, and said that I do not know how over the years to come. "In fact, under normal circumstances, HIV virus carriers have to be 2-8 years before the disease, even if the incidence, take medicine adopted by some people to have CD4 (immune system cells is one) to maintain the level of more than 200, they have The ability to engage in normal, healthy people and with room and board is not a problem. "Wen Mei-ching told reporters that at present there is a pair of young parents, both had AIDS, the mother in a small 4-month son when the other to carry out the testing operation AIDS virus. At present, the mother has to do with the children eat every day, even at night have to sleep together, not-to-child transmission. "As long as the virus carriers have cut their pay attention to when you basically nothing on the issue." She added. Tao newspaper reporter |