

We are sad to announce that Pownce is shutting down on December 15,2008. As of today, Pownce will no longer be accepting new users or newpro accounts.   

To help with your transition, we have built an export tool so you can save your content. You can find the export tool at Settings > Export.Please export your content by December 15, 2008, as the site will not be accessible after this date.

Please visit our new home to find out more:

Our thanks go out to everyone who contributed to the Pownce community,

The Pownce Crew

Pownce被Six Part收购,也算是不错的一个结局吧。目前,在美国,Twitter已经成为最受企业及组织机构喜爱的社会化媒体,Pownce面临的压力的确够大,而选择卖掉是相当明智的。

Pownce Acquired by Six Apart

Pownce has been acquired by the blogging company Six Apart, the makers of Movable Type, TypePad and Vox. To find out more about the acquisition please read the announcement by Six Apart CEO Chris Alden, and the announcement by Pownce Founder Leah Culver.

Pownce.com will be Shutting Down

Pownce.com will be shut down by December 15, 2008. If you would like to keep your content, we have created an export tool to assist you under Settings > Export. But please be sure to have exported your content by December 15, 2008 as it will not be accessible after that date.

We want to thank you for building the Pownce community. We are sad we must close Pownce.com, but we encourage you to continue the spirit of Pownce on Vox or TypePad.

A New Beginning

The Pownce team is excited about joining Six Apart. Six Apart has some excellent services to help you stay in touch and share with friends and to reach new readers.


Vox is a personal blogging service designed to help you share with friends and family.

Vox is a free service available to all Pownce users.

Sign up for Vox.

Thank you again for your support for Pownce.