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Abe blows Japans trumpet, cautiously
May 3rd 2007 | TOKYO
From The Economist print edition
2007年5月3日 发自日本东京

Shinzo Abe wants a more assertive foreign policy
but Japans energy dependence is forcing it to be more pragmatic.(AP)

SINCE becoming prime minister last September, Shinzo Abe has done plenty of travelling. Straight off, he made a fence-mending trip to China and South Korea, with whom Japans relations had deteriorated under his predecessor, Junichiro Koizumi. In January he visited Europe, chiefly to emphasise that Japan was a staunch democratic partner on NATOs eastern flank. This week, shortly after visiting Washington for talks with George Bush, he toured the Middle East, the fount of more than three-quarters of Japans oil.

Mr Abes men say his travels paint an emerging vision: while the alliance with America remains the cornerstone of Japans security policy, Mr Abe is also pushing once-passive Japan to pursue its own, more muscular course. For in Asia, says an official, Japan is playing “a huge great game” in which it must compete with a rising China and a newly confident Russia for resources, power and prestige.

His first trip as prime minister to meet Mr Bush was overshadowed by Mr Abes comments, in March, questioning the Japanese armys wartime role in forcing women into military brothels. Howls of international protest forced him into a sort-of apology. He repeated it to Mr Bush, who “accepted” it—as if the president spoke for the victims. This choreographed pas de deux prevented the issue overwhelming all others.

Mr Bush warmly approves of Mr Abes fence-mending with neighbours who had been antagonised by Mr Koizumis provocative visits to Yasukuni, Tokyos war shrine. America needs Chinese co-operation, even leadership, in dealing with a North Korea that went nuclear last October. And in the longer run, it wants to tie China in as a “responsible stakeholder” of the international system. Neither goal is served if Japan riles its neighbours with high-handedness over its wartime past.

Mr Abe was welcomed, too, for insisting that Japan should play an ever more energetic role in the alliance. After he left Washington last weekend, Japans foreign minister, Taro Aso, and the defence minister, Fumio Kyuma, sat down with their American counterparts, Condoleezza Rice and Robert Gates. With North Koreas missiles in mind, the Americans emphasised their countrys commitment to defend Japan against conventional and nuclear threats—in effect reaffirming that Japan is protected by Americas nuclear umbrella.

America also promised to bring forward the deployment by Japan of two American-made anti-ballistic missile systems. And with a view as much towards Chinas military rise as the North Korean threat, America even hinted it might sell Japan the advanced F-22 Raptor stealth fighter (though it later backtracked).

Japan is keen to play a greater part in its own defence, including through increased military co-operation. However, this has been hampered by the Japanese governments interpretation of the constitution. In particular, collective self-defence has been ruled out of bounds. As things stand, for instance, Japan may not shoot down a North Korean missile headed for the United States, or come to the aid of an American ship under attack. However, before his American visit Mr Abes government announced a review of the interpretation.

A right to collective self-defence underpins Mr Abes broader ambition, which is to ensure that Japan can play a bigger role in international security. As an example of the constraints, Japans 600 ground troops deployed in Iraq until last year were unable to use force. On May 3rd, the Japanese constitutions 60th anniversary, Mr Abe proposed rewriting it—including perhaps the clause declaring Japan pacifist.

Japans great game is dressed up in the values of humanitarianism, democracy and the rule of law. It seeks closer ties with democratic India and recently formalised a security alliance of sorts, only Japans second, with Australia. Mr Aso speaks of an “arc of freedom and prosperity” from Japan, swinging through India via moderate Middle Eastern states into Europe. China and Russia, unsurprisingly, see this as a bid to contain them.

However, Mr Abes trip to the Gulf this week illustrated how pragmatism is lurking behind the fa?ade of Japans talk of spreading democracy. While China is signing energy deals around the world, cosying up to even the nastiest regimes, Japans attempts to secure its long-term oil supplies have gone awry. Last autumn the Iranians forced it to cut sharply its stake in the Azadegan oilfield in Iran, in which it had invested much time and money. Shortly after, Japanese stakes in the huge Sakhalin-2 gas project were slashed when the Russian state muscled in. Japanese concessions in Saudi Arabia and Kuwait have also been lost.

So this week Mr Abe sought to restore his countrys supply lines. A deal was announced that gives Saudi Arabia oil-storage facilities on Japans southern island of Okinawa in return for preferential Japanese access to them in emergencies. The Japan Bank for International Co-operation announced a $1 billion loan to Abu Dhabi as a downpayment on long-term oil contracts. Mr Abe did not upset his hosts with any unwelcome talk about democracy but he did propose a more active, “multi-layered” relationship with the region, for example offering Japan as an honest broker in the Arab-Israeli conflict. His mixture of idealism and pragmatism, added to a more confident style at home, seems to be doing him some good. For the first time since he came to office, the Nikkei daily reports, the prime ministers hitherto dismal approval ratings have risen.