


2006年,巴菲特在非保险业务的收入增长了38%。在投资方面,他表示已经更多地关注海外市场,并开始采取实质行动了。Last year we had a good increase in non-insurance earnings – 38%. Large gains from here on in, though, will come only if we are able to make major, and sensible, acquisitions. That will not be easy. We do, however, have one advantage: More and more, Berkshire has become “the buyer of choice” for business owners and managers. Initially, we were viewed that way only in the U.S. (and more often than not by private companies). We’ve long wanted, nonetheless, to extend Berkshire’s appeal beyond U.S. borders. And last year, our globe-trotting finally got underway.

在并购方面,年初,伯克希尔耗资60亿美金完成了其中三项2005年启动的并购项目(PacifiCorp, Business Wire and Applied Underwriters),巴菲特饶有兴趣地讲了出资40亿美金收购以色列ISCAR80%股份的故事。这是伯克希尔第一次并购海外的实业资产。


The highlight of the year, however, was our July 5th acquisition of most of ISCAR, an Israeli
company, and our new association with its chairman, Eitan Wertheimer, and CEO, Jacob Harpaz. The
story here began on October 25, 2005, when I received a 1¼-page letter from Eitan, of whom I then knew nothing. The letter began, “I am writing to introduce you to ISCAR,” and proceeded to describe a cuttingtool business carried on in 61 countries. Then Eitan wrote, “We have for some time considered the issues of generational transfer and ownership that are typical for large family enterprises, and have given much thought to ISCAR’s future. Our conclusion is that Berkshire Hathaway would be the ideal home for ISCAR. We believe that ISCAR would continue to thrive as a part of your portfolio of businesses.”
Overall, Eitan’s letter made the quality of the company and the character of its management leap
off the page. It also made me want to learn more, and in November, Eitan, Jacob and ISCAR’s CFO,
Danny Goldman, came to Omaha. A few hours with them convinced me that if we were to make a deal, we would be teaming up with extraordinarily talented managers who could be trusted to run the business after a sale with all of the energy and dedication that they had exhibited previously. However, having never bought a business based outside of the U.S. (though I had bought a number of foreign stocks), I needed to get educated on some tax and jurisdictional matters. With that task completed, Berkshire purchased 80% of ISCAR for $4 billion. The remaining 20% stays in the hands of the Wertheimer family, making it our valued partner.
ISCAR’s products are small, consumable cutting tools that are used in conjunction with large and
expensive machine tools. It’s a business without magic except for that imparted by the people who run it. But Eitan, Jacob and their associates are true managerial magicians who constantly develop tools that make their customers’ machines more productive. The result: ISCAR makes money because it enables its customers to make more money. There is no better recipe for continued success.





Manufacturing, Service and Retailing Operations 制造/服务/零售

Earnings Statement (in millions)
                                                                                                        2006     2005     2004
Revenues ................................................................................. $52,660 $46,896 $44,142
Operating expenses (including depreciation of $823 in 2006,
$699 in 2005 and $676 in 2004).......................................           49,002   44,190    41,604
Interest expense ....................................................................... 132           83               57
Pre-tax earnings....................................................................... 3,526*      2,623*   2,481*
Income taxes and minority interests ........................................ 1,395      977         941
Net income .............................................................................. $ 2,131      $ 1,646   $ 1,540


The industry’s staggering returns could be simply explained. For most of the 20th Century,
newspapers were the primary source of information for the American public. Whether the subject
was sports, finance, or politics, newspapers reigned supreme. Just as important, their ads were the
easiest way to find job opportunities or to learn the price of groceries at your town’s supermarkets.


The great majority of families therefore felt the need for a paper every day, but understandably
most didn’t wish to pay for two. Advertisers preferred the paper with the most circulation, and
readers tended to want the paper with the most ads and news pages. This circularity led to a law
of the newspaper jungle: Survival of the Fattest. Thus, when two or more papers existed in a major city (which was almost universally the case a century ago), the one that pulled ahead usually emerged as the stand-alone winner. After competition disappeared, the paper’s pricing power in both advertising and circulation was unleashed. Typically, rates for both advertisers and readers would be raised annually – and the profits rolled in. For owners this was economic heaven. (Interestingly, though papers regularly –and often in a disapproving way – reported on the profitability of, say, the auto or steel industries, they never enlightened readers about their own Midas-like situation. Hmmm . . .)

As long ago as my 1991 letter to shareholders, I nonetheless asserted that this insulated world was
changing, writing that “the media businesses . . . will prove considerably less marvelous than I, the
industry, or lenders thought would be the case only a few years ago.” Some publishers took
umbrage at both this remark and other warnings from me that followed. Newspaper properties,
moreover, continued to sell as if they were indestructible slot machines. In fact, many intelligent
newspaper executives who regularly chronicled and analyzed important worldwide events were
either blind or indifferent to what was going on under their noses. Now, however, almost all newspaper owners realize that they are constantly losing ground in the battle for eyeballs. Simply put, if cable and satellite broadcasting, as well as the internet, had come along first, newspapers as we know them probably would never have existed.

自从互联网出现之后,报纸就不再像以前那样了. 新的媒体时代开始了.
However, the economic potential of a newspaper internet site – given the many
alternative sources of information and entertainment that are free and only a click away – is at best
a small fraction of that existing in the past for a print newspaper facing no competition.

There’s no rule that says a newspaper’s revenues can’t fall below its expenses and that
losses can’t mushroom. Fixed costs are high in the newspaper business, and that’s bad news when unit volume heads south. As the importance of newspapers diminishes, moreover, the “psychic”
value of possessing one will wane, whereas owning a sports franchise will likely retain its cachet.
Unless we face an irreversible cash drain, we will stick with the News, just as we’ve said that we
would. (Read economic principle 11, on page 76.) Charlie and I love newspapers – we each read
five a day – and believe that a free and energetic press is a key ingredient for maintaining a great
democracy. We hope that some combination of print and online will ward off economic
doomsday for newspapers, and we will work hard in Buffalo to develop a sustainable business
model. I think we will be successful. But the days of lush profits from our newspaper are over.


Investments 股票投资


                                                                                     Percentage of
Company                                                     Shares Company Owned         Cost*                    Market
(in millions)
151,610,700 American Express Company ................... 12.6                       $ 1,287                    $ 9,198
36,417,400 Anheuser-Busch Cos., Inc. ...................... 4.7                            1,761                      1,792
200,000,000 The Coca-Cola Company ........................ 8.6                          1,299                        9,650
17,938,100 Conoco Phillips .......................................    1.1                            1,066                      1,291
21,334,900 Johnson & Johnson..................................   0.7                             1,250                      1,409
6,708,760 M&T Bank Corporation ..........................     6.1                             103                           820
48,000,000 Moody’s Corporation .............................. 17.2                          499                        3,315
2,338,961,000 PetroChina “H” shares (or equivalents)... 1.3            488                        3,313
3,486,006 POSCO....................................................           4.0                            572                        1,158
100,000,000 The Procter & Gamble Company ............  3.2                              940                        6,427
229,707,000 Tesco .......................................................     2.9                             1,340                       1,820
31,033,800 US Bancorp .............................................      1.8                                969                       1,123
17,072,192 USG Corp................................................        19.0                              536                       936
19,944,300 Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. ..............................     0.5                                942                       921
1,727,765 The Washington Post Company .............. 18.0                                 11                         1,288
218,169,300 Wells Fargo & Company......................... 6.5                                   3,697                    7,758
1,724,200 White Mountains Insurance..................... 16.0                                   369                        999
Others ...................................................... 5,866 8,315
Total Common Stocks ............................. $22,995 $61,533


Total Gain (Loss) in Millions
Australian dollar $247.1 Mexican peso $106.1
British pound 287.2 New Zealand dollar 102.6
Canadian dollar 398.3 Singapore dollar (2.6)
Chinese yuan (12.7) South Korean won 261.3
Euro 839.2 Swiss franc 9.6
Hong Kong dollar (2.5) Taiwan dollar (45.3)
Japanese yen 1.9 Miscellaneous options 22.9