
 一、    什么是经济周期?GDP增长的三架马车是什么?



二、    平行文本学习

a. 整理平行文本和术语;b. 对蓝色高亮的译文进行思考,修改润色

1. In a typical hard-landing recession, thousands of jobs are lost, consumers slow down spending and the economy shrinks. In a soft-landing recession, the economy slows down to a steady pace with limited labor market cuts, while waiting for inflation to decrease. Gross domestic product (GDP) is a key indicator of a possible recession and measures economic growth.




2.In 2022 and 2023, news about a recession was met with some contradicting statistics. Despite mass tech layoffs saturating the news, the U.S. unemployment rate of 3.4% in January 2023 is at its lowest since May 1969, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS). Other employment sectors remained strong.




3. Economists are using the term rolling recession to describe economic conditions in 2023. A rolling recession may not describe all economic turns, but there are patterns with various contractions going through different sectors.




4. What is a rolling recession?

A rolling recession describes an economic downturn that only affects some sectors at a time. With a hard recession, most sectors are hit at the same time with layoffs and financial struggles. During a rolling recession, various sectors take financial downturns at different times. After those sectors recover, the slowdown "rolls" to other areas.



5. The overall economy never takes a large dip. Typically, the job market stays relatively strong in a rolling recession. A rolling recession is in constant motion, so it prevents a large-scale market crash.




二、     翻译作业:

1.     The first to take the hit was housing, the sector most susceptible to the Fed's rapid-fire rate increases. The industry was especially vulnerable because a steep runup in property prices during the pandemic had already put homebuying out of reach for many Americans.


2.     Because of consumers, the main bulwark of the economy, things haven't gotten worse. Although they were squeezed last year by higher prices for gas, eggs and everything else, they didn't buckle, thanks to savings built up during the pandemic and the boost to incomes from a vibrant job market.


3.     This is not the first time the US has suffered a rolling recession. a veteran financial market analyst recalls using the phrase in the mid-1980s, when a collapse in energy prices cut a swath through the oil patch and the repeal of an investment tax credit crippled commercial real estate.