中欧气候变化联合声明EU-China Joint Statement on Climate Change
中国和欧盟(以下简称“双方”)认识到他们在应对全球气候变化这一人类面临的重大挑战方面具有重要作用。The EU and China (hereinafter referred to as the ‘the Two Sides’) recognise their critical roles in combating global climate change, one of the greatest threats facing humanity.
该挑战的严重性需要双方为了共同利益、在可持续的经济社会发展框架下建设性地一起努力。The seriousness of the challenge calls upon the Two sides to work constructively together for the common good, in the context of sustainable economic and social development.
双方将为了人类长远福祉,有效地推动可持续的资源集约、绿色低碳、气候适应型发展,The Two Sides underlined that the EU and China are effectively embakking on sustainable, resource efficient, green, low-carbon and climate resilient development for the well-being of people in the long term,同时双方认识到,有力度的应对气候变化行动将在本国、本区域和全球层面带来保障能源安全、促进增长、增加就业、保障健康、推动创新、实现可持续发展等一系列协同效应。recognizing the co-benefits of ambitious climate actions, domestically, regionally and globally, in terms of energy security, productively, employment, health, innovation and sustainable development.
双方忆及2005年《中欧气候变化联合宣言》、2010年《中欧气候变化对话与合作联合声明》、2013年《中欧合作2020年战略规划》及其中关于可持续发展、气候变化和环境保护的章节,并致力于在过去十年成功合作的基础上,进一步推动中欧气候变化伙伴关系取得显著进展。The Two Sides recall the EU-China Joint Declaration on Climate Change in 2005,the EU-China Joint Statement on Coordination and Cooperation on Climate Change in 2010 and the EU-China 2020 Strategic Agenda for Cooperation in 2013 and its chapter on sustainable development including climates change and environmental protection, and commit to significantly step up the EU-China Partnership on Climate Change building on a decade of successful cooperation.