近日,国际数理统计学会(Institute of Mathematical Statistics,简称:IMS)网站宣布了2020年新增选的35位会士(IMS Fellow)名单,其中华人有11人,他们分别是:程光、范莹莹、郭建华、冷琛雷、潘伟、王丽、韦颖、Yichao Wu、Grace Yi、张立新、周晓华。
国际数理统计学会创立于1933年,它是最权威的全球性统计与概率国际学术组织之一,IMS总部设在美国。IMS宗旨是促进概率统计学科理论与应用之发展与传播,现有来自世界各国的会员有4000多人。数理统计学会会士(IMS Fellow)是一种终身荣誉称号,授予具有杰出的学术研究成就和突出的专业贡献的学者。该荣誉称号在每年的统计联合会议(Joint Statistical Meetings)上颁发证书。
IMS拥有高质量的学术期刊,其中包括Annals of Statistics《统计年刊》、Annals of Probability《概率论年刊》、Statistical Science《统计科学》、Annals of Applied Probability《应用概率论年刊》和 Annals of Applied Statistics《应用统计学年刊》等。同时,IMS颁发若干荣誉奖项,比如Carvel Medal和Travel Award,这些奖项受到了高度认可和重视。在经济全球化的大背景下,IMS 的影响力以及稳健成长的趋势给予了成员一个跨越文化和地域交流研究成果的平台。
We congratulate the 2020 Class of IMS Fellows, elected for their outstanding research record and service to the statistics/probability community. They are:
Louigi Addario-Berry, McGill University: For fundamental contributions to probability, in particular to the topics of branching structures and random graphs, and for his devoted service to the mathematical sciences and promotion of diversity within them.
Aguemon Yves Atchade, Boston University: For fundamental contributions to the theory and methods supporting computation in adaptive Markov chain Monte Carlo and in high-dimensional statistics.
Shankar Bhamidi, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill: For his many outstanding contributions to a wide variety of topics in network modeling and its applications.
Guang Cheng, Purdue University: For outstanding work in methodology and theory of statistics, especially in high dimensional data, semiparametric estimation and inference, big data, and machine learning.
Nicolas Chopin, ENSAE & IPP, Paris: For his major methodological contributions to Bayesian computational statistics, including INLA, SMC2, and sequential quasi-Monte Carlo, editorial services to the profession and dedicated tutoring of PhD students.
Merlise Clyde, Duke University: For her fundamental methodological contributions in the areas of model uncertainty, Bayesian variable selection, Bayesian model averaging, and effects of priors, as well as for exceptional service to the community.
Peter F. Craigmile, The Ohio State University: For outstanding contributions to the study of time series models, long memory processes, and spatio-temporal processes; for influential cross-disciplinary contributions to climate change and psychology; and for dedicated services to the IMS and to the profession.
Radu V. Craiu, University of Toronto: For fundamental contributions to the methodology and theory of MCMC, the statistical applications of copulas, statistical genetics and false discovery rates; for his editorial service; for mentorship of students; and for leadership in the unprecedented expansion of his department’s research complement.
Charmaine Dean, University of Waterloo: For her scientifically important contributions to the analysis of count data, disease mapping, spatio-temporal data and more; for her outstanding leadership to the statistical profession, her record of mentorship and for her enormous work in keeping statistics visible at the center of science.
Francesca Dominici, Harvard University: For her contributions in Bayesian methods, and causal inference, for her study of the impact of air pollution and other climate change related exposure to human health, and for her leadership and service to our profession.
Yingying Fan, University of Southern California: For seminal contributions to high-dimensional inference, variable selection, classification, networks, and nonparametric methodology, particularly in the field of financial econometrics, and for conscientious professional service.
Alice Guionnet, CNRS-ENS, Lyon: For her contributions to the theory of random matrices and its link with free probability and large deviations.
Jianhua Guo, Northeast Normal University: For his significant contributions to graphical models, causal inference, statistical genetics, and machine learning, and for his strong leadership in statistics education and development in China.
Jan Hannig, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill: For broad and original contributions to probability and mathematical statistics, most particularly innovative development of the theory of generalized fiducial inference, the application of this theory to a wide range of important application areas, and the development of computational techniques for its implementation.
Jae-kwang Kim, Iowa State University: For fundamental contributions to the theory and methods of survey sampling and missing data analysis.
Chenlei Leng, University of Warwick: For fundamental contributions to the theory and practice of high-dimensional statistics, statistical machine learning, model selection, and network data analysis.
Andrea Montanari, Stanford University: For outstanding development of new asymptotic analysis techniques and their applications in modern high-dimensional statistics, data analysis and machine learning required for today’s enormous and very complex data sets.
Johanna G. Nešlehová, McGill University: For fundamental contributions to multivariate statistics, in particular stochastic dependence modeling and extreme-value theory; for promoting the sound application of statistics in risk management; for her editorial work; and for her service to the statistical profession.
Wei Pan, University of Minnesota: For his important contributions to survival analysis, correlated data analysis, statistical learning, bioinformatics, and applications to biology and medicine, and for his dedicated services to the profession.
Marianna Pensky, University of Central Florida: For fundamental contributions to several areas of statistics including reliability, wavelet estimation, statistical inverse problems and high-dimensional statistics.
Danny Pfeffermann, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel, and University of Southampton, UK: For fundamental methodological contributions to inference from complex surveys, small area estimation, seasonal adjustment and trend estimation, observational studies and NMAR nonresponse; and for his extended and distinguished record of leadership in the statistical profession.
Carey E. Priebe, Johns Hopkins University: For his substantive and influential contributions to developments of statistical methods for analyzing data using finite mixture models; for his fundamental contributions to analysis, algorithm, and theory of network data with significant impact in practice; and for his exemplary mentorship to young people in the profession.
Jerry Reiter, Duke University: For significant research contributions to survey methodology, data confidentiality, and statistical imputation.
Fabrizio Ruggeri, CNR-IMATI, Italy: For innovations in theory and methods of stochastic modelling, Bayesian statistics, and decision analysis; for statistical applications in areas including reliability and industrial statistics; and for dedicated and distinguished leadership in the international professional statistics communities.
Galit Shmueli, National Tsing Hua University: For extraordinary contributions to statistical methods for biosurveillance, online commerce, and information quality, and for outstanding dissemination of statistical ideas through journal and textbook publications.
Van H. Vu, Yale University: For his ground-breaking contributions in random matrix theory, as well as concentration of random polynomials and matching in random hypergraphs.
Lily Wang, Iowa State University: For contributions to spatial, survey, image and functional analysis using nonparametric and semiparametric methods, especially to partially linear models, confidence envelopes and bivariate smoothing.
Marten H. Wegkamp, Cornell University: For fundamental contributions to empirical process theory, copula modeling, and statistical learning theory, and for outstanding service to the profession.
Ying Wei, Columbia University: For contributions to the development, dissemination, and application of mathematical statistics.
Robert E. Weiss, University of California, Los Angeles: For several outstanding and fundamental contributions to the theory and methods related to Bayesian statistics and inference, longitudinal modeling and their numerous applications to medical sciences and public health.
Yichao Wu, University of Illinois at Chicago: For innovative contributions to nonparametric statistics, functional data analysis, and high dimensional statistical learning, and for conscientious professional service.
Daniel Yekutieli, Tel Aviv University: For fundamental theoretical and methodological contributions in multiple testing and confidence intervals; for defining the difference between simultaneous inference and selective inference; and for groundbreaking work on testing in hierarchical families.
Grace Y. Yi, University of Western Ontario: For research excellence in developing theory and methods for the analysis of survival data and longitudinal data in statistical and biostatistical applications, and for world-leading contributions to the analysis of missing and mismeasured data.
Li-Xin Zhang, Zhejiang University: For important contributions to difficult problems in probability and statistical inference; and for excellence in mentoring and services.
Xiao-Hua Zhou, Peking University: For influential contributions to the field of diagnostic medicine; for significant contributions to causal inference methods in clinical trials; for significant work in the analysis of health care cost data; and for mentorship and editorial service.