哥伦比亚大学教授Landrum B. Shettles和David M. Rorvik专门研究已婚夫妇应当如何通过ML方式和ML时间的选择来决定生男生女,专著《Howto Choose the sex of Your Baby》要点摘录:
“The male spermis lighter, faster, and round headed. It is also more fragile and subject to heat, toxins, and other risk factors. The female sperm is slower but hardier with a more oval head.”
“TIMING is the single most important factor in sex selection. ”
“Time intercourse for the day of ovulation, and if possible, within 12 hours. Even if intercourse takes place several hours before ovulation happens, but with a day of it, the odds are infavor of the male producing sperm.”
“Your best chances for having a boy are in the 12 hours before ovulation occurs. But chances are still significant 24 hours before ovulation.”
“Twelve hours before ovulation is ideal but anytime 24hours before ovulation should increase chances for a boy.”
“When trying for a girl, have sex daily from the time bleeding ends until the cut off day – four,three, or two days before ovulation. Abstain from sex completely until a few days after ovulation has passed because intercourse may stimulate female secretions that favor male sperm.”
(When trying for a girl )Intercourse Recommendations: Dr. Shettles says the “missionary position” makes it less likely the male sperm will be deposited near the cervix. Shallow penetration will deposit the sperm in the more acidic vaginal canal, favoring the female sperm. Finally, the woman should avoid orgasm, if possible, so the alkaline secretions that favor male sperm will not emitted, nor will the orgasmic muscle contractions that help propel the sperm towards the egg.