
List of Regulated Restricted Substances


Nickel release  镍之释放量

Azo dyestuffs 偶氮染料

Sensitizing disperse dyes 扩散性染料

carinogenic dyes  致癌性染料

Hexavalent Chromium cr(VI) in Leather  皮料六价铬

PCP 五氯苯酚

Cadmium 镉

Lead  铅

Heavy Metals Comtent 重金属含量

Organotins 有机锡化合物

Phthalates 邻苯二甲酸盐


相关法规:Maximum permissible limit 限制:0.06%


Accessible suriace coating-children items

二.五氯苯酚 PCP

Phenols are organic compounds used for their mouldicide properties.苯酚是有防霉,防腐性的有机化合物.

The most important reason for banning phenol (PCP,TeCP,OPP) is that the combustion of them will release dioxins known as some of the most toxic substances in the world They may also cancer inducing.当苯酚化合物燃烧或氧化时会释放有毒的二恶英,二恶英更被公认为全世界最毒物质之一,因此苯酚被禁止使用,可诱发癌症.

Maximum permissible limit 最高可允许的限制:5mg/kg(PCP)

Test methods 测试方法     (leather,皮革)


三.Cadmium (Cd) 镉

It is a naturally occurring and abundant metal that does not easily corrode (rust).It is often used for pigments metal coatings,plastics(as a heat stabilizer),photographic films and batteries.


It and its containing compounds are carcinogenic 镉与其它化合物是致癌物质.

Maximum permissible limit 限制 75 mg/kg

Plastlce and Coated matorials and synilieiic  leather eg  pvc\pu

四.Phthalates 邻苯二甲酸盐

Phthalates are a class of organic compounds added to plastics to increase flexibility


In textile and apparel products,phthatates may associated with lexible plastic components,trims and screen print .


Previors literature showed that phthalates an migrate from a plastic into the body of a child sucks or chews on the plastic.they are suspected to be carcinogenic and to disturb the hormone system.


Maximum permissible limit 限制:500mg\kg for  age 06 years

Accosslble coated matcrial in soft plastics;pvc\pu-Child

.Europe: EN71 part l11 (Extractable Heavy metal content 重金属释放量)

Maximum permissible limit 限制:(Cd:镍 75ppm, Pb铅:90ppm, Hg汞:60ppm, Total Cr铬:60ppm, Sb锑:60ppm,  As砷:25ppm, Ba钡:1000ppm, Se硒:500ppm)

Toy products; Children artlcles


Organotin compounds are a class of chemical combining tin and organics such as butyl and phenyl groups.


Organotin compounds are predominantly found in the environment as antifoulants in marine palnts. But they can also be used as biocides (antibacterials),and \ or heat stabilizer in plastics.


Organotin compounds are suspected to be endocrine disrupters.


Maximum permissible limit 限制: 1mg\kg (total)

Synihetic leather and PVC,PU,Vinyl-polymers

Test report 测试报告

Key Point 注意要点

A.-Laboratory ldentification 实验室证明

B.-Laboratory Number 报告号码

 -Report Due Date   报告日期

C.-Applicant a information 申请人资料

-Performance Date   测试日期

-Sample Description (Provided by Applicant) 测试样品名称(申请人提供)