徐海峰 李立文 王恺丰 余芳沁 陈思
苏瑞 熊晋 张清宁 张宬 詹力
Abstract: The purpose of the survey was to assess the daily facts of expenditure, career planning and employment among students home and abroad.We collected 721 questionairs in Wuhan University in China and in Ohio State University in America, all of which valid, and contain solid data which facilitates our later research. We built statistic models, and studied the collected data using both comparison and empirical analysis, which is also enhanced by our personal reflections of the facts. The outcome of the research is really constructive in improving the common notion of Chinese college students, governmental administrative control, home education, formation and impact of the social environment, and our popular view of the states.
Keywords: college students, daily consumption, career planning, employment, China, the United States, empirical research
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