
  • 每个实习学期长度为12周~16周,3学分/期,这些学分都不算进必修或选修课中的,是额外的学分。评分级别为pass/fail,此评分不算进学生其他学科平均成绩中的;
  • 本科修读90学分的学生,要求完成2个实习学期(6学分);本科修读120学分的学生,则要求完成3个实习学期(9学分);
  • 所有实习均要求在学生专业课学期结束前完成,最后一学期不能作为实习学期;
  • 全日制计算机科学专业的学生,完成15个学分(1个学期)且平均成绩达到70%以上,提交简历,意向书,即可申请。
  • 每次实习安置需缴纳CAD200管理费;
  • 每个实习学期为3学分,学生需要支付相应学分课程的学费。
  • 学生提交的工作报告;
  • 雇主提供的工作表现报告(计算机科学部将提供一个工作表现报告指导,请雇主根据指导填写。学生要联系雇主以确保雇主在截止日期前提交学生的工作表现报告。雇主工作评估报告是机密文件,不会体现在学生成绩单上的)。
 The Department of Computer Science at Bishops University is known for its quality education, interesting courses, small class sizes, high student-faculty interaction and the focus on applying theories in a practical setting.

One of the features that makes the Computer Science Department an excellent choice for undergraduate education is its brand new Co-op Program. The Co-op Program is designed with the needs of the students as a top priority, ensuring that computer science students get the one-on-one attention they need to be successful industry leaders in the future. The benefits of the Co-op Program are numerous with the main advantage being that it allows students to take their academic knowledge into the real world while gaining on-the-job experience. In addition, the networking and mentoring opportunities that are available to our students are significant factors in their future success and job placement rate after graduation. Finally, students enrolled in the Co-op Program receive academic credit for their placements and perhaps more importantly, a competitive salary!
1.    加拿大比索大学B.E.S.T 项目基金 http://www.adh.cn/liuxue/jianadaliuxue/408.html
2.    加拿大比索大学B.E.S.T项目基金之二 http://www.adh.cn/liuxue/jianadaliuxue/508.html
编辑:Alan & Anthony 2011-8-9
标签:留学加拿大 毕索大学   带薪实习 计算机科学 澳德华
