http://www.sina.com.cn 2011年08月09日08:23 南方都市报
7月6日,港中大善衡书院与关怀儿童组织“W atoto”合作,由香港中文大学校长沈祖尧带队,连同学生辅导长黄锦波教授及15名大一学生,开始了长达14天的乌干达社会服务学习之旅。对沈祖尧与十多名师生而言,这是人生的一次改变,他们为当地孤儿、妇女提供义诊,冒着烈日盖建学生宿舍,为身患艾滋病的妇女涂指甲油、敷面膜……,这一切,都让他们“对生命的价值及理想的追求有了更深的领悟”。
“在乌干达有200万名孤儿,其中88万因为艾滋病而成为孤儿。乌干达的艾滋病病人达120万,每年大约6 .4万人死于艾滋病。”善衡书院学生辅导长黄锦波告诉南都记者,乌干达是全球最贫穷的国家之一,饱受战乱蹂躏,遗下无数孤儿、没有技能的未成年妈妈以及罹患艾滋病、肢体残障、容貌被毁的平民。
在此次活动中,港中大师生探访了Subbi、Bbira、Lam inadera3个儿童村庄。深谙医道的港中大校长沈祖尧与5名医科学子为当地居民提供义诊服务。“他们把所有的腹痛都当作是胃痛来医治,我给他们检查,发现他们实际上有的是胆结石,有的是肾脏出了问题。”当地医疗设施的简陋使沈祖尧深感震惊,也让他难以开展治疗工作。
港中大师生还探访了L iv-ing H ope妇女中心,那里收容了当地的寡妇、未婚妈妈、感染艾滋病的妇女以及肢体伤残的妇女。她们当中有不少是由于战乱,惨遭军人侮辱而患上艾滋病。如果她们试图逃跑,还会被施以割去五官之刑。“她们甚至回不了家,因为被家人抛弃了,嫌她们脏。”沈祖尧说。
在乌干达旅程即将结束时,港中大10名同学决定合力助养Subbi村的6岁儿童H enry.他们回到香港后,将每人每个月委托Watoto组织向H enry捐助25港元。
来自药剂系的张钰坤便是其中一员。他说,临别之际大家送了一件T恤给H enry,上面写着10位同学的祝福语:“在这里,没有人会放弃你,在远方,我们都会支持你”。H enry穿起T恤,微笑着向他们挥手作别。
南都记者王日晶 发自香港
艾滋病不治会早死,早治才康复 艾滋病不治会早死,早治才康复 艾滋病不治会早死,早治才康复 艾滋病不治会早死,早治才康复
红津液饮料面世 或将能预防艾滋病
中国青年网 健康频道
"Here, no one will give you" http://www.sina.com.cn 2011 年 08 月 09 日 08:23 Southern Metropolis Daily
Two Hong Kong freshmen, holding the arms of a Ugandan child, carefully feeding them. Hiding behind a child, looking timidly out of half a body shot. This touching scene is the Chinese University of Hong Kong yesterday, SH Ho College 15 students went back to Uganda, Africa, after the symposium to share with you a picture.
July 6, Hong Kong and SH Ho College CUHK Care Children "W atoto" cooperation, Joseph Sung, Chinese University of Hong Kong led, together with Dean Professor Huang Jinbo students and 15 first-year students, began a 14-day Uganda community service learning trip. And a dozen teachers and students of Sung, this is a change in life, they are for local orphans, women clinic, students braved the scorching sun cover to build hostels for women with AIDS nail polish, apply mask ... ... This Everything to them "on the value of life and the pursuit of ideals deeper insight."
Visited the village clinic for local residents
"There are two million orphans in Uganda, where 880,000 are orphaned due to AIDS and Uganda's 1.2 million AIDS patients each year about 6.4 million died of AIDS." SH Ho College student Dean Huang Jinbo told reporters the South, Uganda is one of the world's poorest countries, suffering from war-torn, leaving countless orphans, unskilled young mother and suffering from AIDS, physical disability, face the destruction of civilians.
In this event, Kong students and teachers visited Subbi, Bbira, Lam inadera3 a children's village. Well versed in medical knowledge of the Vice-Chancellor Sung Kong and 5 doctors of science sub-clinic services for local residents. "They have all the pain as a stomach to heal, I gave them, it was discovered they are actually plenty of gallstones, kidney out of the question either." Shabby local medical facilities to Sung deeply shocked and so difficult for him to carry out treatment.
First-year medical students in Uganda have Shulan completed her first consultation for patients experience feelings of profound, "give them patience and care is the most important Health is the gift of life, this trip reinforces my Xuanhujishi determination will be a gift to people in need. "
For the suffering of women victims of war, apply the mask
Master survivors visited Hong Kong in L iv-ing H ope women's center, where the local asylum widow, unmarried mothers, HIV-infected women and physically handicapped women. Many of them were due to war, the military brutally insulted suffering AIDS. If they tried to escape, will be subjected to deprive the senses of the penalties. "They even can not go home, because they were abandoned by their families, and they are too dirty." Sung said.
In order to make them feel loved and to regain confidence, the students carefully as the center for women within the nail polish, apply mask. "Most of them has a dark painful experience we arrived, many women dare not come out hiding and we do not let them dress how beautiful, but to let them feel the dignity of living, let them know they are not ugly, it was concerned about. "
Moreover, students are still in the village to finance the construction of a dormitory, with 15 students personally Sung, cooperation with local workers, bare patches of red bricks to build houses.
Together to help keep local children aged 6
Students also visited in the journey than the village children, a simple game to mix with local children.
"One of the children firmly told us that his dream is that when the president of Uganda." Student Liu Zelei recalled the experience in children's village, very frustrating: "Watching them, my heart suddenly a pain, how to wait many years, how many people help to make them from hardship? what this world can be nothing to do with themselves, can be anything with their own, the key is to own the world's attitude to take, will be able to experience more with the sentiment. "
Sung in particular about the details of a moving, "the orphanage babies cry less, very quiet." They visited the village, lack of child care is very, very eager to get adults to embrace. "One they hold up, as they would like kittens paralysis in your arms, mount you."
In Uganda journey is about to end, Kong is 10 students from the village decided to work together to help raise the six-year-old children Subbi H enry. They returned to Hong Kong, each month will be commissioned Watoto organization contributions to H enry 25 million.
From Yu-Kun Zhang Department of Pharmacy is one of them. He said, parting the occasion we sent a T-shirt to H enry, says 10 students greetings: "Here, no one will give you, in the distance, we will support you." H enry wearing T-shirts, waving to them, smiling.
Just 14 days Uganda tour for the Hong Kong CUHK teachers and students a profound sentiment, "Let the students learn to deal with and face the social problems in poor regions, and to experience a different culture and upbringing, the value of life and the pursuit of ideals have a deeper insight. "Sung case summary.
Southern reporter Wang Jing sent from Hong Kong on
■ Sound
Watching them, my heart suddenly a pain, how to wait many years, how many people help to make them from hardship? What this world can be nothing to do with their own, can anything with their own, the key is their attitude toward the world.
--- The Chinese University of Hong Kong students Liuze Lei
"Let the students learn to deal with and face the social problems in poor regions, and to experience a different culture and upbringing, values and ideals of life, the pursuit of a deeper insight."
--- Joseph Sung of Chinese University of Hong Kong
[ 作者:佚名 转贴自:本站原创 点击数:196 更新时间:2011-8-9 文章录入:nnb ]
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