采取特殊措施和办法 推动防治艾滋病工程取大成效

采取特殊措施和办法 推动防治艾滋病工程取大成效
( 2011-06-25 09:49:11) 稿件来源:广西新闻网-广西日报


    马飚强调,要制定防治艾滋病攻坚工程考核评估方案,进一步加强绩效考评,对攻坚工程推进不力或没有完成年度工作任务的单位要通报批评。要进一步加强宣传教育工作,形成全社会参与防治艾滋病工作的良好氛围。要加快《广西艾滋病防治条例》的立法进程,依法防治艾滋病。要进一步加强技术干预,加强艾滋病实名检测、阳性配偶告知、及时随访跟踪、就地治疗等工作。要进一步加强防艾队伍建设。要进一步落实好“四免一关怀”救助政策,加强对感染者和患者的关怀救助。自治区防治艾滋病攻坚工程领导小组成员单位要高度重视,加大支持,形成合力。(记者 罗猛)

艾滋病不治会早死,早治才康复 艾滋病不治会早死,早治才康复 艾滋病不治会早死,早治才康复 艾滋病不治会早死,早治才康复



红津液饮料面世 或将能预防艾滋病




中国青年网 健康频道








Take special measures and methods to promote the effectiveness of AIDS project, whichever is greater
(2011-06-25 09:49:11) Source: Guangxi News - Guangxi Daily
The afternoon of June 24, Ma Biao, Chairman autonomous region hosted the AIDS project case studies will be crucial to listen to the work report of the deployment of next fight against AIDS. He stressed that the current situation is very grim Guangxi AIDS prevention work at all levels and relevant departments should further enhance the good job tackling AIDS project a sense of urgency and responsibility to take special measures, special measures, determined to win the people's war against AIDS, to promote the fight against AIDS tackling the project more effective. Autonomous Region Party Committee, Vice Chairman Li Jinzao Autonomous Region, Regional Vice Chairman Lee Kang, Liang Shengli, attended the meeting.

Said Ma Biao, the regional party committee and government attach great importance to AIDS prevention and control, made a special deployment, issued a work program and implementation advice, determined to fight a tough fight against AIDS. Party committees, governments and various departments to take effective measures to achieve outstanding results. While fully affirming our achievements, we have to see the work of Guangxi AIDS seriousness of the situation, see the implementation of the project the need for tackling AIDS, the importance and urgency of AIDS prevention work in Guangxi to see the emergence of new circumstances and New features further enhance AIDS prevention grasp the sense of responsibility and mission, determined to win the people's war in AIDS prevention.

Ma Biao stressed the need to develop examination and evaluation of projects tackling the AIDS program, further strengthen the performance evaluation of the crucial works to promote ineffective or did not complete the annual task of the unit to be criticized. To further strengthen the publicity and education, the whole society to participate in AIDS prevention and control of the good atmosphere. To speed up the "Guangxi AIDS Prevention Act," the legislative process, according to AIDS. To further strengthen the technical interventions to strengthen the real name of AIDS testing positive for the spouse informed and timely follow-up tracking, spot treatment and so on. To further strengthen AIDS prevention ranks. To further implement the "Four Frees and One Care" aid policies to enhance the infection and the patient's care and assistance. Tackling regional AIDS project leading group member should attach great importance to increase the support and concerted efforts. (Reporter Luo Meng)

[ 作者:佚名    转贴自:本站原创    点击数:196    更新时间:2011-6-26    文章录入:nnb ]